"Come out of here!"

Natia's majestic voice resounded through the gloomy forest, making the trees rustle.

The gloom echoed around Natia, emanating from all corners of the forest.

"What a majesty, Your Majesty.

Another hoarse voice appeared, with deep malice in its words:

"Do you really want us to come out, I'm afraid we'll scare you, hahahahahaha!"

Two men dressed as mages with skins and bones stepped out of the shadows and stood in the clearing divided by the woods.

Their cheekbones were extremely prominent, and their faces were pale, like corpses that had just been dug up from a cemetery!

They exaggerated the ritual of a mage to Natia, and then the haired one spoke first

, "We are from the Tower of the Revenant, and I am William Jared" and "I am

Martin Jared. "

We've been waiting for you for a long time

!"×2Revenant Tower?A

mage who specializes in the Necromancy!?

The concept of a mage needs to be explained here

!Pure spellcasters are revered by the player as "mages", and they are roughly divided into three categories: sorcerers who cast spells based on charisma, priests who rely on perception, and mages who rely on intelligence!Mages

, a group of people who explore magic, mysteries, and knowledge in the multiverse!

Magical, wild and mysterious, varied and practical.

Its power has prompted the study and exploration of those who want to control its mysteries, some of whom even crave the power of the gods who will shape reality at will.

Of course, the actions of these people were jointly attacked

by the gods! Among them, there was one of the most outstanding geniuses, Casas

! He invented the 12-ring spell [Casas Divine Magic], and with this move, he killed the first generation of the goddess ......of magic! Casas

succeeded in seizing his priesthood and power, but then he was overpowered by the power and knowledge he had gained

The most outstanding mage of all time turned into a giant firework ......


act not only led to his own death, but also led to the fall of a great empire,

the Nether Empire! The floating city of the Nether Empire, which floats in the sky with the power of magic...... Almost all of them fell irretrievably to the ground, and none of the inhabitants on it were spared......

Casas his family, friends, castle, people, ......

Everything was destroyed with the fall of the floating city.

At that moment, he was about to lose his life, and with the last sight of a god, he witnessed the ...... of the destruction of himself and the great empire

Mages live and die for magic, and everything else is secondary!

They gain experience and Xi learn new spells through experimentation, sometimes learning Xi from other mages, or studying from ancient scriptures and inscriptions.

He even sought advice from some ancient creatures who were proficient in magic, such as various elves.

The life of a mage is almost never ordinary, and the most "ordinary" life a mage can live is to be a wise man or lecturer in a mage academy or library, teaching people the mysteries of the multiverse.

Others sell their services to become prophets, serve in the military, or even use their powers to commit crimes or dominate others.

But the lure of knowledge and power is enough to make the least adventurous mages step out of the safety of their libraries and laboratories and head into the ruins and lost cities.

The vast majority of mages believe that their peers in ancient times have mastered some of the mysteries of magic that have long been lost.

And if you find these secrets, you will be able to gain power far beyond the existing magic.

The Xi tradition of mage art goes back a long way, even dating back to the time when mortals first discovered the existence of magic.

Magic is an indispensable part of this world, and its complex system of study Xi is subdivided into different intellectual traditions.

The most common arcane lineages in the multiverse are categorized based on schools of magic.

Over the ages, mages have sorted out thousands of spells and grouped them into eight different "schools".

The eight schools are: Protection, Spells, Prophecy, Enchantment, Plasticity, Illusion, Necromancy, and Change.

Among them, the Necromancy School has been committed to exploring the power of life, death and the undead in the universe.

They learned Xi how to manipulate the energies that drive living things while focusing on the lineage.

As you further your research, you can also use magic to destroy the enemy's flesh while weakening their life force, and turn this life energy into a secret magic power for them to dispel.

It is also because of the close connection between the Necromancy and death that most people think that necromancers are terrifying evildoers.

In fact, despite the fact that the power of manipulation is considered taboo in many societies, there are still quite a few necromancers who are not on the evil side.

Feeling the rich putrid smell of corpses and the evil aura above them, Natia frowned even tighter, and said calmly,

"Why are you leading me into this trap and my people?"

Queen, can you remember how many people you have offended in your life for so many years, and how many people you have hurt in foreign wars?"

she frowned, looking at the mocking expressions of the two. With a calm and cold face, he said

, "I don't remember, and I don't care." "

Where are my people?"

the haired William smirked and waved his hand, and suddenly the forest began to change violently, and a huge monster of corpses rose from the ground beneath their feet.

Thirty meters tall corpse, covered in severed limbs and heads of various creatures make up its appearance

! It opened its mouth and spat a cage made of white bone on the ground

, and Lydia slept in it! The monster placed Lydia's cage under its body, and as soon as it sat down, Lydia would die without a place to bury!

Seeing that her apprentice was not harmed so far, Natia breathed a sigh of relief, withdrew her gaze, looked at the pair of necromancer brothers and said

, "What do you want

?" "Coax me over, and then just hand over my students to me, right?

, what is your purpose?"

"I originally wanted you to kill yourself, but ......

" "No matter how important others are, they will not let a legendary powerhouse commit suicide." "

Where is there such a stupid person hahahaha

!" "It's just hahahaha!" The

two brothers looked at Natia's calm expression and laughed wildly, laughed for a while, and said

, "So, we want to ask you to ......"

"Yes." A

calm voice interrupted William's words, and Natia looked at the sleepy Lydia with a gentle smile, and she said softly

, "As a queen, I really can't give up more people because of one people.

"No one more important can compare to my people

......" "But if you catch him, I may ......

" Martin grabbed the skeletal scepter in his hand, and he said in disbelief

, "You mean...... "

It can't be!!

ignoring Martin's shock, Natia turned back to the two and said:

" At this time, if it were him, he would have said something like

......" "You know...... Why am I telling you so much?


They looked at Natia with a cruel smile in confusion, and the next moment they suddenly felt a magic that seemed to have been suppressed for a long time and began to rise wildly

!"Don't you care about your people!?"

Natia waved her arm in their direction!

" "Labyrinth!"

"And then ......"

"Meteor Burst!! "

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