"Where can I calm down and concentrate on training those mechanics? Stop talking, just listen to my last wish!"

Da da da!

The sound of dense bullets rang out, and the whistling sound of missiles flying in the air also came at the same time.

Those mecha beetles finally couldn't bear it and began to attack the castle!

Yasuo originally wanted to deal with them after listening to the story, but the situation did not allow it now.

He gritted his hard teeth and ordered loudly,"You two superpowers come with me. The rest of you, each guard your own post. Never let the mecha beetles advance further and occupy our castle!"

Although he is a reserve member, the combat qualities he showed are also admired by the old pharmacist Ornn.

Seeing Yasuo leading people to organize resistance, Chu Xuan was relieved immediately.

Even though the missiles were raging in the air, she did not frown, but continued to listen to Ornn.

"Chu Xuan, I know you have noticed this scar of mine for a long time.

Chu Xuan nodded and said,���Scar, according to your explanation, you were accidentally burned by some medicines when doing experiments. But in fact, you were injured by hot weapons!"

Owen took his hand away from his scar and said with great admiration,"Your superpower gave me a bold idea. That is to give the mechanical manual to you for safekeeping and development.

I admire your wisdom very much, and I believe I will not regret my choice. Finally, please remember my words. Ten years ago, the owner of the castle asked me to come here to build a defensive fortification for him. But I'm not sure if this defensive fortification can still be used.

If the attack of the mecha beetle is too fierce, I suggest you give it a try!"

"You actually built a defensive fortification for the castle lord ten years ago? This is really shocking, Uncle Orn, where is the mechanism!"

Orn found the wall of the building behind and pressed a button.

At this time, the dense sound of machine gun bullets had covered the surrounding airspace.

The battle was very fierce, and both sides were fighting for the gate of the castle.

If those mecha beetles were allowed to attack, the consequences would be disastrous!

Due to the needs of the battle, Chu Xuan now had no way to use his time on the pharmacist Orn.

Yasuo had sent people to request twice, and they needed reinforcements

"Forget about that for now, Liu Qing, Qianque, Xiao Tou Ming, come with me."

Although Chu Xuan had left, Pharmacist Aoun still believed that Chu Xuan would come back.

The gift he gave to Chu Xuan would come in handy sooner or later.


"Why is the enemy's attack firepower so fierce?"

"I don't know!"

These mecha beetles seem to be crazy!

After a wave of crazy firepower attacks, several buildings in front of the castle were finally destroyed.

The intensity of the battle exceeded Chu Xuan's expectations.

But strangely enough, the mecha beetle team seems to have the upper hand.

As long as they attack forward, they can kill the main body of the building. Destroy all the ground of those buildings. In this way, these human superpowers will be exposed to the mecha beetles.

But at this time, the crazy attack stopped.

Everyone whose face was blackened by gunpowder smoke showed a puzzled expression.

Yasuo came to Chu Xuan with two men.

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