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"Need I say this? Of course!"

"That's right, the life goal of those of us with super powers is to fight the Zerg for our whole lives and protect humanity from being destroyed."

There were a few super powers who suddenly realized the glory of justice and began to admire Chu Xuan.

But the opponents immediately stood up and roared

"You can't do this, our goal is about to be achieved, send the people out. Don't let an old man ruin all of us!"

Yasuo was furious!

It's not a good thing for the team to be divided, but he rushed forward and punched the opponent. He knocked out the front teeth of the opponent.

"You are crazy! How dare you attack me!"

"Not only do I dare to attack you, if we were on the battlefield, I would kill you without hesitation. You gutless coward!"

""Hahahaha!" Perhaps angered by Yasuo's words, the opponent immediately jumped away like a frog.

His superpower is the nine knives behind his back!

It turns out that he has the skill of throwing knives!

"Yasuo, I know you have already become Chu Xuan's follower. I won't force you. Since we have different opinions, let's decide it by fighting!"

Chu Xuan said,"I didn't expect things to develop to this point. But since you insist on leaving the team, I'll give you this chance. Don't say anything. Those who are willing to stay and continue to resist the mecha beetles, stand on my side.

Those opponents, and those who think they are selfish, you can leave now! This castle does not welcome you!"

The superpower who was about to fight Yasuo took it out from behind and said with gritted teeth,"Why, you want to drive us away? If we leave, you will guard the castle better!"

"Blow them out!"

Chu Xuan said to the ten superpowers who were loyal to him in an imperative tone.

"Chu Xuan, take my move!"

Nine knives spun in his hands at the same time like a magic trick, and the superpower person actually attacked Chu Xuan from behind.

"You are no match for me! You conceited guy!"

Chu Xuan clenched his fist and felt the shock behind him. The mecha arm instantly enhanced its combat power. He didn't even look back and punched hard.

Because the change came too fast, the other superpowered humans didn't see what was going on, and the battle was over.


"Oh! This is impossible!"

Nine swords were shattered at the same time, and the chest was hit hard. The provocateur was finally knocked away and a big hole was knocked out of the wall behind him.

Chu Xuan put away his fist, and the mecha arm suddenly condensed and disappeared.

"Too careless, you have actually learned the things in my mechanical manual!"

Uncle Ornn came out from the back before the battle was completely over.

He spoke to Chu Xuan in a special tone.

Yasuo saw that the result was out, and of course he had to deal with the finishing work instead of Chu Xuan. So he sent a few people to drive those unconvinced provocateurs out of the castle.

They quickly disappeared into the night!

But the Zerg battle was not over. After leaving the protection of the castle, these humans finally encountered those mecha beetles head-on on the street.

Soon they were wiped out!

"You bastard, why did you let us follow you to provoke Chu Xuan! Now we are surrounded!"_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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