"Damn it! Run away!"

"Go! Get out of here!"

"Which big country dares to attack us? Damn it, we will make them pay!"


Everyone in the Kingdom of God screamed in fear and desperately fled outside the island.

However... at this time, the dense drone combat group had been waiting for a long time...

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... countless small missiles were raining down like raindrops.

Boom boom boom... the explosions continued, just like ten thousand thunders!

Some people used super powers to fly to the sky, and immediately welcomed countless missiles, lasers, and sonic weapons; some people dived into the seabed, and the mines that had been suspended under the water were like water ghosts that took people's lives, suddenly pounced on them, and made a violent explosion!


M Country Intelligence Center

"Oh my god! What is going on? How can such powerful energy radiation suddenly appear in the deep ocean? Is some country conducting a large-yield nuclear weapons test? But how is this possible? What kind of nuclear weapons test would be conducted in the deep ocean?"

"My God! Look at the energy values detected. If it hadn't happened in the depths of the ocean, I would have thought that World War IV had occurred!"

"No, judging by the satellite data, an explosion of this magnitude should be caused by a falling comet! But according to the information from the space agency, no comet will approach the earth in the near future!"

"Zoom in on the satellite image! Zoom in, zoom in, zoom in some more! Oh my god! What am I seeing? Is this an island sinking? Oh my god! How is this possible?"

"This is really impossible. On our electronic maps, there shouldn't be an island at this location! To be more precise, on all the electronic maps in the world, there has never been an island at this location!" The intelligence personnel at the intelligence center looked at the countless monitoring screens arranged in a matrix in front of them, exclaiming in disbelief.


Xizhou Information Center

"Mr. Commander, this is the latest intelligence we have received. An explosion of this magnitude is different from a nuclear weapon. Its single-target killing power is stronger, its range killing power is weaker, and its penetrating power is extremely strong... We suspect that this is the legendary space-based kinetic weapon!"

"What? Which country? They have already completed the deployment of space-based kinetic weapons? Didn't you say that the accuracy and practicality of space-based kinetic weapons are insurmountable problems? You bunch of rubbish! Look, the problems you said are insurmountable have already been launched!"

"Sorry, Mr. Commander! We will conduct a comprehensive study as soon as possible.……"


Dongzhou Research Center

"Space-based kinetic weapons... the rod of God... turned out to be so powerful! If someone uses this rod of God to hit us on the head like this, hehe……"

"Please rest assured, leaders, we will speed up the deployment and complete the Sky Shield Project!"


Such scenes appeared almost simultaneously in the intelligence centers of all the major countries in the world.

This time the commotion was really too big!

In addition, Chu Xuan had no intention of covering it up at all...

Therefore, the whole world was shocked!


After an unknown amount of time, the island that was originally the headquarters of the Kingdom of God had disappeared in the deep ocean.

At its original location, there was only a deep whirlpool left, which was still sucking the surrounding seawater in...

On the nearby sea surface, countless debris was also constantly sucked into the whirlpool on the seabed and disappeared.

It would not be long before the whirlpool would completely disappear, and this place would become a plain and calm sea surface.……


Whoosh whoosh…

In the air, a dense group of drones whistled and flew close to the sea surface. After scanning no suspicious targets, they flew high into the sky and disappeared without a trace.

Of course, the number was much less than before.


Hundreds of miles away from here.

On an ocean-going freighter.

On the deck of the freighter, the bodies of seafarers were lying all over the ground.

A man wearing a red, black and gold robe and a golden mask was standing quietly at the bow.

Behind him, there were eight or nine people wearing the same clothes, but wearing red and black masks.

They were in a very miserable state. Their red, black and gold robes were already tattered, and even the masks on their faces were full of cracks. Some of them were limping, and some were still bleeding...

They were the emperor, four kings, and sixteen main gods of the Kingdom of God, a total of twenty-one people who escaped from the horrific raid just now...

In other words, at least half of the members of the Kingdom of God died in the raid just now! Those who escaped alive were all the strongest and most capable of survival in the Kingdom of God!

"Damn it! It was that damned Speed, he betrayed us, he let the enemy locate us!"

"Speed is not dead. I saw him flee to the east with my own eyes!"

"Yes, he was very fast. He dodged almost all the attacks, and then fled to the east on the water! Damn it!"

Everyone cursed angrily.

"Everyone, do your best to find Speed!"

"In addition, re-investigate all information about Chu Xuan!"

"I swear, I must crush Speed and Chu Xuan into pieces with my own hands! I will peel off their skin, pull out their tendons, and drink all their blood!"

The Emperor of God, wearing a golden mask, gnashed his teeth.

The Kingdom of God is the hard work he created!

Each member of it has awakened X-level abilities to varying degrees, and can slaughter a city of superheroes!

This time, if they hadn't been tricked by Speed to gather together, if they hadn't happened to be in a cave and failed to notice it in advance, if it hadn't been because the fake Kat attracted everyone's attention... How could they have been almost caught in one fell swoop? The space-based kinetic weapon God's Rod, hum, although that thing is powerful, if they had been prepared in advance, how could it have hit them?

And those drones and underwater torpedoes, if they were in a different place or at a different time, how could they have caused such great damage to them?

Damn it!

This time, it was really a double whammy!

Under many coincidences, they suffered such a heavy loss!

But, all these losses, he will definitely get them back!

Chu Xuan, right?

You wait for me!

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