The female cultivator quickly turned her head to the front as Yun Hao suddenly winked at her.

Did he notice that she was staring at him? The female cultivator thought as she once again ate the food in front of her, awkwardly. Yun Hao, who realized what he just did, could not help but slightly clear his throat.

Did he just wink at a Cultivator? What if he offends her and she just cuts off his neck just like that? Although the Confederation has strict laws about Cultivators not harming normal humans, there were still a lot of cases of violence against them. If this young woman was violent, then Yun Hao was sure that he would be leaving here in more than 1 piece.

But seeing as she was just minding her own food and not even talking to anyone about what just happened, it would seem that Yun Hao would be fine. He just needed to remind himself not to do that again or his plans of becoming a Cultivator would be over before it even started.

Yun Hao waited like this in silence for a while, not even joining the pretentious conversation that his classmates and the girls they met online were having. He was slightly interested in what the female cultivator was doing, but she just seemed like any ordinary girl with the way she talks.

And finally, after a good 15 minutes, the dishes he ordered came rushing in. The waiters flocked to place the 2 more tables near Yun Hao, putting the plates there. The appetizers came first, with Yun Hao eating them before the other plates could make contact with the table.

"It's less than I thought," Yun Hao muttered as he saw the 2 tables after all of his orders were delivered. Perhaps since it was a fancy restaurant, the number of their menu is limited to keep the quality of the food consistent, he thought.

"I think I can actually finish this on my own… or do you guys want some?"

Yun Hao then offered one of the dishes to Yin Fen and the others.

"Go eat that all by yourself, you shameless bastard!"

"Suit yourself," Yun Hao just shrugged his shoulders, "You're the one paying for this anyway." He said as he began eating all the delicious food that presented itself to him.

"Kh…" Yin Fen could not help but grit his teeth at Yun Hao's statement. He was going to reprimand him earlier, but when the rest of the people in the restaurant started clapping their hands and cheering for him, he chose not to do so.

He could probably afford whatever bill was coming anyway. He just had to suffer through the sound of Yun Hao humming as he leisurely ate all the food that he ordered. How can he even fit all of that in his stomach anyway!? Yin Fen hollered in his mind.

Yun Hao, however, was completely oblivious of his thoughts as he was lost in his own. If there weren't any people here, he would probably start crying. This was probably the most delicious food he had ever eaten for years. Most of the food that he had when he was still training in Tsinghai's boxing team was bland and only for nutrition.

And just like that, almost at the same time, he finished his food alongside Yin Fen and the others who were chatting while eating.

Yun Hao could not help but let out an extremely tiny breath, as his lungs could no longer hold more due to his full stomach.

"...Are you perhaps a Cultivator?"

And finally, with her curiosity getting the best of her, the female cultivator asked the question that has been bothering her for quite some time now.

Yun Hao ignored her at first, but when he realized that she was actually looking at him, his eyes could not help but blink a couple of times.

"...Me?" He pointed at himself.

"Yes," the female cultivator nodded.


"He's not!"

But before Yun Hao could even say no, Yin Fen interrupted him. "He used to be a boxer, but ever since he picked a fight with a Cultivator, he lost an eye and was kicked out of the team, pft."

Once again, Yin Fen let out a slight chuckle, garnering the laughs of his other classmates as well. However, their laughter was cut short as a sudden pressure crawl through his skin when the female cultivator suddenly glared at him.

"I wasn't talking to you," she said, her previous friendly tone completely gone.

Yin Fen could only hold his breath, not even getting the courage to speak as the heavy feeling in his body remained even though the female cultivator was no longer looking at him.

"So you… just trained your body?" The female cultivator once again asked Yun Hao.

"...I suppose," Yun Hao said, careful not to say anything rude.

"I see. I thought you were just hiding your cultivation level," the female cultivator let out a small sigh as she no longer heeded Yun Hao any mind.

'What the fuck was that?' Yun Hao thought as he slightly shook his head. The woman was only at the Early-stage of the Mortal Realm, probably even at the 1st or 2nd Level of the Early-stage, and yet the pressure he felt from her was already overwhelming.

And to think her ire wasn't even pointed at him.

Truly, once again, he was reminded of the difference between a normal human and a Cultivator.

After that, nothing worthwhile happened as the group continued to chat with each other. Occasionally, there were people going near their table, thanking and shaking Yin Fen's hand before leaving the restaurant.

Yun Hao wanted to leave since he was already done anyway, but he wanted to see if his petty revenge would actually bear fruit.

Yin Fen could only smile and greet them. Perhaps this was actually a good thing, he thought. His and his family's name was getting renowned from all the other people.

And so, with them done with their meals, and with a wide smile on his face, Yin Fen asked for the check.


Yin Fen could not help but take a deep breath as the number of digits in the little paper he was holding almost drowned him. But even then, he did not let any of his friends or the girls notice his surprise.

It was, however, clear as day to Yun Hao.

Yin Fen could only clear his throat and smile as he handed his credit card to the waiter. "Well deserved," he said, "The food here is phenomenal."

"Thank you again for your patronage, younger master Fen," the waiter bowed respectfully before walking away.

"...Are you sure you're alright?" Yun Hao then suddenly asked, "I saw the check, it was--"

"Perhaps it was a lot for you, but my weekly allowance could cover that." Yin Fen quickly scoffed, not even letting Yun Hao finish his words, "You don't have to worry about the problems of the rich, Yun Hao."

Once again, Yin Fen and his other classmates let out a small chuckle. The other girls as well, except the female cultivator, were slightly letting out a giggle. Like the female cultivator, the first one they noticed was Yun Hao since he was the hottest of the group by a mile. But now, knowing that he was just a tag-along and seeing his shameless display earlier, they no longer held any attraction to him.

"Why are you still even here?" Yin Fen added, "Don't tell me you want to come with us for dess--"

"Y… young master Fen, your card is…"

Before Yin Fen could finish his words, the waiter that handed him the check earlier came back and whispered to his ear.

"W… what? What do you mean declined!?" Yin Fen suddenly shouted, garnering the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

"Pft," Yun Hao, who was about to drink a glass of water, could not help but let out a snort. Why did he stay? Obviously, he was waiting for something like this to happen.

"That can't be," Yin Fen said as he stood up, "Swipe it again!" He then slightly pushed the waiter, following him to the counter.

And true enough, the dreaded beeping sound echoed through Yin Fen's ears. "This… this can't be. Try my other cards."

Yin Fen gave two other cards to the counter, but even then, the situation remained the same, until finally, he realized his blunder. The end of the month was coming, and with that, he had most likely used up all of his credit to the limit.

"S… shit," he let out a short whisper. He then looked at his table, only to see his friends as well as the other girls looking at him with eyes of expectation. Yin Fen silently cursed. What exactly were his friends doing? Shouldn't they already know that he was in distress and they should chip in?

Then why are they just looking at him as if they weren't bros!?

"How much for my order only?"

Until finally, a saving grace as one of the people in the group approached the counter. But it wasn't someone that Yin Fen was expecting at all.

Yun Hao.

"S… sir?" The cashier could not help but stutter as this tall man suddenly stood in front of him.

"How much for my order only? I ordered 2 of every single thing on the menu." Yun Hao let out a sigh as he had to repeat his words.

"That's…" The cashier looked at the check for a few seconds, before writing in a small piece of paper and handing it to Yun Hao, "It is this much, sir."

"The fuck!?" Yun Hao could not help but slightly back away, almost throwing the piece of paper back at the cashier's face, "7,812 fucking yuan?"

Yun Hao's hand started to shake as he gripped the piece of paper with '$1,200' written on it. He knew it was going to cost him, but to think it was this much was absolutely ridiculous, he thought. If he didn't have $8,000 in his name right now, and a mountain more waiting for him at home... then he would have probably attempted to kill himself again.

Yun Hao then looked at Yin Fen, who had to pay for everyone's food in the restaurant. Perhaps his revenge was a little bit too much? Yin Fen wasn't even saying anything anymore even though Yun Hao almost choked because of how much the food cost.

Yun Hao could only shake his head as he placed the bag he was holding on the floor, cautiously opening it up, looking in every direction before he finally grabbed something inside of it.

He was carefully hiding what he was doing to everyone, even the female cultivator became curious as to what he was doing. But after a few seconds, he placed something in front of the cashier.

"7,812 yuan," Yun Hao said as patted the money he just placed on the counter. $1,200, exact to the tee.

And just like that, he left the restaurant, patting Yin Fen on the shoulders a couple of times on the way out, but not before literally having the final word. "Ah, young master...

...let's hope the girl you fancy doesn't reject you like your cards just did."



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