Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 25 - 25: 3 Plus 1

"Okay, enough talking."

Proctor Hannah once again raised her hand as Yun Hao and Sun Fang kept on going at each other. The first test was finally over, with one being ejected from proceeding any further.

"Right, the 2nd test," Hannah once again clapped her hands, and as soon as she did so, the punch machine returned to the floor. There was an obvious change in Hannah's tone. From the strict and impatient tone she had when she arrived, there was now some sort of excitement in it.

Everyone knew why, of course-- It was because of Yun Hao.

Liu Hannah was a famous influencer amongst the people of Xin. She had been uploading videos for years in the biggest online streaming platform in the world-- WeLine. She has over a million subscribers that watch her videos every day. She uploads different kinds of videos, from training videos to hunting videos, but what made her famous was dissing and roasting people that were going through Immersion.

Of course, she wasn't allowed to do it live and have to upload it a week later once it was made public, but still, almost half of the views on her channel were from those roasting videos. People just can't seem to get enough of it for some reason.

Yun Hao, of course, was completely unaware of this as he didn't even have a properly working phone just a week ago. Yun Hao just focused on his surroundings, waiting for something to once again pop out from the floor. He checked beforehand, and the 2nd test was a test of Will-- whatever that means.

But after a few seconds of waiting, nothing popped out from the floor. Instead, proctor Hannah stepped forward.

"The 2nd test is a test of Will. Even if your physical strength is the most important fundamental in training your body, it is nothing if you cower through just a little pressure," proctor Hannah said as she walked in front of the line, looking at the 6 remaining applicants straight in the eyes,

"The second test will assess just that. As long as you do not move from your spot for 30 seconds as a cultivator releases his or her killing intent upon all of you, then you will pass the 2nd test," proctor Hannah then winked at Yun Hao as she passed by him, "Lucky for all of you, I will be the one to personally test you today."


As soon as Hannah finished her words, the applicants that were previously relaxed on their spot all could not help but take in a deep breath as a sudden pressure slowly crawled through their skin. They could only grit their teeth as the pressure became heavier and heavier as if a whole sack of damped rice was weighing on them.


Surprisingly, the first one to cave in was Jia Ning's brother, kneeling to the floor almost instantly as soon as Hannah released her killing intent. Jia Ning could only stare at her brother as he wallowed in his mistakes. But alas, he could not even complain as the pressure still shadowed over him.

They have been training for this for years, but one mistake caused him to fail. It was alright since he was still going to have his meridians unlocked once they go back home, but to think he would fail here will truly bring shame to his mother.

It was just one mistake-- he didn't expect the proctor to suddenly release her killing intent without any warning, and instructor Hannah seemed to know that as she looked at Jia Ning's brother with a smirk on her face.

She then proceeded to walk to her original position, once again scanning the applicants as the killing intent she was releasing grew even more violent. And by the time she got back to her place, another applicant caved in.

"L… let me out!"

It was the 2nd applicant, his feet instinctively rushing to the exit. But alas, the door was barred from the other side.

"Look at this pathetic waste of money," Hannah focused her phone on the man as he was drowned in his own sweat, slowly descending to the ground while his hand still tried to open the door, "Imagine paying for money just so that people could see you crying and puking."

Hannah continued to diss the poor man for almost 15 seconds. And now, with only half the time left, Hannah then panned her camera towards the 4 remaining applicants.

As expected, besides an uncomfortable expression on her face, Jia Ning was doing quite well for herself, even glancing at her brother every now and then. Her brother also looked better than the applicant who ran for the door, but alas, he already failed.

The one that proctor Hannah asked to stay still managed to remain to stand; although the sweat on his face and the redness of his eyes made it seem like his face was about to blow off. Of course, it did not help that Hannah was now dissing her.

Hannah's sharp words only stopped as soon as her phone panned towards Yun Hao. Like the rest of the applicants, he too was filled with cold sweat. However, there was a major difference between him and the other applicants that almost made the instructor flinch.

Yun Hao was looking at her directly in the eyes, his hand, touching the huge scar that adorned his otherwise handsome face. The memories of Long Yazhu's cultivator bodyguard mutilating his face resurfaced in his mind.

"...Oh," Hannah wanted to say something. But in the end, she was too surprised to even move her mouth. She knew that Yun Hao was already abnormal from the 1st test, but to think he would even have the guts to look at her straight in the eyes even as her killing intent grew more violent by the second.

But that wasn't what made Hannah flinched, no. It was the fact that Yun Hao seemed to be releasing a killing intent of his own. Of course, it just seemed cute looking at it from Hannah's side, but Yun Hao was a normal human, even with his abnormal strength. One could only imagine how strong he would become once someone properly watches over him.

This was it, she thought. Another video that would surely reach more than 10 million views. The surprise inside of her quickly turned into excitement as she zoomed her camera at Yun Hao's face.

This is it, she once again thought. She had the thumbnail for her video.

Finally, the 30 seconds passed and proctor Hannah retracted her killing intent, causing a barrage of heavy breaths to echo through the testing hall. Jia Ning quickly checked on her brother, who was now seemingly tearing up as he apologized to his sister.

The one that rushed for the door was now being dragged out, his mouth still foaming.

"And then there were 4," proctor Hannah once again clapped her hands as she announced the end of the 2nd test, "I have to say I am utterly shocked, for four of you to still be here to take the last test... this is the most number in months. Good job, good job."

Finally, it was time for the final test. Hannah gave the applicants time to rest so that they could proceed to the final test.

Sun Fang, however, remained on his spot as he watched proctor Hannah's every move. He had been waiting, waiting for more than a minute now for proctor Hannah to pan the camera towards him. He even made it a point to wipe any sweat that trailed down on his face...

....But alas, proctor Hannah seemed to have already forgotten about him.

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