Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 37 - 37: Goodbye And Hello

"Leaving so soon, Champ?"

"Yes," Yun Hao said as he tried to pass to the side. Unfortunately, one of his former teammates blocked the door. "...Again?"

"I heard from the coach that you're back," Long Yazhu said as one of his teammates dragged a chair for him to sit on, "Did you do something to him? He told me not to… antagonize you for some reason," Long Yazhu then sat on the chair, emphasizing some parts of his sentence.

The Coach again? Yun Hao slightly furrowed his eyebrows. He was oddly and disgustingly helpful earlier as well. Could it be… he knew that Yun Hao was a Cultivator now? But how?

"...You should have listened to the old man, Yazhu," Yun Hao let out a sigh as he returned Long Yazhu's gaze.

"Oho, I guess you really did hit your head hard? You're really talking back to me now," Long Yazhu scoffed, "Be careful with your words, Champ. Who knows what'll happen to your other eye if you disrespect those who are above you."

"Hm," the feeling of boredom was slowly being erased from him as Long Yazhu's words reached his ears. His eyebrow was also twitching. It would seem that even though the taunt of his other classmates already became cute, it was still different when it came to the person that destroyed his life.

If he kills Long Yazhu now, would the Confederation lock his meridians and throw him into wherever the jail Cultivators? What if he makes it look like an accident? He could use the excuse that he still hasn't learned how to fully control his newfound strength… no, this was a bad idea.

Although he hated Long Yazhu, his father still helped Yun Hao and even gave him an apartment in the past. He wouldn't want to do that to him. There was also the fact that his father, Long Ma, was one of the richest people on the planet. He didn't want to make him sad, but most importantly, he didn't want to make him angry.

And so, with that thought, Yun Hao could once again only let out a sigh, "Look, I don't want any more trouble, okay? I don't want to fight you. You've won, you're the best, congratulations."

"You don't sound sincere, Champ," Long Yazhu then stood up from his seat as he took off his shirt, revealing his finely toned muscles, "Why don't we find out here and now?"

"You win, alright?" Yun Hao said as he put both his hands in surrender, "And besides, it would be illegal for me to actually fight you."

"Illegal? Pft, what do you think you are, a cultivator?"

"Well… actually--"

Before Yun Hao could finish his words, he felt a tiny itch on the left side of his chin as Long Yazhu's knuckles made contact with it.

"..." Yun Hao could only blink a couple of times as his eyes looked back and forth between Long Yazhu's fist and his face.

Long Yazhu, who noticed that Yun Hao didn't even move an inch from his punch, could not help but quickly leap back.

"Go, Long Yazhu! He's out!"

"He's not even moving anymore! I think you knocked him out!"

Yun Hao's next words, however, completely shut their mouths once again.

"As I was saying, I am a cultivator now," Yun Hao said as he scratched his chin, "I am only telling you because I am obligated to tell you by law, unlike one of your guards."

Yun Hao then pointed to the scar on his face, "Just how exactly did you pull that plan off? Do you even have people from the Confederation under your thumb? Who the fuck are you, Bruce W*yne?"

But after a few seconds, his classmates once again burst out in laughter.

"You, a cultivator?"

"Even I need to save a year of my allowance just to be able to afford to go through Immersion, stop joking, Champ!"

"I guess he really did hit his head hard!"

"Did you wash a billion cars while you were away!?"

The people continued to throw insults and laugh at Yun Hao. Long Yazhu, on the other hand, was fighting the urge not to shout as his fist was currently throbbing in pain. He already knew how strong Yun Hao was, that was why he was training even more after Yun Hao's accident in order to surpass him and also to be able to pass the Immersion.

But to think Yun Hao did not even flinch from his haymaker. Could it be… he actually was a Cultivator?

No, it can't be. That would mean that Yun Hao was individually above him now! Long Yazhu's eyes flickered from the thought. He was supposed to go through Immersion this week, it was going to be grand and most of the media outlets will be there to interview him.

It was supposed to be his turn to be in the spotlight, so why was it Yun Hao again?

No… No… That's impossible. Yun Hao is not a cultivator, he can't be.

It can't be!

Long Yazhu roared as he once again rushed towards Yun Hao. Yun Hao, however, could only roll his eyes as he slowly raised his hand to block Long Yazhu's oncoming fist.

But before he could even fully raise his hand, 2 people suddenly appeared in between them. One holding Yun Hao's hand, and the other, holding Long Yazhu's shoulder from behind, causing him to slightly stumble.

The two were wearing the school's security guard's uniform, except there was an armband pinned on their sleeve.

"The… the school's cultivator guards!?"

"Why are they here!?"

"Wait, could it be Yun Hao really is…"

There was only one reason why a cultivator would be involved in a fight amongst students, and that reason was now painfully obvious to all the people present in the cafeteria-- Yun Hao truly was a cultivator just as he says.

"What was the purpose of you lifting your hand?" The guard that was holding Yun Hao's hand asked him a question.

"...I was just going to block his punch," Yun Hao calmly said as he slowly retracted his fist, "I had no intention of fighting back."

"We will have to ask you to leave the premises," the guard then handed something over to Yun Hao.

"...Thanks," Although Yun Hao was slightly taken aback that the guard had his withdrawal form, which now had a huge red marking on it saying it was cleared. Yun Hao was about to leave since staying any longer might cause more problems, but before he did so, he looked the baffled Long Yazhu straight in the eyes.

"Don't become a Cultivator, Yazhu. Take it as advice from an old friend," Yun Hao said before turning around, "You'd probably lose your life outside in the Danger Zone… that is if you live through the Immersion. Also, tell Angela I understand why she left me now…

...because she's a bitch."

And with those final words, Yun Hao finally left the cafeteria, as well as the school. His previous coach, Geng Wei, was waiting for him in the gates.


But Yun Hao didn't really let him say anything as he just passed by him… with his middle finger raised firmly. Yun Hao didn't even look back at his alma mater, he would just let his middle finger be the one to say goodbye to it.

Yun Hao could not help but let out a small chuckle as a certain feeling of satisfaction was wanting to come out from him, and soon, that chuckle turned into a full-blown burst of laughter.

"I see you had a good last day at school?"

"...Hello?" Yun Hao's joyful laughter was interrupted by the feminine voice of someone wearing a silver helmet. The individual gently got off of her motorcycle, taking off her helmet and revealing her long and blonde hair.

"...You colored your hair?" Was Yun Hao's first reaction as she saw that it was actually Huang Yi who was on the motorcycle. He wasn't really expecting her to be riding something as… cool as that.

"Yes, but that's not what's important right now, can we talk?"

"Of course," Yun Hao nodded, "Although I thought we both already agreed...

....that it was a date?"

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