Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 39 - 39: Welcome To The Cultivation World, Yun Hao

"A place exclusive for… cultivators?"

"Yes, it's called the Thousand Lanterns Restaurant… there's actually also a casino inside."

Yun Hao looked at the building filled with lanterns in front of him. If Huang Yi told him that it was actually a brothel, then he would have probably believed her. But then again, who brings someone to a brothel just to talk?

"How much do you know about us, Yun Hao?"

Huang Yi asked as she put their helmets back inside her interspatial storage. Yun Hao still hasn't figured out where her storage is, as she didn't really have any rings adorning her finger, could it be her earrings?

"Is… there something on my face?" Huang Yi could not help but slightly look to the side and check her face on her motorcycle's side mirror.

"No, I was just admiring how beautiful you are."

"...Stop with the pick-up lines," Huang Yi rolled her eyes from Yun Hao's words. But still, another small smile failed to follow what she wanted to express, "I asked how much you know about us?"

"About you?"

"About cultivators."

"Hm," Yun Hao let out a long and deep breath as he turned his attention towards the restaurant, "Just what I have read on the internet."

"I see," Huang Yi then took off her motorcycle jacket, revealing her crop-top that slightly exposed the skin of her belly. It also emphasized the finely sized bosom that Yun Hao didn't know existed until now, "There are actually a lot of things hidden about us to the normal population. Although the Confederation says their goal is to uphold equality, they actually still give us a lot more freedom than you think, they just have enough influence and power to filter out everything from the internet."

"They can do that?" Yun Hao's eyebrow rose as soon as he heard Huang Yi's words. If they can do something like that, then why didn't they filter out his and Hannah's photo? Now there were weird rumors going around. Liu Hannah was quite… a character to deal with. Even now, even if it was totally not his fault, it felt like he had to be the one to apologize to people shipping them as a couple.

"Hm, let's go."

"Ah, wait!"

Yun Hao then suddenly rushed to a nearby garbage bin before pulling on his uniform. With his newfound strength, it was as if he was just ripping off paper, destroying it casually before throwing it in the trash.

Now he was left with a white undershirt, completely etching and lining up his muscles that seemed to want to pop out from it. Huang Yi, who was watching Yun Hao approach her, could not help but gulp.

"You… really trained your body, huh?" Huang Yi said before unconsciously trying to touch Yun Hao's chest as soon as he got near her, "S… sorry, shall we go?"

Huang Yi then turned around, quickly hastening her pace as she trotted her way to the entrance of the Thousand Lanterns, she then presented her license to the man guarding the door before proceeding to enter the building.

"..." Did she suddenly just leave him outside? Yun Hao thought before imitating Huang Yi and going inside. And as soon as the scenery of the interior drowned Yun Hao's eyes, he could not help but slightly close his eyes.

Was this some kind of theme park? Yun Hao thought. The sun was about to set outside, but it felt like he stepped into another country as it looked like there were several small suns above them. Yun Hao thought the Thousand Lanterns name came from the design outside, but now he knew that it was because of the almost blinding lanterns that littered the establishment's ceiling.

"...Are we outside?" Yun Hao could not help but comment. When Huang Yi mentioned that it also contained a casino, he thought that it would be like those typical luxurious hotels that he was seeing on the internet, but it almost seemed like they were in some kind of plaza… at daytime.

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

Hearing the baffled voice coming out of Yun Hao, Huang Yi could not help but slightly chuckle, "It's not magic, those lanterns are artifacts made by the owner of this restaurant. Come, I have already gotten us a table."

"Hm," Yun Hao could only nod as he followed Huang Yi, his eyes traveling everywhere. There were only a few cars parked outside, but the restaurant seemed full. If he wasn't mistaken, there should probably be more than a hundred people here…

...a hundred cultivators. Yun Hao slightly took in a deep breath from the thought. To think that one day, he would be surrounded by nothing but cultivators, he didn't even think that there were that many, and seeing them now just minding their own business-- it honestly just felt like they were ordinary peopl--

"..." Yun Hao then could not help but pause his thoughts as he saw a woman pass over her, flying in the air while standing on what seemed to be an oversized book, carrying what seemed to be a sword that was bigger than Yun Hao. Nope, definitely not normal.

"Watch it, kid."


Yun Hao then felt himself hitting a brick wall, only to find out that it was a huge man.

"You're lucky I am in a good mood."

Yun Hao could only blink his eyes a couple of times in disbelief as he turned his head slightly upwards to look at the man he bumped into as he walked away.

"..." The man was about a whole adult leg wider and taller than Yun Hao. He had seen people taller than him, of course, but never has he felt this small.

"Yun Hao, what are you doing? Come on, someone might take our table!"

"Y… yeah, coming."

The only thing that Yun Hao could do was nod his head. Even when they sat at the table, his mind was still wandering elsewhere. Finally, his curiosity could not help it anymore as he slowly pointed his thumb towards the man he just bumped into.

"Right. Sometimes I forget that you've only been a cultivator for like… now," Huang Yi could not help but chuckle as she saw the man Yun Hao was pointing to, "He probably has the Anatomy meridian unlocked, you at least know what those are, right? The Confederation should have explained it to you."


"Anyway, how tall are you, Yun Hao? I also passed by that guy and I felt like an ant, but you seemed alright. Are you like 6'2" or something?"

"195 centimeters."

"That is t-- Are you alright?" Huang Yi then noticed that Yun Hao still had a very bewildered expression on his face.

"What? Me? No… I'm alright," Yun Hao could not help but let out an awkward chuckle, "It's just that…

...where have all these people been hiding all this time?"


"I haven't seen them anywhere outside. I would have definitely noticed people that weird walking outside."

"You probably just don't notice them," Huang Yi said as she called for a waiter, "I told you, the Confederation is good at filtering any news regarding cultivators."

"That's starting to sound like an understatement."

"Well, what can I say except…

...welcome to the world of Cultivators, Yun Hao."

Yun Hao could only awkwardly smile at Huang Yi's words. He knew that things and the people he would meet from now on will be different. But this?

Yun Hao might not know what the future truly holds for him; why he was given such a ridiculous power to duplicate things.

But what he does know is that his life… about to get even crazier.

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