Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 58 - 58: The Contemplations Of Jia Su

Jia Ning's green bubbly hair bounced up and down as she happily walked down a street. Her brother, who was walking slightly behind her, could not help but have a smile on his face as he watched his sister's happy mood.

They were currently on their way to meet with the friends they have met during the Immersion. And although he would lie if he said that he too, wasn't excited to meet with their new friends, he was more excited for her sister.

All her sister knew ever since her childhood was to train, not even letting herself rest for even a second. Their mother was to blame, as she always tried to compare his sister to Song Jian-- an extremely unfair comparison, he always thought. Song Jian was a genius amongst geniuses. Even if the influence of his Jia Family and the Song Family could be said to be the same, Song Jian seemed to be of a different breed similar to the likes of Liu Hannah-- people who could skip their training and still come out on top.

As for him, he wasn't really one for socializing, as besides training, his only happiness was his hobby-- reading comics. And for him, that was all he needed. He didn't want to brag, but he considered himself as an excellent judge of character, probably from all the stories he had read all these years.

Sun Fang, for example, has a superiority complex. People might think he was just misogynistic, but he was probably not. It had more to do with him being surrounded by weaker women when he grew up. Maybe a female close to him abandoned him when he was just a child, maybe his mother, causing him to think that most women were weak and could not handle stressful situations.

While in school, he looked down on everyone he knew was weaker than him; while at the same time trying to challenge those who were stronger than him. He might seem annoying at first... and he is really annoying sometimes, but once you get to know him, he wasn't that bad.

"Sun Fang."

"Aha! I have arrived here first!"

Jia Su could not help but nod to himself as Sun Fang quickly asserted his dominance as soon as they saw each other. People might see it as somewhat of an inferiority complex, but in truth, he was just that delusionally arrogant.

But his arrogance did not really come from nothing, as out of the three of them, Jia Su could objectively admit that he was the strongest one solely based on their performance in Echo Hills academy.

"Do you know why Yun Hao called us?" Jia Ning breathed out as she approached Sun Fang, who was wearing sunglasses even though they were in a shade, "I haven't heard from him since we saw him in school, what do you think this is about?"

"Don't know, don't care," Sun Fang scoffed as he crossed his arms.

"...Then why are you here?" Jia Ning blinked a couple of times as she tilted her head in confusion.

"T... that's... That's because I was already here when he called," Sun Fang said as he awkwardly looked to the side, before quickly pointing at a random boutique along the street, "I was buying something there!"

"From a lingerie shop?"

"Ye-- No! Stop asking!" Sun Fang could only once again look to the side, "A... anyway, that guy said he would meet us here, but he's not even here yet. Who does he think he is to let us wait!?"

"Well... considering he is meeting us near the school. It makes sense that--"

"Stop trying to defend him!"

"S... sorry."

"Why are you apologizing!?" Sun Fang haughtily said as he pointed his finger directly on Jia Ning's face, "Never apologize if you know you're not wrong! This is Yun Hao's fault!"


Jia Su could only let out a long and deep sigh as he watched the two talk to each other. He was not surprised that his sister and Sun Fang started to get along in the end, as their completely opposite attitudes seemed to complement each other well. He didn't want to admit it, but perhaps Sun Fang's influence as a friend might even be good for her sister.

As for the person they were talking about-- Yun Hao, Jia Su somewhat idolized him... and feared him at the same time. In appearance, Yun Hao had a very simple character, but at the same time, he was probably the hardest to discern out of the people he had met.

He was not arrogant, but at the same time, there was a certain bravado within him that somewhat showed he was. He was most certainly proud of his strength, as Jia Su reckoned that he probably wouldn't have chosen to become a cultivator if not for the accident that happened to him.

He also seems to have a certain discrimination against cultivators, maybe even looking down on them for some skewed reason. But based on his interview with Liu Hannah, he had a reason to be. But Jia Su could feel that he already had a prejudice against cultivators even before the incident.

There was a hidden darkness inside of Yun Hao, Jia Su was sure of it; he just could not determine what it was, but the darkness hidden inside of him is bigger compared to other people he has met. Truly, an interesting individual.

But that was not even why Jia Su was intrigued by Yun Hao. There were geniuses like Song Jian and Liu Hannah... and then there's Yun Hao. If Jia Su could fit a word for him, then it would probably best to say that Yun Hao was a monster.

Judging from what he had seen so far, Yun Hao seemed to have a lot of free time; meaning he doesn't even train that much. Maybe his body, as it was evident when they took off their shirts during Immersion... but how could a guy who seemed to be loitering all over the place be capable of fighting like that?

Once Jia Su came to the knowledge of Yun Hao's past as a Normie boxer, he tried searching up all his videos. There were only a few, but it was enough for him to see how abnormal Yun Hao really was. Truly, a very interesting individual.

"...Your brother is in his own world again."

"It's alright, just let him be."

Jia Ning could not help but let out a long and deep sigh as she looked at his brother, who had been nodding to himself for a whole minute now. Jia Ning had to drag his brother here, as he seemed to be too busy in his room, probably reading the mountains of comic books he had stacked there.

She wouldn't say his brother was special… but she would lie if she said she wasn't a little weirded out by him. As sometimes, if you leave him alone, he would start talking to himself. Jia Su didn't want to come at first, but when she told him that Yun Hao wanted to meet, he quickly rushed out of his room.

Jia Ning was a little happy that his brother seemed to be taking an interest in meeting friends, as she thought he was starting to go crazy from reading all of those comic books.

"Should I get us something while we wait for Yun Hao?" Jia Ning then asked after looking at the phone to see if Yun Hao left a message.

"I'm the one buying," Sun Fang said as he gestured to Jia Ning to stay put, "What do-- !!!"

But before he could finish his words, a loud roar entered his ears, causing him to almost hug the wall as the roar seemed to be rushing towards him. He quickly looked in the direction of the noise, only to find out that he was right-- a motorcycle was coming towards him.

"Is someone after my life!?"

"Sorry, did you guys wait long?"


Sun Fang could only remain awkwardly frozen in his stance as the motorcycle quickly stopped in front of them, with Yun Hao revealing himself as the rider as he flipped the visor of his helmet up, "I'll just park this somewhere so we could grab something to eat, my treat."

"It's okay," Jia Ning shook her head, "We didn't wait that long."

"Alright, I'll just park this thing somewhere."

The sound of Yun Hao's motorcycle once again thundered through the air, causing the crowd of people that instantly gathered to flinch as they took a video of Yun Hao.

"He really is becoming a celebrity, isn't he?" Jia Ning could not help but slightly chuckle as he watched the people continue to take a video of him even as he left.

"Pft. That's just because of the motorcycle," Sun Fang, who had finally recovered from the shock, let out a loud harrumph to rival the motorcycle's exhaust, "Who does he think he is riding something like that!?"

Sun Fang continued to raise his voice as he said things about Yun Hao, in which some Jia Ning rebuked and reasoned. Jia Su, on the other hand, could only close his eyes in lament as he reimagined Yun Hao's entrance.

For him to have a motorcycle like that… truly, a mysterious person.


"So, hurry up and tell us why you suddenly called."

After a minute of waiting for Yun Hao to come back from the parking lot, the four immediately headed to a cafe inside the plaza near their street. Yun Hao ordered beverages for the three, while he himself just ordered a bottle of water.

"I have a lot of things to do, so spit it out," Sun Fang once again urged Yun Hao while sipping his coffee.

"Right, very assertive. I like it," Yun Hao let out a slight chuckle before nodding his head, "The reason why I gathered you here is because I need a squa--"



Before Yun Hao could finish his words, Jia Su suddenly interrupted him. Jia Su then stood up from their table, looking at Yun Hao from head to toe.

"Jia Su, what are you doing!?" Jia Ning could not help but pull his brother back as he embarrassingly looked at the other guests of the cafe, who were all staring at his brother, "Sit back down!"

"Wait!" Jia Su once again said as he raised his hand, gesturing to Jia Ning to stop pulling him back to sit.

Yun Hao could only slightly lean back as he looked at Jia Su. "Is… your brother alright?"

"I'm really sorry about this, he isn't usually this weird!"

"I am not the weird one, sis," Jia Su then said before pointing at Yun Hao, "He is."

"Jia Su! That's rude! You should apolo--"

"You don't see it?" Jia Su did not let Jia Ning finish her words as he remained pointing at Yun Hao.

"Yun Hao…

....has already advanced to the Middle stage."

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