Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 6 - 6: Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

"Shit. It's still here"

Yun Hao went out for a short run to clear his head; he thought he was going crazy after his failed suicide attempt. And now after his short run, his mind was finally able to relax and not think of imaginary things just because he was poor.

But lo and behold, the insurmountable amount of coins that drowned his house was still here. "...Is this some kind of prank by the construction boys?"

Yun Hao looked around to see if there were any cameras around. But thinking about it for a while, why would they even bother pranking Yun Hao, when they weren't even that close. Perhaps it was a good thing as well that the construction guys weren't here, if not, then they would have seen this colossal pile of coins.

Yun Hao could only let out a sigh as he looked at the mess in front of him. How exactly was he going to clean all of this? He thought.

"Where am I even going to--"

But then his eyes widened in the realization of what he had right in front of him. It was as if his whole body was doused with water as it finally dawned on him.

All of these coins… it was his now, right?

With the number of coins that was laid in front of him right now, it was probably more money than he had ever had in his life or even more money than he will ever have.

Yun Hao's breaths stuttered nervously as he picked up one of the coins. It was a ¥1 coin, and apparently, all the other coins had the same value.

"..." Yun Hao then scrunched his eyes as he tried to do a rough calculation of how many coins were in front of him.

"...So my house is about 5sqm… and a coin is this small and they're stacked about a meter high…"

Yun Hao closed his eyes as he let out a long and deep hum. He had always been training as a boxer, and the most numbers he had ever calculated was how many punches it took the opponent down… and it wasn't much as his matches always ended before the 2nd round.

But still, he tried his best to get an estimate as to how much he had. But after a while of thinking, Yun Hao just groaned in frustration before picking a number that seemed fitting.

"Let's just say about 3 million coins ($457,000)," Yun Hao muttered, "3… 3 million…"

Yun Hao's eyes widened to the point that both his eyes, even the blind one, almost popped out in shock.

"3…3 million!? Fuck…fuck…ha..hahaha…HAHAHHAHA!"

Yun Hao could not help but grab a handful of coins that were on the ground and throw them in the air like it was some sort of confetti. However, unlike confetti, Yun Hao felt each and every solid coin hit parts of his body as they landed.

It is true what they say, money can lead to pain.

But still, he was already used to it and heeded it no mind as he once again chuckled like a madman. "3 million… 3 million…" He once again repeated, "What exactly will I be able to buy with that? A house?"

But then he realized a huge problem. How exactly is he going to buy a house with a million coins? Won't he be arrested for suspicious activity? If he was a Cultivator, then maybe it could be explained with him trading in Cores.

It seems that he needed to think twice before spending this money. He should just sleep tonight and think about it tomorrow when his head is totally cleared.

He was about to go inside the house, but then he realized another present problem. Half of the inside of his house was buried in coins, not to mention his bed.

How exactly was he going to sleep? He thought.

"..." Yun Hao looked around him carefully before walking inside his house and proceeded to dive into the coins. He had watched cartoons before from the TVs for sale in the shops where the characters did this whenever they saw a mountain of coins.

But alas, this time, he definitely felt the pain.

"Fucking stupid!" He could not help but curse himself, almost throwing the coins in his hand, but he didn't. Instead, he placed it on his cheeks, the coins were cold to the touch, but still, Yun Hao closed his eyes to relish at the moment.

But after a few seconds, he let out a long and deep sigh. He still needed to hide these coins first before anyone sees them. He was already lucky enough that no one goes here at this time of the night since the scrapyard was a scary place.

There was only one method that was circling inside his brain.

Bury it. Dig a hole big enough to bury the coins.

And so, without any more delays and hesitation, he got one of the shovels in the yard. If he wants to be done by morning, then he should dig non-stop, he thought. He himself thought that it was ridiculous, but this was the simplest way he could think of.

And so he dug.

He dug until he couldn't feel his arms anymore, it was as if the shovel had become an extension of his arm. It didn't help that the ground in this area was hard, even with Yun Hao's trained muscles, he was no match with the forces of the earth.

Now, it was 2 in the morning. Yun Hao wiped his sweat as he gave out a satisfied expression. He then looked at the hole he dug...

And frustratingly threw the shovel that was in his hand. The hole wasn't even enough to hide a third of the coins.

Now what? It was going to be morning soon. If he doesn't find a way to hide the coins he would be in big trouble. But Yun Hao was starting to get sleepy, not to mention tired. So, without any more deliberation, he just decided to use the shovel to put all the coins inside his house, blocking the door with some of the debris scattered in the scrapyard.

"...Maybe I should have done this from that start," Yun Hao could not help but sigh as he stared at his handiwork.

After everything was done, it was now 3 in the morning-- it was a good thing that it was a weekend now.

Yun Hao then patted his hands clean as he sat down on one of the scrapped cars beside his house. There was no way he was going to sleep in a hotel now. He couldn't really risk anyone finding this huge piggy bank of his.

He figured he wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, with all the things that happened to him today.

He lost his girlfriend… no. He didn't have her in the beginning. Why did she even get into a relationship with Yun Hao if she was disgusted with him in the first place? Was everything just some kind of cruel joke?

Yun Hao then wondered what Angela would think if she knew that Yun Hao was rich now. Would she come back to his arms and--

Yun Hao quickly shook his head off of the dangerous thoughts he was having, "Don't be a simp, Yun Hao," he said to himself as he slapped his cheeks. It was clear he still had feelings for Angela, but he also knows she isn't worth it.

All his suffering started because of her.

He then let out a long and deep sigh as turned his head towards the polluted skies above him. Just what exactly was he going to do now with all of this money? It wasn't like he could spend it like this. No sane person would let him buy a house with--

"Wait…" Yun Hao quickly paused his thought when he finally realized a very crucial thing-- just where did all these coins come from? There was also the rope that almost killed him in the first place, there were two of them instead of one.

...Could it be that he had the power to copy things?

Yun Hao squinted his eyes, before letting out a burst of laughter from his silly thoughts.

"Like that would be possible," Yun Hao then grabbed a coin that was left on the ground before flicking it in the air, "Duplicating things, pft."

"Yeah right," he then caught the coin in his hand as he stood up. But to his surprise, he held a clanging noise beside him.


Yun Hao could not help but blink as he slowly looked towards the direction of the noise. And there, on top of the scrapped car, was a coin spinning on top of its hood. Yun Hao then double-checked his hand, and true to his expectations…

...The coin was also there.

"Oh shit," Yun Hao breathed.

All the bad things that happened to him today were washed away like an umbrella in a storm. Even the revelation of what Angela did, was completely forgotten for a second now that suddenly…

...He could duplicate money.


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