Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Chapter 64 - 64: Too Excited

"What are you going to do now, child?"

The man stroked his pencil mustache once more before quickly disappearing without a trace, only to reappear somewhere far away, in a place where the light of the sun did not seem to reach.

And as soon as he appeared, he was instantly surrounded by gigantic beasts, whose blinding speed did not seem to match the sizes of their bodies. They all looked at the man, growling at him as they slowly and carefully approached him.

The man's eyes, however, did not leave his phone even for a bit. He only raised his free hand, before snapping his fingers.


And as soon as he did so, a ripple of wind thundered through the air, causing the dark clouds to open up and reveal a hint of sunlight, before once again quickly closing in. The man with a pencil mustache then tapped the screen of his phone a couple of times, before letting out a short but deep sigh.

"...Right," he muttered, "There's no reception here."

He then finally looked around him, finding himself surrounded by bits and pieces of guts and flesh combined. "Sorry about that," he then said before once again disappearing into thin air.


"There's no end to them!"

"Ha, I should have just let those oversize alien rats kill me!"

Team Champion's breaths sounded like an orchestra of exhaustion as they all tried their best to survive and stray off as many giant ants as they could. But at this point, they would get tired before they even see the end of these insects. With this thought, Jia Su could not help but squint his eyes as he looked at Yun Hao.

"Yun Hao, take it easy," it was not Jia Su that spoke, but his sister, "At this point, you'll end up overexerting yourself."

However, Yun Hao does not seem to hear them. As with his breaths, there were also chuckles. Chuckles that grew louder and were slowly drowning his breaths, growing evident by the growing smile on his face as his fists continued to smash the heads of the ants one by one.

Her sister is right, Jia Su thought. Each of Yun Hao's attacks was explosive. He could feel his qi being overused with each movement. At this point…

...Yun Hao would be the first to get tired-- and they truly can't risk that. He truly was still a baby cultivator-- was what Jia Su was thinking right now as they continued to fight off the barrage of colossal ants that were endlessly crawling towards them.

He was using too much force to one-shot everything in his path. It might have worked against a group of people to demoralize and scare them, but mindless beasts were different. They would continue to attack until either one of them is dead.

Yun Hao said he had a backer… but it would seem he was not teaching him anything, Jia Su thought. Seeing Yun Hao now, laughing but clearly getting exhausted; his hand bleeding-- more and more of the darkness that Jia Su was seeing in him was surfacing. Yun Hao might have a few loose screws in his head… Probably a masochist who hurts himself, even.

But still, Jia Su once again took a glance at Yun Hao. Even with Sun Fang and Jia Ning unlocking an Elemental meridian, an advantage which should allow for them to kill more of these ants efficiently-- Yun Hao was still surrounded with more carcasses.

If he could only learn how to manage his qi… At this rate, Yun Hao is going to run out of juice if he doesn't think of anything. But still, what a fucking monster.

And he was not alone in that sentiment. The viewers that were still watching were also flooding the comments section of his livestream.

[The fuck is the confederation doing!? Yun Hao gonna get killed bruh.]

[Already called my friend, but not doing anything.]

[fk, champion team dead. Time to find a new stan.]

[Impossible, are you watching what I am watching right now? The guy is a monster!]

[Who do you think will win, Song Chou or him?]

[Are you kidding? Song Chou would eat him alive for breakfast. Yun Hao is strong, but he is still in the Mortal realm.]

[Still doe, dude is fking nuts. Share share.]

[Share share.]

Their viewers all watched; the expressions on their faces were all different. Awe, fear, excitement-- they all want to find out how this was going to end. For some of them, they just randomly clicked the video since it was getting an unusually high amount of views for an unknown and seemingly new channel… but they were going to stay for sure.

They just hoped that this wasn't the last video they will see of Yun Hao and team Champion. And in that sentiment, they weren't alone, as Jia Su finally found a way to save themselves from the dire situation they were in.

"I have an idea!"

"Finally, our strategist comes into play!" Sun Fang let out a laugh as he clapped his hand, summoning a wave of wind that made the ants lose balance.

"We're going to go back to the grey-claws territory!"

"Are you fucking crazy!? At least here we might have a chance!"

"No, brother is right," Jia Ning said as she stepped back, "At this rate, we're just going to tire ourselves to death."

"We let the monsters kill each other," Jia Su muttered, "Since grey-claw moles are highly territorial, they should start fighting each other."

"Why didn't you think of this earlier!?"

"Because I was trying hard not to die!" Jia Su shouted before looking at Yun Hao, who seemed to be lost in his own world, "Yun Hao! We need to retreat! Yun Hao!"

With his name being called a couple of times, the light on Yun Hao's eyes faded, along with the smile on his face as he finally looked towards Jia Su and the others.

"...Right, let's go."

He then nodded his head as he punched the giant ant that was rushing towards him before following his team, "Are you sure this plan will really work?"

"So you could hear us?"

"Of course," Yun Hao shrugged as they continued to run away, "Why wouldn't I be listening?"

"...Right," Jia Su looked at Yun Hao weirdly, "

Sun Fang and Jia Ning shifted from time to time as they tried to stray off the ants that were starting to gank up on them. With Yun Hao and Jia Su carving them a path to run smoothly.

"Nearly there!" Jia Su roared as his pace hastened. Upon hearing that, the others also stretched their steps as they now completely ignored the ants and only focused on getting to the glade. And as soon as they reached it…

...They were greeted by nothing.


"Where are the alien rats you promised, Jia Su!?" Sun Fang said as he once again clapped his hands to throw the ants rushing towards them. Yun Hao also once again stepped forward, releasing a barrage of punches to give Jia Su more time to think of plan C.

But after a few seconds, they found out he didn't need to, as a dark shadow weaved its way through the ants, cleaving them in half with each of its steps.

"Haha! You guys are fucked now!"--

--Was what Sun Fang shouted before the grey-claw mole very slowly turned its head towards him.

"....Fuck me."

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