Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 127: 5 domains shake, all the strong at Wolong Cliff are destroyed

   "Dao Tianjun, do you dare to kill my elder Wolongya!"

  Road and storm rage.

  Everything happened so quickly, they had no time to react.

   Or in other words, they didn't think that Dao Tianjun would make a move, and they would take it under such an oath.

   words for them.

   Dao Tianjun's expression was cold, and the thirteen forces ordered to chase him down, and asked the assassin to assassinate him. He was already immortal, and his reconciliation was just a joke.

   "Boom!!" Dao Tianjun was extremely fast.

   There is a cold expression on his face, without hesitation, he turns his head towards the other half-step to kill him.

   Dao Tianjun's speed is extremely high, and only a few people in the field can resist, unable to evade, and can defend by killing in half a step.

   an instant.

   The palm light is violent, and the palm can be lifted in half a step to kill, runes are all over, and the sky is blazing.

   Dao Tianjun was not moved at all.


   He opened his mouth and screamed, and the nine-mouthed clock appeared out of thin air.

   In half a step, Da Neng's face turned pale.

   This killing power is superior to him, he can't believe why Dao Tianjun made such a fierce murderous intent.


  Wolongya half-step big energy wanted to block, but couldn't block it, screamed in his mouth, and his body was stained with blood.

   "Looking for death!!"

   "Dao Tianjun, you will definitely die today."

   "Wolong Cliff will never die with you."

  Everyone is furious, Luo Tong first started, his hair and beard are all open, he dances frantically, his robe is rustling like wind and thunder.

  Road style is the same.

   Like a horned dragon, his eyes are like a torch, and he kills directly.

   Between heaven and earth.

   There are all over the sky killing and cutting, swords, knives, runes, seals, tripods, etc. all appear collectively to kill Dao Tianjun.

  In an instant, the ancient city of heaven shook.

   It's hard not to let people know. To kill the sky, half of the night sky is as bright as day, and many people have noticed.

   Everyone looked at the direction of the manor where Wolongya was.

   The strongest person at the peak opened his eyes wide, and he stared at the source in a blink of an eye. Void consciousness fluctuated, and many strong people had seen everything that happened at the source.

"It's him!!"

"How could it be him."

The drastic changes in Wolongya made half of the sky in the vast ancient city like daylight. They thought that it was a hostile force attacking and killing them, and they also thought that some forces would join forces to kill and kill, but they did not expect that it would be an absolutely impossible person to appear. in.

   Dao Tianjun.

   The person who swore a poisonous oath during the day and didn't take action against Wolongya.



  Wolongya's mighty, half-step mighty killing intent is overwhelming, and the anger turns into a tiger, and the sky roars fiercely.

   Face those killings.

   Dao Tianjun smiled happily, what he wanted was this kind of effect.

   He didn't do anything, instead he chose to stop his hands. His eyes were clear and his arm pulled, Li Qiye, who was standing behind him, was pulled to the front by him.

   "It's up to you to take action in Qiye." Dao Tianjun said in action.


   Looking at this scene, Lu Xingfeng, Luo Tong and others were disturbed.

  The killing fell.

   Li Qiye's calm expression changed. There was Shen Xi in his pupils, black and white rays of light bloomed, and both yin and yang were gushing out.

   Boom boom boom...

   The earth is shaking.

   The neighboring city wall, the wall that stood up like a mountain is falling down, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, the flaming light is shining, the real daytime scenery, the night sky disappears, and the entire ancient city is bright.

  Manor building, the tiles burn like paper, turning into pieces of ashes, and the emerald green plants are like wind and sand.

   A sound like the awakening Huang Zhong Dalu exploded.

The people in the ancient city of    were all awakened.

what! !

  The strong man who came to the sense of consciousness screamed, with blood and tears in his eyes, the spirit of spirit was hit hard.

   Road and wind. Luo Tong and other Wolongya powerhouses were frightened and frightened.

   They were facing death, as if they saw a demon **** Abi Shura, the ordinary man in front of him was so strong that the sky would be broken.

   Li Qiye's whole person is like a god.

   Immortal fog lingers, the light is brilliant, the light that pierces the sky like daylight is exactly what he emits, there is majesty between the gestures, and his hands can not help but raise.

   From the void to Lu Xingfeng and the others grabbed it.

   The sky is collapsing, the ground is sinking, the void is broken like a mirror, and the roar is shaking thousands of miles.

   "How can there be such a strong man?" Lu Xingfeng and Luo Tong roared in their hearts.

   This is the last voice of Lu Xingfeng.

  The blood mist bloomed one after another, the two air currents of Yin and Yang revolved, and the ancient city was turbulent again and again.

   A dreamlike night.

   It is destined that no one can forget.

   "What kind of power is that." Some strong whispered in a daze.

   However, they can no longer feel it.

   After Li Qiye finished all this, Dao Tianjun disappeared with Li Qiye in a blink of an eye, rose up into the sky, turned into a falling star, and headed towards the ancient corpse land.

   Yin and Yang two air currents turn.

   The powerhouses at Wolongya are all destroyed, and there are powerhouses who want to investigate, but they can't get close.

   "The murderous intent is pervasive, it is impossible to approach."

   There is a look of astonishment in a powerful person.

   can clearly perceive the solemn and murderous spirit of Wolong Cliff, the boiling of Yin and Yang, which seems to have little influence on the area, but it is more than that of the holy city.

  The huge area of ​​Wolongya Manor has turned into a dangerous place!

   "With one's own power, the land is forbidden, how much cultivation can do it." An old white-haired monk widened his eyes.

   "Wolong Cliff Master, are they still alive?"

   A strong man said.

   The strong people who came around, the people who followed everything were silent.

   In front of Wolong Cliff Manor, black and white light is permeated, as if there are two yin-yang phoenixes ups and downs, it is white and black, and the scene inside can not be seen.

   In the fuzzy room, you can see the flat ground, the buildings, the fake rocks, and the mountain-like walls are all missing.

   Someone has done a test.

   Take out a Dragon Warrior, touched the yin and yang glow, and shattered in the blink of an eye.

   All these manifestations.

  Will the Wolongya powerhouse survive?

"Dead." A strong man shook his head and looked in the direction of Tiangu Corpse Land. "Why does Dao Tianjun make a move? Didn't he take a poisonous Could it be that he will swear it as a child's play? ."

   its sound comes out.

   For an instant, the companions around him were silent.

   at the same time.

  The ancient city of Shifang, everyone who noticed that this move was done by Dao Tianjun was all in doubt.

   They couldn't figure out why Dao Tianjun still wanted to make a move.

   "Crazy to kill the enemy?" Some people speculated that this seemed to be the closest possible reason.

   "It's a pity, those born in the wasteland act recklessly, and they die before they grow up."

   The gray-haired old monk sighed.

   Dao Tianjun was born since his birth.

His record was shocking and shocking the past and the present. He beheaded the sacred son of Daoyi in Nanling and ambushed the seventeen princes who existed with the Holy Physique in the Eastern Wilderness. One year later, he died in his hands. Nearly twenty numbers.

   For more than a year, such a domineering record is indeed worthy of surprise.

   However, he will die.

   Many people are sure to be endless, the oath is binding, it is a kind of heavenly power in the dark, it will be greatly backlashed, and premature death is doomed.

   The five domains are turbulent again.

   The fall of the Mighty One must have ups and downs, not to mention that most of the deaths and injuries in Wolong Cliff have affected the foundation.

   Even a holy master-class existence has fallen.

   is a sensation in the five domains.

   Dao Tianjun's name was mentioned again, causing the world to boil. He transformed the Dragon Realm cultivation base and killed nearly twenty powers. The evildoers were extremely enchanting, and many powerful people frowned.

   At the same time, there was his behavior, and the poisonous oath was reported.

   One time.

   The world is full of excitement, everyone is shocked.

   This is ruining the future, blocking the road later, doomed to premature death, regretful sarcasm and other words spread...


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