Suddenly Invincible

Chapter 151: 21 God Store

   The story of the Hongtian Empress appeared in everyone's mind.

on the other side.

   Dao Tianjun's expression flickered, bright like a small sun.

  What did he hear?

   Hongtian Empress? The one who descended the oracle in the barren land was the Emperor Hongtian! ?

   At this moment, he can be sure that the ancient emperor is Li Qiye's disciple. Does this need to be said, Hongtian Empress, the most amazing woman in eternal history.

   The only woman who can match her.

   The ruthless emperor.

   The same amazing talent, the same eternal talent.

   "Boy, you are shocked, tell me what you are going to do with these signs in the Ancient Corpse Land."

   Fu Xuan's words sounded.

   Hearing the words, Dao Tianjun looked over.

  Hey, Fu Xuan was not shocked at all. No, that's the Empress Hongtian, the strongest and most stunning woman before the Primordial Era.

  Brother, don’t you be shocked?

   so calm.

   Dao Tianjun had a flash of light in his mind. No, the strange old man was not shocked.

   But he doesn't know who the Hongtian Empress is.

   Fu Xuan once said that he is not very interested in ancient history, especially the ancient history of the wasteland.

   Now it seems that Fu Xuan must not know the Empress Hongtian, he is the son-in-law of the wasteland.

   "Hey." Dao Tianjun smiled.

   Fu Xuan wanted to hit someone.

  Really, he saw that Dao Tianjun's expression was too awkward.

   I just don't know what happened to the Hongtian Empress, as to laugh like this.

   This brat...

   At this moment, Fu Xuan also made up his mind, this time he must read ancient history.

   Because the scene just now was so embarrassing.

   Everyone is shocked and surprised, only he is stunned.

   is like a fool.

  Who am I, where am I, what I have done.

   Fu Xuan quickly changed the subject, Empress Hongtian, wait until he learns that everyone is together and shocked.

"I do not know."

   Dao Tianjun answered directly with these five words.

"Don't look at me. Although I did the cause, I don't know what the result is. It should be a fight. I don't know how the fight was. At that time, I seemed to be asleep." Dao Tianjun said honestly. .

   "Fell asleep?!" Fu Xuan's eyes widened.

   Tao Tianjun nodded.

   Was he asleep at that time? No, he was just comprehending what the king gave him, and he didn't know anything about the outside world.

   It's just that he doesn't plan to say it.

   "You brat, you made such a mess, you told me you were asleep?" Fu Xuan was speechless.

   Fu Xuan actually understood why Dao Tianjun fell asleep.

   It is very likely that the two mysterious existences, among them, Li Qiye fainted Dao Tianjun. After all, it can be heard from the mouth that Li Qiye knew the Dragon King, perhaps to protect Dao Tianjun.

   "Anything else?"

   Dao Tianjun said again.

   Hearing the words, Fu Xuan gave a white glance, "Why did you fall asleep with such an important thing, hey."

   "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave and leave."

   Dao Tianjun waved his hand.

   In the blink of an eye, the purple jade gleamed, the phantom faded away, and Dao Tianjun was gone.

   looked at this scene.

   Fu Xuan really wanted to rub Dao Tianjun to death.

   Too ignorant, did we say it’s okay, and there are some things we want to ask.

   For example, what on earth is Dao Tianjun doing, how can he still live alive in the ancient corpse land, and the image of the ancient corpse land should also be sent a few copies.

   "Let him go." Old Shui smiled bitterly.

   Shi Yun's people are too troublesome, he doesn't make people worry.

   I don't know why, Shui Lao is grateful that his trash brother, fortunately, did not lead the Tianjun Hui people.

   Fire Emperor and others also did not stop it.

   Those things are not important anymore, the things between Li Qiye and the old ghost are enough for them to digest for a while.

   As for why Dao Tianjun hasn't come back.

   They also guessed about it.

   It is very likely that there is an opportunity, otherwise, how could that thief and thief kid have such a brilliant smile.

   If he doesn't get any benefit, he won't go.

   Tiangu corpse land.

   Dao Tianjun opened his eyes, he looked at the terrifying corpses around him, with different colors on his face.

   "What happened to Tiangu Corpse Land?" Dao Tianjun muttered.

   He didn't hear the conversation between Li Qiye and the old ghost, and he didn't know what the real upheaval of Tiangu Shidi was.

   Regardless, the most important thing now is to improve oneself.

   No matter how the ancient corpse land changes drastically, its own strength is the key.

   Soon, Dao Tianjun practiced again.

   The corpse energy is like being pulled, forming a vortex and gradually converging.

   That slender and sturdy body was glowing, and in a vague way, Dao Tianjun had sixteen gods hidden in his body, which turned into sixteen ancient beast phantoms. They all opened their mouths, displayed magical powers, and swallowed huge corpse energy.


   The world is trembling like a bell, and there are shocking ripples.

  The **** hides and devours the corpse energy, feeds back Dao Tianjun's body, foundation, and spirit, constantly tempering his body.

   Six months have passed.

   Dao Tianjun is still sitting cross-legged on that ancient red ground. He is immaculate, shaped like a **** worshiped by the world, unmoving.

  He is still practicing.

   The ancient beast phantom around has another one.

   They look like ancient beasts, but they can't see what kind of ancient beasts are. They are like dragons and tigers, and they are more like unicorns.

   Seventeen ancient beasts, huge as a hill, surrounded Dao Tianjun and guarded him.

   sentiment, practice.

   Behave as always.

   Spring goes and autumn comes, and the land of ancient corpses is like spring in all seasons.

   Two years passed without knowing it.


The twenty-first **** hides the opening. In two years, Dao Tianjun started from the seventeenth gods and gradually became difficult. The eighteenth, nineteenth, twenty, and twenty-one gods took two years. time.

   Most of the time is to absorb the insights.

   However, the farther behind, the more difficult it is to open the gods, the resources needed are also massive.

   One-tenth of the resources Wolongya gave him has been used by him.

It seems to be very small, but how many resources of this one-tenth are enough to create two top holy masters. That is an Orthodox resource comparable to the extreme It is really divided into two-tenths. One of the resources.

  The swallowing of corpse energy is also included. He absorbed both sides at the same time, which can be said to exceed Dao Tianjun's prediction. He originally thought that his resources should be enough, but found that it was really too few.

   It’s harder to build my own road than anyone else.

   Sure enough, if you want to take the fast road, it will cost you a hundred or a thousand times that of others. There is a price when you are fast, and the price is unusually large.

   I can't imagine how much Dao Tianjun will spend in the later stage.

The amount of    can create an extremely holy place.


   The sky is filled with thunderclouds, lightning and thunder.

   Dao Tianjun was surrounded by twenty-one phantom beasts, which broke out in an all-round way.

   In an instant, the thunder tribulation in the sky stagnated, as if it had been under unparalleled oppression.

Roar! !

   The ancient beast shook the sky, as if the sky was about to be broken by years.

   The thunder catastrophe in the sky has regular symbols appearing, exuding colorful brilliance, this is a different kind of thunder catastrophe.

   However, the twenty-one phantom beasts are like sheep like a pack of wolves.

   Nothing but swallowing, thunder robbery makes up for it.

   In the blink of an eye, the thunder robbery that made the surrounding corpses instinctive dissipated.


   There is a sonorous sound.

   Those were two horrifying gazes, and Dao Tianjun opened his eyes.

   A pair of deep, scary eyes appeared.

   contains all things, and within it is the sky of the universe.

   After more than two years of cultivation, Dao Tianjun transformed once again, his aura became stronger, and his whole person was like an immortal walking in the world.

   whispered softly in his mouth.

   "I have a solid foundation, and my perception and realm are comparable to each other. I don't need thunder and robbery."...


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