Medium military camp tent.

Yuan Zuozong opened the curtain and walked in with Lai Nuer.

“The last will take care of the child, see Generalissimo.”

Lai Gu’er seemed to be resentful, and although he was saluting, his expression was quite displeased.

It is no wonder that a million-strong army has been under Liaodong City for five days.

But in the war, there was little progress.

How can it be comfortable to come to protect the child and strive for victory?

Secondly, Yang Ming’s arrangement is too unreasonable.

“Come general, gather the generals of the three armies, this palace has something to say.”

Yang Ming ordered.

“Marshal, in a day of war, the soldiers are tired, and I am afraid that there will be resentment when summoned at this time!”

Lai Nuer hurriedly said.

If it were an ordinary situation, it would not be so.

But Lai Hu’er understood that now the lieutenant general in the army has a grudge.

If they were summoned late at night, this resentment would only be deepened and directly affected the hearts of the military.

“Do as told!”

Yang Ming’s eyes froze, and his voice was much lower.

Hearing this, Lai Shu’er was stunned for a moment.

In an instant, he found that Yang Ming seemed to have changed into a person.

The eyes are as sharp as a sword, making people feel cold in the back.

How can a person who does not learn and has no skills have such eyes?

In addition, Yang Ming’s temperament has also changed.

Although it is only for a moment, you can still feel it when you come to care for the child.


In a trance, the nurse suddenly answered the order.

“Strange, how can I agree, so that it will not be an illusion?”

When he left the tent, he couldn’t help but mutter.

Soon, after the military order was issued, the officers and men of the three armies quickly assembled.

Yuwen Shu and the others also came with doubts.

When everyone gathered, Yang Ming came with Yuan Zuozong.

“What for, isn’t the marshal torturing everyone?”

“Yes, I’m tired enough after a day of fighting, and I don’t let everyone sleep well yet.”

“Yes, it’s really unlucky.”

“Don’t say it, the marshal is here!”

The lieutenant general was full of resentment, but when he saw Yang Ming coming, he hurriedly shut up.

Obviously, the matter of killing those generals in the first place still scared them.

“Marshal, I don’t know about the late night summoning, but what are the orders?”

Yuwen Shu asked.

He was a little worried that Yang Ming would suddenly gather the three armies and whether he would have the idea of a night attack.

If this is the case, you are not allowed to meet the person who delivers the letter privately.

In addition, it may threaten Liaodong City.

“For five days, Er and others couldn’t break through Liaodong City, so it’s really the Great Sui Iron-Blooded Army?”

Yang Ming scolded.

“Hmph, we can’t break it, it’s not because of a problem with strategy.”

“Yes, the marshal can’t do it, go to blame the soldiers?”

“Alas, I am really unwilling to worry about dying at the hands of these Goguryeo barbarians now.”

Some soldiers complained.

Logically speaking, there are a large number of officers and soldiers of the three armed forces, and only those in the back position dare to say so.

After all, this place is far away from Yang Ming, and under normal circumstances, Yang Ming can’t hear it.

But now that he has Xiang Yu’s inheritance, his hearing is also very good, so he can hear some words clearly.

It’s just that Yang Ming doesn’t care, after all, it is normal for the soldier to complain in this situation.

Secondly, some soldiers have grievances but also have a passion, which is a good thing.

Yang Ming continued to point to the lessons of the generals of the three armies, and estimated that it would take half an hour before stopping and letting the soldiers go back to rest.

“It is the former prince, there is no doubt that this style…”

Lai Nuer smiled bitterly.

Yuwen Shu smiled meaningfully, waiting for tomorrow’s good show to come on.

The next day, the drums of war beat in unison.

The generals of the three armies set out under the leadership of Yuwen Shu and others.

As before, he launched an attack on Liaodong City.

At the head of Liaodong City, the guard general Park Tian’en sneered, watching hundreds of thousands of troops coming towards Liaodong.

“General, it seems that this group of Sui troops are crazy, and they have not made the slightest progress in fighting for five days, and they even want to fight.”

Its adjutant said with a smile.

The tension and pressure of the defenders of Liaodong City have long disappeared without a trace.

Na Pu Tian’en also found that the Sui army did not have much desire to attack, and even if there were more troops, it was difficult to break the city.

“Tonight we can kill the Great Sui Prince and thwart this million Sui army.”

Park Tian’en sneered.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that there were people with ulterior motives in the Sui army.”

The adjutant general echoed.

“The point is that the Great Sui Emperor actually sent a prince who did not learn or have no skills to lead the troops, it is simply confused.”

Park Tian Eun replied.

“General, isn’t this the Heaven Destroying Great Sui.”

The adjutant general replied.

“Yes, the Heaven Destroys the Great Sui, and Goguryeo is destined to enter the Central Plains!”

Park Tian-eun was in good spirits.

“And after this battle, the name of the general should be as loud as General Eulji Wende.”

The deputy continued.

“Yes, General Eulji Wende.”

Park Tian-eun was excited.

This Eulji Wende is a famous general of Goguryeo, and it is also the main general of Goguryeo this time.

Time passed quickly, and the entire daytime still did not break through Liaodong City.

Not even half of the wall was climbed, and it was not much different from the form of previous days.

The generals of the three armies returned from defeat.

And there are complaints in the army, and there are even people who want to be deserters.

Yuwen Shu and Lai Nu’er and others knew this situation.

“After Ben returns to the division, the prince will definitely be impeached!”

Lai Gu’er said angrily.

There were many Wen Wu, and at this time, he echoed Dao, among which was Wei Wensheng.

When the army returned to the Chinese military camp tent, Yang Ming had already left the Chinese military camp tent and once again gathered the generals of the three armies.

“Wait, let the main palace be very disappointed.”

Facing the defeated generals of the three armies, Yang Ming shook his head.

“Your Highness, there is something wrong with your strategy!”

“Yes, there has been no progress for five days, why not change the siege method!”

Finally, someone in the army couldn’t help it and said directly.

“Be bold!”

When Yuwen Shu heard this, he scolded.

“Hmph, there is a problem with the strategy, since this is the case, the palace will let the guards go to break the city and wait for Er to see!”

Yang Ming gulped.


As soon as these words came out, laughter appeared in the three armies.

Yuwen Shu and the others were also forced to smile.

Yang Ming’s guards were only about a thousand people.

Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people can’t break through this Liaodong City, let alone more than a thousand people?

And Yuwen Shu was also secretly happy in his heart, it was not easy to kill Yang Ming without the guards.

He had actually been worried about the problems of Yang Ming’s guards, after all, what happened in Luoyang Gaofu, Yuwen Shu had also heard about it.

Although I didn’t see the East Palace Guards following the expedition, who could say clearly that the Marshal Guards in the army were not the East Palace Guards?

“Laugh, after the city is broken, Marshal Ben wants to see who can laugh, then it will be Marshal Ben who presses these barbarians to fight, not you!”

Yang Ming sneered.

“Generalissimo think twice, your Guards are less than a thousand people, and if you go, you will also be sent to death!”

Lai Guer’s face changed greatly.

He felt that it was a pity, and he also felt that the Marshal Guards were most likely the East Palace Guards.

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