“General, how to explain the matter in Liaodong?”

Kwon Sang-hyuk asked.

“You have to know that this expedition is not the Prince of the Sui Chamber alone, then the veteran of the Great Sui Dynasty, Yuwen Shu, is here, and there is another one to protect the child.”

Yuangai Suwen squinted.

“The general’s meaning, the handwriting of the First World War in Liaodong, was it from their hands?”

Kwon Sang-hyuk asked in surprise.


Yuangai Suwen replied.


Kwon Sang-hyuk was about to say something, but he thought about it himself, and what Yuangai Suwen said was not groundless.

“If you let them march to Bone City like this, Bone City will be in trouble, after all, it is a million-strong army.”

Yuangai Suwen said in a deep voice.

“General, is it possible that you are not going to do what General Eulji Wende tells you?”

Kwon Sang-hyuk’s face changed.

“Hmph, what is this strategy to delay time?”

Yuangai Suwen asked rhetorically after listening to it.

“General Eulji Wende meant that the fraudulent surrender delayed time, but increased the pressure on the Sui army.”

“As long as the Sui army’s conquest time increases, then the victory of this battle is not clear.”

Kwon Sang-hyuk explained.

“Shut up!”

Yuangai Suwen scolded.

“With the character of the prince of the Sui Chamber, Ben didn’t think he would be recruited.”

When Kwon Sang-hyuk heard this, he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

“All in all, Ben is not willing to give up this opportunity to directly raid the middle army of the Sui army and capture the thief and capture the king!”

Yuangai Suwen’s tone carried a cold breath.


Kwon Sang-hyuk knew that he could not stop it, so he directly responded.

“Okay, transfer 30,000 troops and directly raid the middle army of the Sui army, it is best to start when they are marching!”

Yuangai Suwen ordered directly.

“General, this is half of the strength of Bone City!”

Kwon Sang-hyuk’s face changed drastically.

“Just act according to the military order, you don’t have to worry about the rest.”

Yuangai Suwen replied.


Kwon Sang-hyuk had no choice but to take orders.

“You came to guard Bone City, and you were going to personally lead the troops.”

Yuangai Suwen continued.

“General, don’t!”

Quan Xianghyuk’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly persuaded.

Yuangai Suwen is the Lord General of Dark Bone City, how can he go there in person?


Yuangai Suwen said impatiently.

This time, it was an opportunity for him to make meritorious contributions and an excellent opportunity to enhance his family’s strength.

With these factors in it, how could Yuangai Suwen not be moved?

He forcibly gave the order, and the troops were assembled that day, and Yuangai Suwen led the troops there.

In fact, Yuangai Suwen dared to do this because he was familiar with the terrain of Goguryeo.

The Sui army was not very familiar with it, so the scout did not necessarily detect the traces of Yuangai Suwen.

This also paved the way for Yuangai Suwen to win the big war.

Just as Yuangai Suwen was marching, a secret order was quickly transmitted to Lai Gu’er.

Lai Hu’er took the secret order, and found that the secret order was actually from Yang Ming’s hand, and his face changed immediately.

“Pass the order to Mai Tiejie, let him lead the army all the way, and quickly go to the Chinese army to support.”

Lai Hu’er said to the adjutant.


The adjutant general was stunned for a moment, this military order came too suddenly.

“You just have to act according to the military order, and you don’t have to worry about the rest!”

Lai Nuer said in a deep voice.


The adjutant general solemnly replied.

After saying that, he quickly turned his horse’s head and gathered troops according to the orders of the guardian.

Immediately afterwards, he returned directly with the soldiers and horses and went to the direction of the Chinese army.

“The rest of the soldiers.”

Wait until the adjutant general leaves, and come to protect the child and say loudly.

“The end is coming!”

The officers and men of the three armies answered in unison.

“Wait, follow Ben and march quickly to Bone City!”

Came to the nurse and shouted.


The generals of the three armies were stunned for a moment, and looked at Lai Nu in disbelief.

Because this military order was so strange, they actually let them march to Bone City in a hurry.


Although puzzled, the generals of the three armies still responded.

It is worth mentioning that coming to protect the child is only to dispatch his own elite, which is equivalent to someone he trusts.

It is estimated that it is a two-way army, and the number is acceptable.

One of them returned to the Chinese army to support, and the remaining three were acting according to the original military orders and rushing towards the direction of Bone City unhurriedly.

During the rush march, he looked back from time to time.

“General, where is Adjutant General Huang?”

One of the commanders asked curiously.

“Ask these things and do your job.”

Lai Gu’er scolded with a cold face.


The commander answered, not daring to ask more.

Two days later.

In the left army led by Yuwen Shu, the army led by Zhou Long suddenly stopped.

And privately assembled in one place, the strength of the army is estimated to be about 60,000.

The main forces are in the remaining four roads, and the one where Yuwen Shu is located.

However, these six forces still seem a little eye-catching.

Just how to turn around and go to the Chinese army, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be found.

“Is the armor ready?”

Zhou Long asked.


The commanders of the various armies replied one after another.

“Leave 10,000 troops here to meet here, and the remaining 50,000 troops will go with Ben and change their armor immediately!”

Zhou Long said in a deep voice.


All the soldiers answered one after another.

The military order was transmitted, and the 50,000-strong army immediately replaced the armor of Goguryeo.

These armor were all taken by Yuwen Shu from Liaodong prisoners and quietly distributed to the army of the family forces to which they belonged.

After arranging everything, Zhou Long killed Yang Ming’s Chinese army.

As soon as Zhou Long left on his front foot, 30,000 Goguryeo troops came from the direction of Wugu City.

And it just so happened that he bumped into the receiving army arranged by Zhou Long.

The receiving army did not expect that there would be a Goguryeo army to kill, and they were stunned in place for a while.

And Yuangai Suwen, but the one who killed decisively, directly ordered to act.

The 30,000-strong army against the 10,000-strong army, and Yuangai Suwen’s was still elite, and caught the Sui army by surprise.

Add to that familiarity with the terrain and the results are obvious.

This 10,000-strong army, almost powerless to fight back, was completely annihilated here.


Yuangai Suwen took a deep breath and looked at the entire battlefield.

“General, not a single one escaped!”

A general came to report.

“Very good, how did you meet the Sui army in this place?”

Yuangai Suwen muttered.

“General, I’m afraid that the middle army of the Sui army still has some troops left.”

The general replied.

“Yes, deploy nearby troops, and send five thousand troops to this general!”

Yuangai Suwen made an immediate decision.

This time, he raided the Sui army, and it was already an arrow on the string that had to be fired.

It is even more difficult for him to return after annihilating 10,000 Sui troops than ascending to the sky.


The general takes orders.

Outside the Bone City, there are some small cities, and it is still possible to deploy an army of 5,000 when it is full.

Doing all this, Yuangai Suwen continued to march.

He could never have imagined that he was used as a knife, and killing 10,000 Sui troops was exactly the family force that Yang Ming wanted to deal with.

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