Bone City.

Jeon Sang-hyuk led the troops to defend against the onslaught of the guards.

The order received by Lai Gu’er was just to rush to storm the Bone City.

As for how to attack the city, Yang Ming did not give a detailed plan, and directly let the nurse play freely.

Therefore, the child protection chose to storm.

He was also a general, and he knew very well that Yang Ming asked him to march in a hurry, the main reason was that Wugu City would send troops to the Chinese army.

Until now, the guardian thought that Yang Ming’s behavior was mainly to set up a trap for Dark Bone City, so that they could send the main army to attack Dark Bone City.

Therefore, there were not many troops in Dark Bone City, so they chose to storm.

And this is also the case, the pressure on Quan Xianghyuk’s side has skyrocketed.

After all, Jeon Sang-hyuk is only a deputy general, and he cannot be compared with Yuangai Suwen.

In the face of the onslaught of the Sui army, it can only blindly defend.

Above the head of the city, Quan Xianghyuk was already sweating profusely, and even hurriedly commanded the city defense.

“Damn, how did the Sui army come so quickly?”

Jeon Sang-hyuk scolded secretly.

According to the scout’s last intelligence report, the Sui army had at least two or three days to arrive.

At that time, Yuangai Suwen should also have successfully ambushed and returned to Bone City.

Coupled with this, Wu Bone City was caught off guard, and Quan Xianghe’s pressure would be so great.


He came to protect the children and oversaw the army under the city, and constantly issued military orders.

Those hundreds of thousands of Sui troops attacked from all directions, choosing various gaps to attack.

In terms of the way Gu’er attacked, it seemed that it was only a matter of time before he broke through Bone City.

As long as Yuwen Shu’s side also led the army to arrive, then taking the Black Bone City would only be instantaneous.

For now, what’s going on.

However, there are many people from families on the left and right armies.

Although the number of people who came to protect the child was small, it also had a certain impact on the siege of the city.

“What’s going on?”

After a long attack, Lai Nuer found a problem.

The army was already tired and seemed to be fierce in the offensive, but it could not reach the city at critical moments.

Lai Gu’er’s face was ugly, and he wondered whether to set a military order to slack off the military situation and kill directly.

“General, we are all on a hurry march, and as soon as we arrive in Dark Bone City, we will launch a fierce attack.”

“If it continues, it will only change.”

One of the generals said.

Lai Gu’er was silent, and his eyes looked at the city head coldly.

“General, why don’t you wait for General Wei and General Yu to arrive?”

The general continued.


The child was helpless, so he could only order to retire.

More than 100,000 troops retreated one after another, and quickly rested in the Anzha camp.

Lai Gu’er stayed alone in the Chinese army without saying a word, his brain constantly running and seemed to be thinking about something.


It was estimated that late at night, a shout came.

Lai Nuer suddenly woke up, only to find that it was already evening.

The barracks have been reorganized into city defenses, and patrol troops have begun to patrol the barracks.

In fact, there were already generals who came to report halfway, but they just came to protect the child’s thoughts, and did not respond.

“Could it be that there is something wrong with this expeditionary force?”

Guardian muttered.

He is not a fool, plus Yang Ming has a miraculous effect every time he arranges, which makes him think in this aspect.


In the next second, the curtain of the tent was lifted.

Immediately afterwards, a general hurriedly walked in.

“What’s the matter?”

Lai Nuer asked with a frown.

He was thinking of a critical period when he was interrupted by this general.

“Old General Yuwen Shu, and General Yu, they have all arrived.”

The scout hurriedly replied.


Come and take care of your children.

However, he also had doubts, and Yu Zhongwen and the others could still say that they arrived.

But why, the left army to which Yuwen Shu belonged also arrived at this time.

“Come to take care of your child, what should you be guilty of?”

In the next second, a voice sounded immediately after, and I saw Yuwen Shu walking in with Yuwen Shu.

As soon as the two came in, they looked at Lai Nuer with a smile.

“Old General, what do you mean by this?”

Looking at the posture of the two asking about sin, Lai Hu’er frowned and asked.

“What do you mean by that?”

Yuwen Shu sat down with a smile.

“Did you have ulterior motives when your army on the right arrived early, violating the military order of the marshal’s army meeting and the general attack?”

Yuwen Shu said in a deep voice.

He and Lai Nu Er are equivalent to Yang Guang’s close followers and important people.

But when it comes to official positions and experience, Yuwen Shu is naturally above the child protection, so he will ask questions like this.

“The general still thought that the old general was angry, because of something, it turned out to be because of this matter.”

After hearing this, Lai Nu’er was stunned at first, and then said with a smile.

At this moment, Yu Zhongwen, Wei Wensheng and others also walked in.

Seeing this situation, he did not speak, but looked at Lai Gu’er and Yuwen Shu.

“The reason why Ben marched like this is because of this.”

Lai Nu’er didn’t talk nonsense, and directly took out Yang Ming’s secret military order.

Yuwen Shu took the browsing, determined that this military order was true, and his expression became wonderful at the moment.

“Father, it seems that Zhou Long is fierce.”

Yuwen Wenhe said in Yuwen Shu’s ear.

Yuwen Shu glared at Yu Wenhe, now is really not the time to say these words.

“Old General, do you still have questions?”

Nurse asked.

“Ben didn’t expect that this was a misunderstanding.”

Yuwen Shu suddenly laughed.

“Since it is a misunderstanding, then forget it, two generals, should we discuss how to break the city tomorrow?”

Wei Wensheng stood up and asked, and Yu Zhongwen echoed a few words.

“How to break the city, let’s wait for the marshal to come.”

Yuwen Shu said in a deep voice.

“Marshal arrived!”

Another shout.

Yuwen Shu and Lai Nu’er looked at each other, calculating based on the distance and time, Yang Ming should not have come so quickly.

Secondly, it is clear that eighty percent of the Chinese army has been ambushed.

From this point of view, Yang Ming will only come later, not earlier.

Thinking of this, Lai Gu’er glanced at Yuwen Shu again.

Looking at Yuwen Shu’s posture, he obviously did not know about this.

“Could it be that Marshal Cheng has some doubts about Yuwen Shu, otherwise, what I am doing should be handed over to Yuwen Shu to do.”

Guardian muttered.

Just when everyone was surprised, Yang Ming had already walked in with Changsun Wuji, as well as Yuan Zuozong and others.

“See Marshal.”

Everyone hurriedly saluted, and the nurse hurriedly gave up the main seat.

Yang Mingduan sat on the main seat and glanced at Yuwen Shu and the others.

Yuwen Shu’s eyes flashed a gloomy color.

Yang Ming is still alive, indicating that Zhou Long is dead.

And this news did not come back, which meant that the army brought by Zhou Long was almost completely annihilated.

Otherwise, he left a living mouth and was arrested by Yang Ming’s people.

“Something is wrong, come to protect the city first, and the rest of his right army arrived with the old man.”

“And the Chinese army cannot have the strength to deal with Zhou Long.”

Yuwen Shu muttered.

The more he thought about it, the uglier his face became.

Yuwen Shu made it clear that this time he really fell for it.

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