175 – with one heart and one mind

Serena slashed the wind shear horizontally and blew away all the black mana accumulated around her. The sensation of those things stealing away life force was unpleasant at any time.

Besides, having to watch her master get kidnapped in front of her eyes while losing her life force by black mana, she recalled the trauma of that time and swung her sword more nervously.

Serena, who had literally emptied the nearby space to nothing, looked around. First of all, it was urgent to figure out where this place was.

I didn’t feel the sensation of my body bouncing out of space, so I couldn’t have been thrown outside.

But there was no particular income. The big thing was that the space turned upside down dozens of times, and Serena lost her sense of direction halfway.

The collapsing sky swung the wind shear and cut it cleanly, but the aftermath was a problem. Serena could cut through space, not manipulate space.

I tried to follow the lead of the soul, but the lead was too vague. In the end, the action Serena chose was to walk blindly forward.

It was said that the attraction was faint, but it wasn’t nonexistent, so it was a method I could choose.

“That year…”

Serena gritted her teeth, remembering the last voice she heard before falling here.

It was a voice I had already heard. The year that kidnapped her lord. It was clear that bitch was talking. I thought it was just fine. Because I can get my revenge sooner.

Power went into the hand holding the wind shear. That bitch wanted to kill her with her own hands, no matter what.

This is the year that made him suffer the worst disgrace with his knighted body. Serena had to kill him.

“Where are you going? Huh?”

The steps did not go far and stopped. It was because Serena’s voice had been heard in Serena’s ears. The blue walls full of chill looked back at the source of the sound.

There, like Serena, there was a bitch who could never be forgotten and who should never be forgotten, with a cold, hard face.

Rеаd at ոоbӏеmtӏ.соm

Just like the last time, he was holding an old greatsword of absurd size at an angle to his heart.

“You finally appeared.”

Serena grabbed the wind shear with both hands and breathed mana into her body, preparing to attack that bitch. Last time I was let down, but this time it will be different.

At that time, the reason why Serena suffered one-sidedly was that she couldn’t cut the black mana clearly.

Since all of the attacks were unstable, the vitality that allowed them to hit was taken away, and their strength was lethargic, and even if they cut black mana after a thousand efforts, they could not properly deal damage.

But now it was different.

After clearing away the black mana pouring down from the sky earlier, he gained confidence that he could cut them down. Perhaps now, it would be possible to inflict significant damage on that bitch’s body.

Of course, it shouldn’t stop with causing damage, but it should be decapitated.

“A sword, I chose a really useless weapon.”

Olivia laughed at Serena with those words and forged a sword in her right hand.

It was a sword that looked almost like the greatsword stuck in his heart. If there is a difference, is it only the fact that it is clean without a single scratch, unlike the original, which has completely lost its teeth due to wear and tear?

It was clear what he meant by the fact that he would fight with a sword by imitating Serena even though he dared to ridicule the fact that Serena uses a sword.

To completely destroy Serena’s pride.

“I mean. I’m jealous of you guys. I can’t stand it because I’m jealous. You’re my teacher, you’re my only teacher. I hate the fact that there’s someone else in Master’s heart other than me. In my heart, there’s only Master, but in Master’s heart, there’s only me.” No. That’s why, at first, I wanted to kill you. I just wanted to kill you all, destroy it along with the world, and live happily, leaving Master and me alone. But now that I think about it, just killing you is too lenient, isn’t it? They are the bitches who took away the bitch, and they are the bitches who have settled in my master’s heart, isn’t it too merciful to just kill them neatly?”

Olivia lightly swung a greatsword as long as her height with one hand. At first glance, it looked like a simple arm waving motion, but the power contained in it was enormous.

For example, even if Serena was protecting herself with mana, the moment she was directly hit by that lightly wielded greatsword, one spot would undoubtedly be shattered.

“So, I’ve decided to change my mind. I’m not going to kill you.”

The tip of the greatsword pointed at Serena.

“I’ll tear off all the skin, and I’ll come out alive and decorate Master’s newlyweds’ house.”

“……What did you say just now?”

At Olivia’s words that she would turn herself into furniture, the divine power flowing from Christine’s body became even stronger.

furniture? that was good If God wanted Christine to sit in the chair, Christine would have gladly offered God to use her back or thighs as she pleased.

If God wanted to use Christine like a tool, Christine was willing to be used by God. Rather, he begged in reverse to please.

If the subject of the command was her god, Christine was the kind of person who would blindly follow anything unscientific and willingly work hard for what the god wanted.

However, that was not Christine’s god.

That was the devil who stole God from Christine, a heretic subject to erroneous teachings, and an unbeliever who did not believe in God.

But, it was talking irreverent things to Christine without even knowing the subject. Christine stared at Olivia with dimmed eyes.

Olivia couldn’t hide her displeasure when she saw Christine.

“You… the feeling of that bitch has gotten stronger? I wondered what you were doing, maybe you came back from the past? It was already annoying, but it turned even more annoying. Yes, I’ll take special care of you and dismantle it. , I’m going to stretch every single muscle like a thread and decorate it around the room. And I’ll hang my head on the door. Let’s watch forever how well Master and I are a match. Yes, that’s good. It’s like taking revenge on those who separated Master and me. It just went well, yes. Let’s do that.”

As soon as those words were finished, black mana gathered on the floor. The gathered black mana soon began to change into the shape of a monster.

Ugly teeth grew, bulging muscles grew, and long fingernails and toenails grew. The variety was also very diverse. From quadrupedal walks to things that look similar to humans.

Christine quietly raised her divine power, but those monsters only hesitated when they entered the range of divine power, but did not disappear or melt away after being purified like ordinary monsters.

The skin burned little by little, as if taking damage, but that was all.

“You use divine power? Yes, then it wouldn’t be bad to be eaten by monsters. No, you must do that. Did you say that monsters are weak against divine power? Try your best. I’ll make as many more as you like.”

The monster had already far exceeded the number that could be counted with the naked eye. Everywhere Christine’s gaze reached was infested with monsters.

I checked the number in my mind. Even at the very minimum, it was over 10,000. If you take it a little pessimistically, it was about five to six times that.

It was clear that the visible monsters would not be all. If Christine succeeds in eradicating all of them, she will recreate as many monsters as she has killed.

It didn’t matter though.

Christine clenched her fists. No matter how many cults there are, no matter what stands in Christine’s way, as long as her God is with her, Christine will never be broken.

‘The timelines are overlapping.’

Charlotte was confronting Olivia with the dragon’s eyes blooming. A magic circle of numbers that were already difficult to count was spread around them, creating an imminent situation.

Half of the magic circle was blue, and the other half was black, so it was not difficult to guess who the owner was.

Unlike Olivia, who had a relaxed expression even in the midst of such a confrontation, Charlotte was frowning and displaying emotions close to confusion.

Three timelines superimposed on that bitch’s body. In other words, that bitch was showing up in three places at the same time.

It was an unbelievable result, but Charlotte did not doubt her own eyes. So the fact that that bitch appeared in three places at once must be close to the truth.

It was easy to guess where those three places were. One right here in front of Charlotte’s eyes, one in front of that sword-wielding asshole, one in front of that crazy bitch.

However, that didn’t mean that Olivia was split into three. Olivia was still only one.

Across all timelines, only one.

But since she exists in all three places at the same time, she couldn’t even guess what happened to Charlotte.

“Give me your wife. If you do, I will show you special mercy and cut your neck painlessly.”

Charlotte didn’t blink an eye and spread the lie. Of course, it had to be a lie. Because there was no way Charlotte would ever kill Olivia gracefully.


Olivia’s reaction wasn’t Charlotte’s arrogance of being sure of victory, nor was it a lie about showing mercy.

It was the word Giabi. Olivia immediately lifted the corners of her mouth and let out a sneer at the word Charlotte said.

“About a girl who has never hugged a man. You’re talking nonsense.”

Charlotte brushed it off casually. She had no memory of having slept with a boy yet, so it was only natural that she was a virgin.

After realizing true love, I decided to give it to someone I love the first time, and in order to do so, it was right to maintain a pure body.

Even though the fruition has been delayed for a long time, over a hundred years have passed, but the fact that a woman has kept her chastity for a long time to dedicate it to the one she loves is good for a man, but it is definitely not a deductible factor. did.

‘… … However, I don’t think he really said it with that intention.’

Even so, Charlotte couldn’t shake the strange feeling. Was the word virgin just uttered really all about Charlotte’s lack of experience with men?

It seemed that the truth was different. Yes, unlike Charlotte, who is still a virgin herself, she has completed her experience with men—

Charlotte, who had gone mad in her thoughts, sprang to life.

“……Four years.”

“Huh? Did you notice?

Olivia giggled. Did you notice? The way she spoke, as if affirming Charlotte’s thoughts, made her feel like the blood in her body was gushing backwards.

“Giggle, stupid. What do you think I would have done to take Master to the newlyweds’ house while you guys were shutting yourself up like losers?”


“Shall I tell you what Master likes? Master really likes me asking all the way to the neck. He pushes it all the way down to the back of his neck and uses his throat like a pussy to stimulate it. Then his expression tries to keep his composure Also, the corners of your mouth twitch, but at that time, if I gently stimulate the lower part of the column with my tongue, it won’t last long and it will vomit a lot of emotion inside me. After that, now… Ah, is it still too early for a ‘virgin’ like you? There are still a lot of stories left.”

After she finished speaking, Olivia sneered and gently stroked her lower stomach. Charlotte recognized the meaning of the gesture at once.

The place where the hand was directed was the location of the woman’s womb, that is.

“For example, how the Master’s seed in here came to be.”

Sparks flew in Charlotte’s eyes.


“Fuck bitch.”

Serena, Charlotte, and Christine hated each other terribly, but at this moment, they were united in one mind and said the same thing.

And I thought the same thing.

I’m going to tear that bitch’s lower belly to shreds.

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