There's a lot that the world can do about it, but there's a lot that can be done about it.

Now, for example, we make up.

"Oh man, I was just walking away?! Yep!?"

"Uncle, let's get there - Ya ~"

My uncle, who looked like Brother Shimizu, was angry with the look on his face.

My uncle himself was originally old, so (excuse me) because he hasn't seen any change in appearance so far, this sight looks like a sight a few days after that day. Brother Shimizu was also strangely unable to suspect that Orchid was of unknown age or otherwise due to the fact that he had not seen any change in his appearance at all.

Behind the rice shop mansion are a number of rooms where the men live, yet reminiscent of the old brothel. Best not to use the term brothel because Yoshihara is out of business now.

The large Japanese-style room was packed tightly with men sitting in the front seat. Some of them had broken legs, but I want you to give me a break because I'm just nervous even if I get that far.

I greeted Autumn Water, Wind, Orchid Chrysanthemum, me, and Brother Shimizu in turn, but the older brothers who saw Autumn Water and the others had become busy when they wanted to try to do it again on the road when they had all the gorgeous facial rashes so far. I do want to worship that luxurious queue once more when the former Hanaki and his brothers Ujino, Ripple and Akimizu and Shimizu are in addition.

"I'm back, I'm home"

When Brother Shimizu laid hands and lowered his head, a round of applause arose.

"Can't help yelling! If I could see him alive, I'd have decided to preach to him. I would!

"I missed you so much, Uncle Shin."

That was good, but then he yelled at me as to whether my uncle was good or not, and the situation was going on at the beginning. Mr. Noshi came along the way and told us, "Take a big look," with a bitter smile, but early in the reunion, my uncle's yelling is bad for my heart. I won't forget those sermon days.... or Noshi was as fuzzy and beautiful as ever.

"Sorry I'm late to say hello, Uncle"

"Not at all!! That's not all!

Brother Shimizu apologizes for not preaching yet, Kola! and my uncle breathes.

Very - I recognised that Brother Shimizu must be special among all of us.

In me and so on, but in the autumn water, in the wind, in the orchid chrysanthemum, in my uncle, to the two brothers of the same flower queen, to those who were the newcomers beneath it, to the vultures, to all those who were other playmen, whose existence must be somewhere, something special that remains in my heart without disappearing all the time.

Akimizu and I laughed at each other that it would be noisy with Brother Shimizu's efforts for a while.

"Good to have you back."

It's true.

The wind was so missed by the neighbor Qin Ai, or he did rude things like "I'm scared after I leave" on the road until I got here, but when I got here, I came and I was happy to see Brother Ribbon stroke my head and I feel good to come back here.

"Brother Ujino, you're going to hug Nojuku in the first place, aren't you? Cheating, huh?

"I said I got a hold of Orchid."


Orchid chrysanthemum rattled his teeth giddy, as they both said. annoying.

But these three are really close, too.

Looking at the interaction between almost all of them and my brothers, I felt a bit of a thrust on my shoulder with my fingertips from behind. I shook my body all the time and looked back over my shoulder, and Plum Tree looked like a mischievous child with her tongue out.

"Umeki ~, surprised"

"If you don't do this to Brother Noju, I don't feel comfortable."

"Are you still mad?

"No, nothing"

When I glanced at the three people lying next to me because they were turning their ears to our conversation, no, I didn't take you Umebi. Oh, my God, Orchid made fun of each other.

I won't listen to you now, so I bashed in my brain.

I didn't try to get rid of Umeki that day because I didn't take him. I didn't want to twist him around being younger on a selfish journey, and I just wanted Plum Tree to do something safe and fun that I'd never been able to do before. I couldn't help wishing you didn't have the right to decide that. Speaking of greed, we all wanted to travel. Playing in the river with the little vultures, catching bugs or something......

But that journey is about finding your future. Had it not been for the promise made to the three Orchids, I might not have gone with them either.

"I still wanted to follow you."


"Brother Nojuku?!

The moment I reached for Umebi, a loud voice blocked it.

He gets his hands around his neck and pushes him down with a baton. A beautiful blue hair enters my sight when I hold down my hips with a shock and look up at the ceiling.

I don't even know who. After a few seconds of casually touching my head with a pom, blue......? No way, I breathed.


"Brother Nojuku."

This adorable looking, upper-eyed, unforgettable girl.

Though the days we spent together were short, they were like the first and last godchildren to me, that Wazumi that was still small.

"Hana is good, but I knew Brother Nojuku would be the best."


Umeki grinned bitterly as I leaned my neck and my eyes met.

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