Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Beginning Days of Distress 26

I've had a few crying mornings before.

One, every two years or so. But I also find it strange to say how often, so maybe I should say that I have about that many times but rarely.

Well, for now, I mean, there was one.

Sometimes I even remembered why I was crying right after I woke up, but it really, moaned my memory about 0.1 seconds early and I gradually couldn't figure out what I was crying about.

But it's also true that I did remember it, and I forgot it, but I didn't.

But, well, in the end, I'm forgetting, so it's not like I can say anything.


My forehead on my forehead feels lifted.

The smell of plums and a slightly limp breeze swimming outside made me feel like I had plundered my cheeks.

As for the nose, it also feels slightly feverish between the eyebrows.

On the other hand, the eye lid is oddly cooler than that. Colder than that. So I wiped it with my hand somehow.

But I would like to wipe it with my hand, but then the back of my hand wrapped something cold (with it?).

I don't know, I'll gently open the eye lid that was closed.


Repeat the blink a few times to get your eyes used to it.

On the chest was a tri-haired cat protection with white, tea and black marble patterns. Below it is a beautiful belt that has collapsed. Though it was beautiful, I thought it was beautiful even if it was good.

I find expensive things to look and feel different, although my eyes aren't that effective.

The next thing I saw was someone's kimono sleeve. It wasn't red, it was a blue kimono close to black. Move your gaze from bottom to top, slowly, thinking it's not my kimono.


My mandible lost strength in an instant and my mouth opened painfully.

"Are you okay?"

For that matter, the blink increases threefold. I must have a dumb look in my eyes right now, but whoever's in front of me laughed at me like that without a problem.


Words interrupt.

"Wake up? Good morning."

"Oh, yes, sir."

The identity of the blue kimono was Brother Shimizu messing with my hair with his shoulder elbow on his knee.

"Ugh, no."

That said, I accidentally block my mouth with one hand.

I hissed up my throat and tried to retreat. But what I brought and slept with is a tree, and you have to avoid a tree to move back, but you can't possibly do such a reflection, so you just end up pushing your back against the tree.

And to that vibration of mine, the protection in my arms rang nigga.

Huh... why are you protecting me? Even now.

I was alone when I came to this place, but when did I come? Though I don't find it particularly strange because I'm always divine.

"I'm not afraid, don't run away"

My brother wiped my eyes gently with his thumb.

I was apparently crying. I didn't scare my brother so much, but this is a tear I shed before I saw him in the first place, and I don't need to worry. The back of his hand, which wiped his eyes, was frightened with chillies and water.

"Why is my brother here?"

"I'm not the only one. Here."

See, so I point diagonally back over my shoulder.

"You know what?"

"Ni, ni, ni."

If I got caught in the finger and threw my gaze, there were all the playmen staring at this one.

I hold my body tight every time I protect myself.

And opened the eye lid so cutly that the eyeballs seemed to fall off.

Some people over there, they're looking at me. You look amazing.

Orchids and chrysanthemums are normal, and as usual, he hung his asshole face, opened his mouth and pokanned. What the hell is that?

Autumn water is about to come down from the edge and come this way, and Brother Ujino I and Brother Ribbon I started moving their legs after being caught in Autumn water. Brother Zhu He Yi puts a round hand with his index finger and thumb on both eyes and looks at me like an eyeglass.

To Umebi and Sakuho, even other new constructions and vultures......!


Why did you find out about this place?

The day is still high if you look at it. You shouldn't have fallen asleep so much. And why are there so many people in the cafeteria? What happened to her?

Turn down again and I'll still stay on the pull shaker. My chest is not salacious, and finally my collar is slightly off and my chest is exposed to the outside air because my bands are removed.

"Brother, excuse me!

He lifted his hips softly, grabbed his collar, and stepped out to escape holding his protection in one hand.

But against me, Shield scratches her beautiful kimono to grind her nails galloping, and tries to chase me away as if she doesn't like to go.

Hey, shield!

I used to say, "It's my lover! 'You said (probably)!

It's that lover's pinch now!



That's right. One hand is quickly pulled inside the mottled, and the body falls back.

Unexpectedly with force in my neck, I raised my odd voice and closed my eyes.

"Where are you going dressed like that?

Momentum as it is, I am drawn into the arms of my brother Yi.

And at the same time as the shock, the protection went off the arm and down to the ground.

"... a room or something"


Room, hey, they laughed at the inclusion. You're making fun of me now, brother.

I felt strongly embraced when I was about to let him escape. You say you're sixteen years old, but you're still suffocatingly wrapped up in the other person's body because of the huge physical difference. I wonder if I regret it.

My back temperature and my brother's chest temperature overlap when he hits me over the cloth as I am being held from behind. It was slightly hot. I don't know if I'm hot or if they're hot.

My body is locked in a gutter with both arms, and I can't even get out of it.



Even so.

At a time like this, but oh good smell, or something. Am I still a pervert? A milder fragrance than a refreshing one that invites a carefree sleep. It's like a golden wood rhinoceros scented in autumn.

I think people have the scent of nostalgia and the scent of memories, but that's how this smell calms down.

The leaking day dazzles me and closes my eyes.

"Though I've always thought that wild daisies are a little silly, aren't they?"

Where is stupid. Rude.

"I'm not a fool! I feel myself not paying enough attention..."

"Fools don't pay enough attention."


It's me. Run? Run?

"And don't dress like this."

"Nothing... originally, I didn't want to"

Points his mouth and obstinates.

I don't like this one and I didn't wear a shaker. Brother Yi, it's a mistake to insist on the other person.

"I guess."

Don't worry about my attitude, I can stroke my head with a reassuring voice color.

"But......... ah. Really -... so I'm in trouble"


But it also instantly returned to a voice that was immediately contained.

"Hey wild chrysanthemum. Anything wrong?

Then he gets in shape and changes my orientation 180 degrees in his arms with Kurli. Not like earlier. Faced from the front, my brother Yisa peered into this eye at close range.

It's very close, so I try to push the other person's chest to create a distance, but it doesn't matter, it just takes the shape of a hand on your brother's chest.

What a muscle.


I already do that every time, but this guy looks me in the eye a lot. Those black eyes peeking in the back, like they're discerning authenticity.

"Aili and"

I am giddy and breathtaking. My cheeks were about to get tight.

Shift your gaze from the front so you don't see too many faces as much as possible.



"Did they do something?

When I gaze in the direction of the day after tomorrow, my brother Yisa has said so just in case.

And they put their hands on their cheeks, and they gently turned to the front. I was shifting because of it, but I have no mercy.

And while I'm doing that, I can see Akizumi and everyone else coming this way.

Or stop. Don't come.

"Why is your kimono broken?


"Why were you here?

To my brother, what can I say?

The kimono collapsed because Ari pulled it.... or something? No, no, you won't be able to say. Tell me what to do. So I fell, or something? But isn't that also a reason why I ran away?

But this way of saying my brother Yisa, it's like I'm sure it has something to do with Erie.

What the hell did you ask such a question for?

"You didn't want to wear that much?

That voice sharpens my attention to my brother Yi.

Orchid ran past Autumn Water from behind (in front of me) and turned to me with his arms around him.

You didn't want to wear it so bad, no... you said you didn't like it in front of everyone. Did you forget, Koz?

"... So Orchid wears it?

"I'm not wearing it!!

As I was in the arms of my brother, I sighed and looked up at Orchid.

"Isn't it? Isn't that right? It's the same feeling. I'm afraid you understand."


"Well, Orchid. It's gonna be wild daisies, isn't it? Don't make too much noise."

Brother Ribbon Yisa grips and laughs at the shoulder of Orchid Chrysanthemum, who makes a frightened voice. You don't want to hear much about why, but when you look at me, you laugh nicely and say, 'Wow, it's beautiful, Noju'.

"No, you know, look like this, praise, even be praised"

Don't light it. It's me! You must be a playboy!

This is the first time I've been praised for this appearance... so my face gets a little hot without knowing how to do it.

That's Brother Ribbon, or I haven't missed this place for a long time, and I thought he was a good guy and, in a sense, a good guideline.

This is the part where as a playman I also want to apprentice on a daily basis.

... Wait a minute. The conversation slipped.

"No, it's really beautiful and adorable. But you can't show me your chest, can you? I don't know what kind of fool you might be."

"Thinking quite a bit about your brother, porn, eh"

"Shut up."

Brother Ujino Yisama, peering into me from behind Brother Shimizu Yisama, tightens Brother Zhu He Yisama's neck with one hand when he comes next door. Brother Ujino's nature had been stripped out. Scary.

"Brother Akimizu, what are you doing!?

"You, put this on"

From behind, Autumn Water brings plum trees and, for some reason, offers a long, dark green outfit with a cloak.

What's up, Autumn Water? When did you turn into such an exposure freak?

Umeki next door is insane! He stops with his hands on Autumn Water's chest with such a face.

Plum did everything she could to stop it. Push back this blatant obscenity.

"Fine, if you want to weave feathers, do it."

"No, no, Autumn Water, but it"

"If you dress like that, you catch a cold. Besides, you're a man. It's better this way."

Being dressed long out of my head without question, I look at Autumn Water in surprise by getting my pussy face out of the cloth.

Umeki and I met each other in the eye, but after being bitterly laughed at, I was distracted from my gaze.

No, it's a lot to have a brother outside.

"Akura... I knew it would be quite similar to Shimizu's brother, Akimizu"

"Did Zhu He think so too? Me, too."

"Wow! - You're so cute!

"Brother Nogiku, you're beautiful!

"It's a girl!

We gather here as far as Cacca and the bald ones. The interesting garden in which I was alone eventually transformed into a school garden for elementary school holiday hours. It's busy.

With the noise around me like that, I turned to Shimizu, who was in the middle of a conversation.

Even in the middle of interacting with everyone, my brother Yisa had not turned away from me.

If I can come this far seriously, I won't have to finish reacting to this one.

I took a deep breath.

"What if... what if I was done?"


"What are you going to do, brother?

No laughter, no crying, staring back.

"Why are you telling me that?

My brother smiled.

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