Sumi de ii Desu. Kamawanaide Kudasai

Beginning End and Beginning Footsteps 4

"How long have you been asleep, buckaroo!!


If you suddenly think you've been stripped of the futon, you're slapped with that raw, warm futon.

The fact that I was removed from the futon means that I rarely slept on the futon.

That's fine, but what does that mean? That means someone woke me up.

Who is it?

"... could you please wake me up gently"

"At what point do you say that?"

So when I was in syndrome, my red hair caught my sight. I still can't focus because I have sleeping eyes.

Yawn and extend your arms all the way up.

"Be nice and wake up."

"Oh, you've been nice to me"


I put it down for two beats and it was dull.

I take the hand that was reaching up right to my head. Ouch.

"I'm having trouble waking you up because you seem comfortable sleeping, and I'm having trouble balding you."

My head is very sore.

I didn't make fun of you.

... Oh, speaking of which, what time is it?

"Orchid, now."

"It's not the moment."

I was awake yesterday through the morning, and yet my head was full of stories about Brother Shimizu I was still talking about the wind, and I didn't sleep very well in the end when the sun climbed completely.

I'm in a hurry because I haven't slept as much, but if I were normal, it would be time for everyone to be awake. Even a bald child has to wear an archery.

I didn't expect you to bother me even though I had nothing to do with other people, such as my personal problems.

I also did something sorry for Wazumi. I'm sure he wouldn't wake up. Look at me, it would have been mundane.

Imagine her pretty, tight mouth, but she shook her head and tightened her face.

"No, I'm really, really sorry already. I'm sorry."

I bow my head to Orchid Chrysanthemum with the momentum to do the groundwork.

"Oh, oh, well, if you know what I mean"

When I put my hands on my hips to forgive my desperate appearance, well it would be good, the futon should be cleaned up soon, too, I don't know what to say. He cleaned it up with me. Rarely do orchids look like gods. Or something that turned into orchid.

When he finished cleaning up the futon that way, Orchid was either stiff on his shoulders or his arm was turning a boom.

"Oh, yeah. Then I'll rub your shoulders."

Aside from that joke, I excited my hand to give him a little massage to thank him.

"Huh? Oh. Nothing, if you don't do it."

Do it, and they'll ask you to smile.

All right, let me give you a gentle rub.

"I saw you turn it into autumn water... oh, man, hey"


Ask Orchid to turn forward and start applying with his hands on both shoulders.

But only a few seconds after it began, a voice rose from him like it had crushed a frog.

"Oh, no, I'm a little gobbled up right now."

"My joints are a little bit"

"I made a weird noise."

Goku, baki.

"Hmm... that's very elaborate. Fine."

I hear a healing sound of stiffness in my shoulders.

My massage is well received for autumn water.

You're not doing anything but me, I was told, but sometimes you can do it to someone different. And before that, I did it for Brother Ribbon. Noju is powerful by the looks of it. - I can't believe he said that. I remember making him bluff like he had one arm. It was shaking as if my joints had come off. Maybe he was being more flexible.

"Hmm? Ya, Orchid. Sleeping?"

Cute. No, no.

If you think it stopped moving, there's something like white potatoes coming out of your mouth, but I see. Was it as good as climbing into heaven?

"That, good morning. Brother Nojuku, I'm finally awake..."

"Good morning, Umebi. What's the matter, man?

Plum trees peek into his face from the open pocket.

After he stopped gazing at me in the room, Umeki, who laid eyes on Orchid Chrysanthemum sleeping on his knees, put his hand on his mouth with his corny round bibi eyes further round.

He has a pitiful look on his face like he saw something strange.

"South Amida Buddha, South Amida Buddha"

I suddenly started putting my hands together, so I tilted my neck.

"What's going on?


"What's that?"

"South Amitabha Buddha, South Amitabha Buddha..."

That's how the voice of Umebi, who suffered from South Amitabha Buddha syndrome, was heard small as she left from the front of the room, disappearing with the footsteps going down to the ground floor.

"Look, it's a shock to the intestines."

Akimizu makes fists and twists them.

"Brother I, is the rice balls tasty?

"Yeah, it's delicious."

Now upstairs in the autumn water room, bald men, orchids and wind, autumn water and I are auditioning together.

He said that I was asleep and couldn't wake him up, and that Wazumi had asked Akimizu for help and asked him to do an archery with me. And when I heard the story, Orchid went to wake me up, and then the wind came to Autumn Water's room, and now I'm here, wondering if we could all do an audition together.

The rice balls I'm eating seem to have been brought to me by the wind, and now they seem to be making some groceries for the night, so they made them just rice balls. Appreciate it.

"Relax and they'll do it."

Autumn water turned to the bald children and was talking about my massage.

I look at my hands with such power just rubbing it.

I am, in a way, the owner of a hell of a God's hand.

"When he rubs me, I get a hell of a lot of pain, but I'm refreshed after I'm free of wonder"

That would mean that until now Autumn Water had silently endured the pain.

I don't know how much he likes my massage.

"No, it's just a relief from hell, isn't it?"

The wind, who was his bald counterpart next door, looked at him with the utmost seriousness.

"Sure, it's kind of light."

"You're so stupid and simple, you're just brainwashed."

Orchid chrysanthemums are closing and spreading their hands.

This is convenient.

If we can get out of here, shall we eat with this?

"But if you can't stand that pain, you're gonna end up suing me."

He's not reading in my head, is he?

It's creepy that it's subtly meshing.

"What are you talking about? It's all right, wild daisies, be confident."

"Autumn water."

Join hands with Autumn Water.

That's Autumn Water. An extra word is occasional scratches. It's really extra, but it just takes my side when this is the case.

I don't feel cheated, but I'm glad I'm not his guest. What would have bothered you if you were a guest?

"Everybody all right? Yeah, there's also a manipulation that lowers and raises. As you will remember."

"" "" "Yes!

You're lowering and raising it! What a voice I hear, but what the hell is the wind teaching me? I hope it's a good thing.

I eat the last bite of rice balls with a mog. The rice grains in my hand were also beautifully finished. Tea that's already cold, this is delicious.


"Thanks for the wind and rice balls. Thanks to you, I'm full."

"Then good."

Autumn water and orchid chrysanthemum seemed to be in the system of teaching Beecher as it was, and the wind came to me as I was cleaning out the basin where the rice balls were on.

"So, have we talked?

Though I don't say who the wind is, I didn't have to tell you, so I'll give it back.

In response he also shook his neck gently and vertically, and the basin in his hand went away from my hand and into the hands of the wind. They'll give it back to the dining room.

I almost told him it was okay because I would take it, but I remembered he told me not to go down on the first floor.


"I don't apologize because you like me. … better than that, if you've made up your mind"

"It's gonna be okay."


"Then what if I told you I didn't make it?

"That's troubling, though."

Brother Fung and Shimizu are doing it for me, but I don't like it.

I've been trying so hard to connect and stop Erie, and I was hoping that if I could go back, I'd have to finish that too.

"Thank you, Wind."

"Nothing... I'm not thanking you."

When the wind looked sinister on me when I thanked him, he walked out of the room with a basin.

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