
Shiraishi Xiu gestured for Senzoemon to say something straight.


“I just ate it last night, and it tastes pretty good.”

Senzoemon “??? ”

When he asked this sentence, he had thought that Shiraishi Xiu would answer yes or not, but he still underestimated the other party, what the hell was ‘just ate last night’?

Freak flesh is known to be highly toxic.

Although not all of them are poisonous, it is undeniable that most of the weirdo flesh contains highly poisonous, and if you eat too much and remarry, your father and fellow countrymen will blow and carry them away.

Xianzuoemon looked at Bai Shixiu’s gaze full of amazement.

According to the research of many scientists and biologists, the stronger the person, the more difficult it is for the toxicity of weird human flesh to exert.

Or special organs.

For example, the “pig god” in the S-class heroes, this master’s means to deal with the weirdos is to swallow alive, swallow them alive, and after a few seconds, even the dragon-level weirdos will be digested.

He knows that these S-class professional heroes are very strong, all of them are like monsters, and no matter how bad they are, they can kill “ghost” level weirdos with the power to destroy cities!

Not to mention the man next to him, which of the previous live broadcasts did not use a dragon-level weirdo as a supporting role to set off the man’s strength in a second-kill way?

Even so, Shiraishi-so’s phrase ‘I just ate last night’ still amazed Senzoemon with amazement.

The stronger the strength, the less lethal the toxin of weirdo flesh, but this does not mean that there is no effect.

You can’t die, but it’s not good.

Moreover, Senzoemon noticed that Shiraishi Xiu’s tone of speech was very sparse and ordinary, and it was obvious that he usually did not blame human flesh.

He couldn’t help but guess, could it be that this man’s strength was so strong that he couldn’t even do anything about the poison of weird human flesh?

It’s not impossible!

And he has a kind of speculation.

Xianzuoemon subconsciously wiped his forehead with the back of his hand to prevent cold sweat from dripping from his forehead.

He guessed that this man’s non-human strength was probably related to the frequent consumption of weird flesh!

Otherwise, he didn’t think that this man was good and would eat weird flesh that normal people would not eat!

“What are you dropping?”

Looking at the apprehensive Immortal Zuoemon , Shiraishi Xiu wondered.

As soon as the words fell, Xianzuoweimon shook his head frantically, “It’s okay, it’s a little weak, alas, people are not useful!” ”

Erina: “…”

Her expression was a little confused, what kind of temperament does Xianzuoweimen, will she be a granddaughter?

This is an old man who bursts his clothes as soon as he eats delicious food, usually has nothing to do and exercises muscles crazy, and can have tricks with wolf-level weirdos!

To put it bluntly, her cooking skills are not as good as Xianzuoemen, and in terms of fists, Xianzuoemon can beat a hundred her!

Such a lively old man actually said that he was weak?

Does anyone say no?

Noticing Erina’s line of sight, the corners of Senzoemon’s mouth twitched, and he was just anxious, forgetting that Erina’s was also in the car.

Scratching his head a little embarrassed, Senzoemon lowered his head and chose to bury the guess in his heart.

Everyone is an adult, there are some things, if you don’t say it, you can still chat happily; If he said it, the other party slapped him, and the dragon-level weirdo could be beaten to death.

Senzoemon didn’t think his small body could resist.

“And then?”

Seeing that Senzoemon didn’t continue talking, Shiraishi couldn’t help but urge, “Weird cooking, then what?” ”

“Weird cooking…”

Senzoemon touched his beard and said, “A long, long time ago, there was a madman in the food world, he was not willing to accept ordinary ingredients, in order to make world-class cuisine that could not be surpassed, he set his sights on a new field, which no one had ever touched. ”

Xianzuoweimon paused before saying, “Weird ingredients! ”

“As we all know, weirdo meat is highly toxic, and ordinary people will definitely die if they eat it, but that madman found a way to crack the toxin, successfully stripped the toxin, and made the top dish!”

Shiraishi Xiu’s interest was raised, “What about that person?” ”


Xianzuoemon spread his hands, “The method is fine, but there are still toxins in the weirdo flesh, and it stands to reason that trace amounts of toxins are not fatal, but in order to celebrate his success, he ate a lot of weirdo dishes, so that he stopped on the day of eating, and even the method of refining toxins was lost.” ”

Shiraishi Xiu: “…”

Seeing that Bai Shixiu wanted to hit someone, Xianzuoemon smiled, and couldn’t help but speed up his speech, “Hearing about the deeds of that madman, the commanders of the Yuanyue Dynasty have tried to study the method of refining toxins, and by the old man’s generation, the method has been restored in theory, and now it is almost practical.” ”

Crazy hints .jpg!

This is also one of the reasons why Senzoemon found Shiraishi Xiu, Yuanyue does not have the ability to hunt weirdos, even weirdos can’t kill, and the idea of obtaining weirdos’ ingredients is of course difficult to put into practice.

Of course, it is not impossible to buy from the Hero Association, but the ‘way’ of the Hero Association selling weirdos is very hidden, after all, this is an illegal act carried out privately by some high-level officials, and there are many competitors.

With Yuanyue’s financial resources alone, he occasionally grabbed some soup to eat, and most of the weirdo corpses were bought by those powerful laboratories or capital crocodiles with terrifying financial resources.

With the weirdo ingredients that can only be bought occasionally, there is no difference between research speed and turtle climbing.

After all, changing the weirdo flesh from “inedible” to “edible” is tantamount to a huge technological innovation, and it takes countless attempts to reach a conclusion.

Prior to this, Senzoemon had no choice but to cycle through the steps of buying weirdo ingredients, making dishes, failing, gaining experience, and then continuing to buy weirdo ingredients.

He is not a four-palace Yanan, sitting on two hundred trillion terrifying financial resources, even a strong person who can barely compete with an A-class hero, or even a strong person who can barely compete with the last S-class hero.

If the Yuanyue Academy had the capital of the Four Palaces Family, it was estimated that the secret recipe would have been studied earlier.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs.

The reality is that Yuanyue Academy is very rich, but it has never had money to the level of hands and eyes, and it has no power, and it can’t find connections, so the act of acquiring weirdo ingredients is very difficult.

However, the arrival of Shiraishi Xiu made him see new hope, with Shiraishi Xiu’s power, not to mention helping Yuanyue Academy kill ghost-level dragon-level, killing a tiger-level wolf-level weirdo is always no problem, right?

Of course, provided the other party is willing.

Otherwise, Yuanyue would not be able to force the other party to do something.

On the contrary, Yuanyue also had to look at the other party’s face.

Otherwise, Bai Shixiu will do something, in the opinion of Xianzuoweimen, the acre of three-point land in Yuanyue is estimated to be not enough for the other party to jump twice, and he will have to play GG.

Immediately, he looked at Bai Shixiu nervously, waiting for the other party to answer.

Shiraishi Xiu glanced at Immortal Zuoemon .

shook his head.

He didn’t have enough weird meat to eat, and how could he possibly come up with a considerable amount to support Yuanyue’s Raushizi plan.

Senzoemon didn’t say that he asked him to help supply the price of the weirdo’s ingredients, it was just to let him give a number, and then the two would fight on this number, and finally negotiate a suitable price.

If it was something else that didn’t matter, Shiraishi might still be interested in discussing with Senzoemon .

However, the weirdo ingredients are related to him becoming stronger, even if it is only a tiger-level wolf-level weirdo food, he will not give it to others for no reason.

Of course, the main reason is that the idea that Senzoemon allows humans to eat weirdos is just to make him feel interesting.

But fun can’t be eaten as a meal.

Shiraishi Xiu has a “perfect gourmet cell”, even if the weirdo’s toxin is strong, he can easily digest and absorb the nutrients in the weirdo’s ingredients and feed himself.

Therefore, in the case that he can eat weird human flesh, there is no need for him to invest in any way to remove the toxins of the ingredients.

That’s a complete addition.



The car arrives at its destination.

Shiraishi got out of the car.

Erina turned around, looked at the disappointed Senzoemon and wondered, “Can weirdo meat really be used as an ingredient?” ”

Turning back to his senses, Xianzuoemon nodded, “Of course, the toxins contained in the weirdo’s ingredients are just a protein in the end.” ”

“Only strong people can digest this protein, and the weak cannot absorb it, which causes this protein to become highly toxic.”

After a while, Erinai asked, “Then why do you have to grab the weirdo’s ingredients?” Dishes made with other high-quality ingredients can also achieve the world’s highest level. ”

“Because of the effect.”

Xianzuoemon looked serious, “After processing, after screening out proteins that are harmful to the human body, weirdo meat is simply the world’s number one tonic, which can make the eater quickly strong.” ”

“Unfortunately, the experiment did not go well.”

Xianzuoemon had a regretful expression, Bai Shixiu’s refusal was actually expected by him, with the strength of the other party, it was very simple to make money, and the money would definitely not be able to impress the other party.

The reason why he still insisted on making the request was just a fluke.

Anyway, success is earned, and failure is not a loss.

As expected, it failed.

“Then you…”

Erinai reacted.

If you can really screen out the toxic substances in the weirdo flesh, the weirdo flesh will become a superior tonic, allowing human beings to develop and grow rapidly.

At that time, there will be an exchange between weirdos and humans, and it will be weirdos, not humans, who are trembling!


If Senzoemon told the truth, the other party would most likely not refuse.


Why didn’t Fang Cai tell the truth?

Probably guessing Erina’s thoughts, Senzoemon turned his head and his gaze fell on Shiraishi Xiu, who was not far away.

“The first is interests, which is the key to the rise of the far moon, and I don’t want to let it out.” He said with a complicated expression, “I’m afraid that KING will rob the secret recipe, even if the chance is small, we can’t take this risk.” ”

“If you can remove the highly toxic protein, the weirdo flesh will become fragrant, and at that time, the S grade and A grade cannot be cultivated, but they can also cultivate a large number of strong people below the B level.”

“This cake is still too amazing after all, Yuanyue can only secretly eat a part of it first, and then take it out to ‘share’.”


“Little Erina, you have to remember, knowing people knows their faces and not their hearts, this world is full of ‘jackals, tigers and leopards’, be careful!”


Unaware of the conversation between Senzoemon and Erina, Shinto Scarlet got out of the car before Shiraishi Hide.

After waiting for everyone to gather, she led Shiraishi Xiu, Police Dog Man and others to the restaurant specially opened for the four of them in Yuanyue.


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