Su Yang began to carry out a luxurious experience with the original.

“Good morning, Mr. Su Yang, and Ms. Yuan.”

“Welcome to our brand new cabin on the 755BCJ.”

“We’re glad you guys are here.”

“I’ll show you around our 755BCJ.”

Leaving from the engineer who was inspecting the equipment of the aircraft, Su Yang came to the hatch with Yuan.

A female flight attendant and a male flight attendant were waiting there.

“May I change your shoes?” The flight attendant said.

“Change your shoes?”

Hara blinked. “You’re still in charge of changing your shoes?”

“Yes, please sit here.”

The flight attendant was talking, and then everyone noticed a furry chair behind her.

Su Yang let Yuan Chu sit up.

Then, the flight attendant squatted down directly and took out the indoor shoes to change for her.


Probably I have not been served like this, and I was a little dazzled at first.

Then the flight attendant walked ahead.

Su Yang said to the original who had begun to be a little curious about the plane.

“It’s amazing to have private access in the cabin.”

“An ordinary plane gives you a seat, and at most a communal toilet is nothing.”

“And you look here—”

“Huge bedroom.”

“Then the oversized bed, I can hardly take pictures with my mobile phone.”

“Also equipped with a bathroom to take a shower whenever you want. The toiletries inside plus the yukata are the first person to use. ”

“Then you can also go to the private lounge with expensive champagne, or juices of various high-class fruits.”

“I also brought my own TV.”

“You can choose the stage you like.”

“You can also enjoy the dishes prepared for you by Michelin chefs in the luxurious restaurant in the sky.”


Originally followed Su Yang with the introduction of the flight attendant.

But quickly.

She began without a special explanation.

She already kind of understood what luxury was like.

And without reminding, she herself became happy.

You must know that she has just been differentiated by Su Yang, that is, she is treated strictly, and if she is not smart, she will have been slashed by a knife.

So now it is treated so respectfully.

It’s a two-level reversal.

It’s touching.


Looking at the beginning, it seems that I am enjoying the current situation.

Nangong Nayue finally couldn’t bear it.

She pulled Su Yang’s sleeve.

“What are you doing?”

She felt that Su Yang seemed to be showing some unnatural courtesy.

This is something that has never happened to her.

“This one…”

Su Yang bent down and spoke in Na Yue’s ear.


However, as if it was too clear, Nagetsu gently tilted his head back.

Su Yang told her his plans.

That is, the original utilization plan.

“That is.” Nagetsu said. “Want to restore the title of the Fourth True Ancestor to the Original, and then go to scams or something?”

“Talk about fraud, this is called reasonable enrichment.” Su Yang said immediately.

“The same true ancestor, the three true ancestors already have their own kingdom, and she has nothing.”

“Now it’s not about going to rob anyone’s land.”

“It’s just a little bit of a protection fee.”

“Moreover, I am very indebted now, and this plan is the easiest to accumulate money at the moment.” Su Yang said.

“Liabilities?” That month turned around in an instant.

Probably because she was close to Su Yang, her crystal earlobes instantly turned pink.

“What else do you owe money?”

Nagetsu immediately asked.

“No, nothing, it’s wrong.” Su Yang shook his head.


“That month.

Your statement is very interesting.

That month, he originally thought that he could just find a place to throw the original first, but now Su Yang’s practice is that he still needs the original to wander around for a while.

It also means that it is necessary to collect protection fees in the name of the fourth true ancestor.

The goal is to pay off the debt.


“I know, if you need it, ask me for help.” She said.


So, several people began to stay on the plane.

The flight attendant prepared champagne for Su Yang.

“Nope.” Su Yang said. “I don’t really like drinking.”

“Then switch to wine.” The flight attendant was very polite.

“Neither wine.” Su Yang said. “I’m not a big fan of wine-related things.”

“What’s there…”

And at this time, the original said, “Wine does not get drunk.” ”

As she spoke, her cheeks were a little pink.

Looks…… You’re all drunk.


Su Yang then looked at Na Yue.

“Is it okay to drink?” Su Yang said.

In general, if you want less alcohol, you will choose wine.

But that month, it was here without hesitation that champagne.

And she usually just drinks tea. I don’t see interest in these.

Not only that, after the dishes were delivered, she did not refuse, but chose to eat them herself.

Other words.

Although you can usually use a magic avatar, even if the five senses can be attached to it, but a fake is a fake.

She still wants to experience it with her own body.

Therefore, the current one is undoubtedly Nangong Nayue’s true body.


“Don’t you eat?”

“Still don’t like French cuisine?” Na Yue noticed that Su Yang didn’t move much of the food in front of him.

“Nothing.” Su Yang said.


Although he felt that Su Yang was a little strange, it was just that Na Yue was quickly taken away by the high-end cuisine in front of him.

After all.

Not eating for 10 years, and then eating again, is indeed very torturous.

Just like Ah Ye, she looked dissatisfied with Su Yang’s violent act of stuffing her fries, but she was actually very happy to eat.


And probably when the plane landed, Su Yang had already let the original sign a contract for common prosperity.

According to the original statement.

She is the fourth true ancestor and needs the corresponding prestige.


Isn’t it supposed that ordinary people should give money and respect?

So give her preferential treatment.

This is a manifestation of brainwashing.

Nagetsu looked at this scene and complained in his heart.

There is also some relief.

Because now Su Yang’s actions are the same as what she did in the past, but she corrupted Su Yang, and Su Yang went to corrupt the original.

Thinking so, a car stopped in front of everyone.

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