Bai Yin Kei fled after Bai Yin Yuxing said that.

Time passed as usual, and the next day.

As a famous school, the schedule of Hidechi-in Academy is not too harsh.

After all, the people who come here to study are a group of second-generation people with prominent families, and if they are not diligent and studious, there is no benefit in being demanding.

Fortunately, most of the tutors received by the second generation are very strict types, and even those underworld forces are not problem students after coming to this crouching tiger, hidden dragon school.

After all, if a conflict breaks out here, it is very likely that the family behind him will also be affected, and even usher in a catastrophe.

Of course, these things are irrelevant to Shinomiya Kaguya.

The lessons taught in the morning at Shuchiin Gakuen were also extremely simple in her eyes, so simple that even if most of her thoughts flew outside the classroom.

On the surface, Shinomiya Kaguya is still listening carefully to the class, and the skillful and perfect disguise has not been recognized even by the classroom teachers in the school who correspond to the student groups with extraordinary families, and whose past qualifications and teaching abilities are quite dazzling.

When the bell rang and the morning class ended, Shinomiya Kaguya’s mood gradually became nervous.

During the 40-minute lunch break at Hidechiin Gakuen, students are not allowed to leave the school, and students can eat their own bento boxes or buy food from the school’s convenience store.

Most of Neon’s high schools do not have cafeterias, for the simple reason that there is not enough land or money to build them.

But Hidechiin Gakuen is slightly different.

Of course, this famous school has enough funds to build a cafeteria, but considering that the people gathered here are some prominent second-generation people, in order to avoid the setbacks caused by the food in the canteen not meeting their tastes, Hidechiin Gakuen also did not establish a collective cafeteria, and it is called respecting the bento culture.

In these short 40 minutes, if you consider the stationery, the group going to a place outside the classroom to enjoy a bento, and even the time spent chatting, people who eat slowly may not have time to finish the bento, so there is no shortage of people to bring bread to cope.

What Shinomiya Kaguya is now struggling with is whether Baiyin Yuxing will deliberately leave the classroom and go to the student union office to eat.

Compared to classrooms, the student union office is more spacious and quiet, which should meet the preferences of many people when eating. However, in the impression of Shinomiya Kaguya, Silver Goyuki is not the type that wastes time because of such insignificant advantages.

If he wasn’t in the student union office, Shinomiya Kaguya would have to wait until school ended in the afternoon to find out if the other party cared because of what he said yesterday.

Go directly to the classroom where the Silver Imperial Journey is located to find him or something, anyway, Shinomiya Kaguya can’t do it.


Silver Royal Walk is now indeed in the student union office.

He was enjoying a bento made by Kei while looking at a book.

Not textbooks or comic books, but economics books, esoteric books that ordinary people will get dizzy at first sight.

In line with the principle of thrift and thrift, the use of the power of the Almighty has always been well thought out.

Unless it is an extremely important, difficult to learn, or urgently needed ability, Silver Imperial Travel prefers to learn and master it slowly rather than use all-powerful power.

Bai Yin Yuxing, who has raised all aspects of his physical fitness to the known limit level, can achieve an unforgettable level in terms of memory, and is also extremely strong in terms of understanding.

Relying on this qualification, Baiyin Yuxing has been supplementing its knowledge as much as possible in case of emergency.

Although he has a lot less entertainment time because of this, with the blessing of strong enough memory and understanding, Baiyin Yuxing will not only not have a headache because of those profound knowledge, but can feel his progress in the process of reading and learning, and this progress will also produce an extraordinary sense of satisfaction.

Probably the joy of Xueba.

Sitting opposite the square table in the office was a beautiful girl with pink hair and blue eyes.

Chika Fujiwara, secretary of the student council of Hidechi-in Gakuen.

“Are you studying hard even now? The president is so diligent. ”

Chika Fujiwara is a member of a political family, his great-grandfather is a former prime minister, and his uncle is the current provincial minister, and he has a fairly good pedigree.

Since her mother was a diplomat, Chika Fujiwara, who received language education from an early age, can speak 5 languages.

Although he is not an all-round student like Silver Goyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya, Fujiwara Chika is also at a level that many people cannot match in terms of language.

“The ordinary level of supplementary knowledge is mainly because I was only in the office before. Now that Secretary Fujiwara is here, I would be willing to put down my books and chat with you. ”

If Silver Goyuki’s words were said to Shinomiya Kaguya, the other party was probably frantically squeezing brain cells at the moment, speculating about Bai Yin Yuxing’s true intentions, and even fell into shyness.

However, now sitting in front of Silver Miyuki is Chika Fujiwara.

The girl didn’t think much at all, simply happy that Silver Yuxing didn’t ignore her speech.

“Hehe, in the president’s heart, I am more important than studying, happy!”

Compared with the words of the silver royal line, Fujiwara Chika’s speech at this moment is more like a confession.

However, the innocent smile on the girl’s face is very miraculous to rule out this possibility.

It’s like the simple and pure joy of a child getting a toy or being praised by an adult.

Fujiwara Chika acted like a natural stay, but Silver Miyuki had seen the other party’s flash of inspiration more than once.

When Shinomiya Kaguya was still a cold ice, Fujiwara Chika would always find a way to get closer to Shinomiya Kaguya, and even liven up the atmosphere in the event of a stalemate between Silver Goyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya.

Even now, after getting along for a short time, Silver Miyuki cannot determine whether Fujiwara Chika is natural in the true sense, or whether he is deliberately pretending to be stupid.

In a sense, Fujiwara Chika is stronger than Shinomiya Kaguya.

Looking at Fujiwara Chika, who showed a soft smile, swayed his body back and forth leisurely, and constantly exuded a relaxing temperament, Silver Miyuki also smiled.

This scene was clearly seen by Kaguya Shinomiya, who peeked through the door of the student union that was not completely closed!

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