
The words of the silver royal line made Shinomiya Kaguya’s figure stunned.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who originally thought that the other party could not guess what he was thinking because Silver Goyuki had already consumed six questions, collected his mood and was ready to meet the victory of this game, was confused at this moment.

This game is actually cheating.

Kaguya Shinomiya is able to change what he thinks halfway through the game, and as long as it doesn’t go against the scope that has been determined by the question and answer before, he can ensure victory through this cheating.

For the highly intelligent Miss Kaguya, this is not too difficult a thing.

As long as he temporarily changes his mind, and constantly gives negative answers to the next questions of Silver Imperial Travel, which cannot narrow his scope, victory is close at hand.

It’s a game of uncertainty.

Normally, such a game requires the questioner to write the answer on paper first, so as to ensure that the questioner cannot change the final answer halfway.

However, the silver royal party did not bring it up, and Shinomiya Kaguya forgot about it because he was a little excited at that time.

Now, Shinomiya Kaguya has the capital to change his fortune halfway.

But she didn’t want to lie to Silver Imperial Travel, and she didn’t disdain to use such a cheating method to defeat Silver Imperial Travel.

“…… Be. ”

Faced with this crucial seventh question, Shinomiya Kaguya gritted his teeth and answered in the affirmative.

At this moment, Shinomiya Kaguya’s mood changed.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was already waiting to seize the fruits of victory within his reach, and waiting to admire the expression of the always invulnerable guild leader because he lost to himself in this game, became embarrassed.

“Eight, is it human?”

However, Silver Goxing is very ungentlemanly and has not taken care of the girl’s mind, his problem continues, and this time directly narrows the “things” that originally contained living and non-living things to the specific scope of human beings.

Such a question is too radical and conservative, and if it is answered in the negative, it will be difficult for the questioner to get too much valuable information from the question.

After all, let alone a huge range of items, there are many individuals in the living group alone that meet the characteristics determined by the previous Q&A.

And yet——

“…… Be. ”

Shinomiya Kaguya once again gave an affirmative answer.

The range of answers narrowed dramatically in an instant.

Shrunk to the point where Shinomiya Kaguya’s heart beat faster.

The question that was originally too radical became a surprisingly winning chip at this moment.

Shinomiya Kaguya finally discovered at this moment that this game proposed by himself was not the victory he thought he had held, nor was it his original idea that it would be beneficial to him whether he won or lost.

In this game, once the questioner can guess the answer in advance, he will dominate.

If it was now a turn-based duel between two gunmen blindfolded, then this bullet from Silver Goyuki had already knocked away Kaguya’s hat in Shinomiya Kaguya.

In fact, even Silver Goxing did not expect that the final answer of Shinomiya Kaguya was so unpretentious, and he originally thought about whether Shinomiya Kaguya was deliberately playing some careful thinking.

“Nine, is it male?”

The ninth question of the Silver Imperial Journey made Shinomiya Kaguya feel that the blood all over his body was concentrated on his face.

She was already a little dizzy.

“…… Be. ”

Shinomiya Kaguya doubted that the guild leader already knew the answer.

After all, Shinomiya Kaguya’s weekday style has always been fixed.

In the class, he never actively participates in any small group, and naturally does not have any overly close contact with other students.

Even in the archery department, there are only a few girls who dare to approach when Shinomiya Kaguya deliberately exudes the temperament of “don’t get close to people”.

Coupled with the gossip rumors about Shinomiya Kaguya that are now circulating in Hidechiin Gakuen, only related to Silver Goyuki, so after the president raised this question and he gave an answer, Shinomiya Kaguya knew that the other party was likely to have guessed the real answer.

No, maybe the answer was guessed earlier.

Because Shinomiya Kaguya found that the president did not show a different color as the question and answer progressed, only the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Although the smiling president is very handsome, but…

Isn’t this like you are actively confessing?

Obviously, at the beginning, he wanted to defeat the president in the game, or through these questions, the president who gradually discovered the answer showed a strange expression for himself, and even took the initiative to show his heart, why did it become like this?

“Ten, his name is…”

Halfway through the tenth question of the Silver Imperial Journey, Shinomiya Kaguya had already run to the door of the student union office in embarrassment and hurriedly spoke.

“President, it’s not early, it’s time for me to go home. As a punishment for quitting the game halfway, this time I threw in the towel in the game, and the president really knew me well. ”

After saying this, Shinomiya Kaguya fled again.

Leaving Bai Yin Yuxing alone in the student union office, he was dumbfounded.

He originally thought that Shinomiya Kaguya would take Chika Fujiwara’s pet dog as the final answer.

After all, the pet dog named Pace has a golden retriever similar to the hair color of the silver royal line, and it also fits the range of “things with temperature”.

But the eighth problem of the Silver Imperial Journey has truncated the retreat of the fourth palace Kaguya.

In fact, Silver Goyuki didn’t care too much about the victory of this game, he just wanted to use this game to enjoy the more interesting expression that Shinomiya Kaguya should show.

Every time I think of the image of the iceberg girl in the past of Shinomiya Kaguya, and then compare it with her now, Silver Goyuki feels very interesting.

Today, as always, let her run away.

Bai Yin Yuxing sat back in his exclusive seat as the president of the student council.

Now that the work of the Student Council has been completed, it is time to deal with the affairs of the Ten Thousand Realms Guild.

This time, Silver Imperial Travel had informed Shiyu Kasumigaoka in advance, and if nothing else, after Silver Imperial Residence controlled the room to reach [outside the world], it should be able to allow the other party to take the initiative to set foot here.

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