Halberd Spirit World, Takekiri’s House.

After the door that seemed to be nothing special was pushed open, three people walked out of the empty room.

If the appearance of Alice, who was originally a member of the Xue Che family, is very normal, then the men and women around her are obviously something special.

Silver Miyuki, wearing an unknown black uniform that is not a Togetsu Gakuen school uniform or a chef’s uniform, and Akuya, who looks like a cosplay feather coat, but makes people feel awe.

When Akuya did not speak, wiping the cookie crumbs from the corner of her mouth, she was still very aura.

“Second Miss, who are these two?”

A servant of the Shu Che family who was passing by asked cautiously.

After the head of the Ushikiri family, the head of the Usakiri family, Sakukiri Senzoemon was angered by the twisted education that Erinai Wasuki had received, the servants of the Setsukiri family became more and more respectful towards the two young ladies, Erinai and Alice.

Even the biological father of the eldest lady will be expelled from the house after doing something wrong, and these servants should naturally be more cautious.

However, now, without prior notice, two men and women who did not look like students of the Far Moon Academy appeared next to the second young lady, and it was naturally impossible for the servants of the Tsuki family to turn a blind eye.

Alice didn’t mean to explain in detail.

“Very important guest, is Grandpa in the study now?”

“Lord Commander-in-Chief is handling work in the school administration building and is not at home.”

“So… Forget it, you guys try to prepare some ingredients in the kitchen as much as possible. ”


After a few words of instructions to the servants at home, Alice quickly moved her steps, and while taking the silver royal travel and Akuya through the mansion of the Uzue family, she made some brief introductions.

Since the president said that he could only stay for ten minutes, and Grandpa was not at home, the verbal introduction should be kept as short as possible.

Now, what Alice wanted was to make delicious dishes in as short a time as possible for the guild president and the goddess of water to taste.

In fact, she has been making dim sum before, but sweets and other snacks have a longer shelf life than dishes that deteriorate much in taste once they are cooled, and it is not certain whether the president has the appetite to taste the dishes.

Now the president is only going to stay for ten minutes, but it seems that there is nothing to deal with, so it is time to show your skills!

“Miss Alice, are you…?”

As a result, halfway through Alice’s journey to the kitchen, someone spoke up.

Originally, Alice was a little impatient, but after seeing the figure with long reddish hair, her eyes suddenly lit up.

“Crimson Sand, you came just in time, come with me to the kitchen and do your best to make a few dishes.”

After speaking, without waiting for Shinto Scarlet to refute, Alice happily pulled the girl who was originally Erina’s assistant to the kitchen and ran to the kitchen.

And the smile on Silver Yuxing’s face after determining that he could indeed reach the new world and bring everything in this world into the known range of the Almighty Force.

The next goal is clear.

In addition to continuing to harvest all-powerful power from different worlds through the Sisters of Takeshi and Shiwa Kasumigaoka, when they increase their strength to the level of gods comparable to Akuya, they can travel to the world where Akuya is and further expand the scope of knowledge.

“This time it is mainly necessary to determine something, so you can only stay for a short time, if you are interested in Akuya, you can come back later and play slowly.”

Seeing that Akuya had wandered around after coming to Xue Che’s mansion, Bai Yin Yuxing said.

The goddess of water did not show any degree of arrogance because of her status as a goddess, nor did she hide her curiosity.

“Whatever, I just want to make sure what the difference between the world here and the world I’m responsible for. The level of technology here seems to be the same as the world I am responsible for bringing the dead, but I can’t feel any heavenly breath at all, which is really special. ”

The world that Akuya said “I am responsible for” is naturally not the celestial realm, but another modern world other than the celestial realm where the gods inhabit and the otherworld, where swords and magic exist.

It is probably because Akuya is in a world with a huge world view, so she has so much all-powerful power.

“In that case, let’s go to the kitchen and see how Alice and Shinto Crimson make the cooking.”

Now, Silver Goyuki has determined that he can foul the scope of what he knows, but he has not yet determined the situation of the Student Union Office after he leaves.

So he wasn’t going to change the ten-minute limit.

In the kitchen, Shinto Scarlet is carefully preparing the dishes.

Although she is full of questions and confused about the identities of Silver Goyuki and Akuya, as a qualified cook, Shinto Scarlet naturally does not chat with Alice in the process of making dishes.

That would be distracting, and the spit that might splash when speaking could also cause huge flaws in the otherwise perfect cuisine that could not be ignored.

According to the request of Alice in the heart, Shinto Scarlet is now doing her best to make the best medicinal meal in ten minutes.

Thanks to the fact that the Xue Che family is a wealthy family and a family of cooks, the kitchen where the new family Crimson is located at this moment can be called a hall.

At the same time, the two chefs of Shinto Scarlet and Alice are busy and not crowded, and there is even a table with a high style in the middle area, presumably to facilitate the chef to taste the taste of the dishes he has made.

Silver Miyuki and Akuya sat at the dining table, watching Shinto Scarlet Sand and Alice Tsuki busy.

Akuria, who governs parts of the modern world, has naturally seen this modern way of cooking, but compared to the chefs she has known, Shinto Scarlet Sand and Alice look pleasing to the eye.

If it weren’t for Akuya’s confusion about the existence of the Silver Imperial Movement from Shinto Scarlet Sand that the other party did not know about the existence of the Ten Thousand Realms Guild, according to the character of this goddess-sama, she planned to continue to spend all-round points to get the other party to join the Akusis Order.

It’s only two hundred all-round points, and Akuya is very rich.

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