In addition to a "sister outside the domain", Sera Masumi also has a "brother outside the domain".

Fortunately, they only shrunk physically, but their brains did not shrink, and they still have the ability to eat.

Forget about the week when Shuichi Akai wandered in America. That was an accident, and his character was accidentally destroyed.


"Bourbon, why did you pick up a child?" Karasuma Gaki looked at the child sitting next to Toru Amuro.

"While doing a mission, I was bumped into by this kid." Toru Amuro lifted Shuichi Akai's chin with his finger, no, Sherlock's chin, and said, "Don't you think his eyes are very suitable for the organization?"

Yes, when he saw this kid, the malice in his heart unconsciously overflowed.

Really like, this eye, his nemesis, the man who caused Scotland to die like that.

"You saw me kill someone, so you have only one destination." Toru Amuro would not kill him, he deliberately scared him, this child could still be so calm when he saw him kill someone.

"Are you going to kill me?" He looked up at Toru Amuro. He knew that this Japanese public security officer would not attack innocent children.

"What else?"

"I don't want to die. I think there is another choice." The two looked at each other, "I am an orphan. I can join you."

Akai Mary: Thank you.

"We." After a pause, he added a word.

Toru Amuro's originally playful and cruel expression froze. The child in front of him with wolf-like eyes really looked like Akai Shuichi.

If he brought him back to the organization, would Gin be happy? Cultivating someone who is very similar to Akai Shuichi? Would he be more trusted by the organization?

No, he should let him leave quickly and forget about it. This kind of thing is not something a child like him should get involved in.

"Master Bourbon, we...what's wrong with this child! Should we get rid of him?" The peripheral members who had finished cleaning up came to report, why is there a troublesome child here?

"No, I will take him back to the organization," Amuro Toru looked down at the child with a cold look, "see if I can train him."

"Yes!" I'm so envious! It must be easier to get a code name if the organization's code name members are trained personally! I couldn't help looking at this child with envy and jealousy.

Akai Shuichi, who dyed his hair and changed his name, got in touch with the organization again by relying on Amuro Toru.

Speechless, Amuro Toru really loves to work part-time, either working in that coffee shop, or working as a detective, and working part-time in the bar. He finally understands the use of child labor!

"!!!" Two members I haven't seen before! Who are they! Akai Shuichi stood there for a while, and sat quietly next to Bourbon.

"Is this a new friend?" Damn! There is another new member!

"Member of the Bourbon Intelligence Group, Chianti, sniper of the Cohen Operation Group, head of Vermouth America, head of the Gin Operation Group." Karasuma Gaki introduced them to Yukimura one by one.

"I'm Barbaresco, from the action team." Yukimura introduced himself with a smile.

"Hehe~ Barolo, Barbaresco, interesting." Bourbon took a sip of wine and joked.

When Akai Shuichi heard Barolo, he couldn't help but clench his fists.

Where is Barolo? Why did you suddenly mention Barolo?

"What about this kid? What's the situation?" Umaru Gaki raised his chin.

"Throw him to the Ula country area to let Brandy train him." Since he took the initiative to join the organization, he should be trained well.

"Oh?" Umaru Gaki stood up, squatted in front of Akai Shuichi, looked at each other, and got close to the child's face, "I'm Barolo, let Daji see your ♡, remember me?"

Akai Shuichi was shocked, his eyes were blurred for a moment, he was Barolo? Isn't Barolo a woman?

Remember him? He knows!

"Train well and be loyal to the organization." Umaru Gaki touched his slightly curly hair dyed golden.


Akai Shuichi did not act rashly. Barolo knew it was him, but he did not seem to want to expose him.

He sat down next to Yukimura and looked at the door of the bar inadvertently. His body froze.

Why did Niou and Yagyu come here?

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