The tennis ball of Bunta was taken away by the sniper.

Karasuma Gaki held the pigeon and gave the egg to Kudo Shinji, and they returned to the hotel.

The egg stopped being displayed, and was urgently transported back to Tokyo by the Suzuki family's ship the next day, Sunday, to check if the egg was damaged.

On the luxury cruise ship back to Tokyo, Karasuma Gaki and Niou lived in one room, and Yukimura and Bunta lived in another room.

The woman also boarded the ship. In order to prevent Niou and Bunta from being retaliated when they were alone, Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura lived with the two of them.

Being attacked by a tennis ball, and the egg was brought back by them, it was too obvious.

The people who wanted to buy the egg were also on the ship. The woman who was injured by Karasuma Gaki had a bandage on her right wrist and forehead. She made an excuse that she accidentally broke her hand and hit her forehead when she was drinking outside last night.

"Hey, Shinji." Karasuma Gaki called Kudo Shinji, "Yesterday, I broke the wrist of the sniper on the viaduct with a tennis ball, and also injured his forehead."

"What!" Kudo Shinji immediately turned his head and stared at Pu Siqinglan, could she be the sniper.

President Suzuki asked them to go to the conference room for a meeting. The egg of memory was brought back by Karasuma Gaki and others.

Several people sat on the sofa, listening to the beautiful mixed-race woman Kosaka Natsumi who met at the door last night. The brought back egg of memory was placed on the table, "My great-grandfather was named Kiichi. He worked as a worker in Faberuge's workshop and married a local Ula woman. The year after the revolution, the two returned to Neon together."

"My great-grandmother gave birth to a baby girl, but my great-grandmother died soon after. Nine years later, my great-grandfather also died. He was only 45 years old at the time." Kosaka Natsumi lowered her head.

"That baby girl is my grandmother. My grandfather and my parents died in a car accident when I was five years old. I was raised by my grandmother." Xia Mei's voice was gentle.

"But the old lady also passed away last month," the old housekeeper of the Kosaka family who followed behind her added.

"I worked as a pastry chef in Paris. I came back to sort out my grandmother's relics. When I sorted them out," she took out a drawing, which was two torn pieces of paper. The drawing was very old and seemed to have a long history. It was painted with an egg very similar to the egg of memory.

This drawing was drawn by her great-grandfather. The egg in the drawing was inlaid with gems, but this egg had no gems. "Maybe there were gems originally, but they fell off later?" Maori Kogoro guessed.

"Two eggs." Karasuma Gaki said, he remembered that there were two eggs.

"Yes, because if there was only one, the outline would not fit together, so there should be two eggs drawn on the paper, and the middle part was torn off." Kudo Shinji pointed to the outline of the egg in the drawing.

Pu Siqinglan looked at the tennis bag next to the sofa. It was them, the tennis boys! They attacked her! And then brought the egg back! Damn it!

Karasuma Kago lay on the sofa, turned his head and looked at Pu Siqinglan, and hypnotized her initially, making her think that it was Kudo Shinji who did it.

The egg was indeed brought back by Kudo Shinji.

Pu Siqinglan's head was already aching, and she felt dizzy again. The egg was brought back by this kid! He ruined her plan! But what about the tennis ball? Her mind was a little confused.

After saying that, Kudo Shinji picked up the egg on one side and observed it. He saw a small hole at the bottom of the egg. There was a mirror in the hole. He reached out and poked it, and the small mirror fell down, "Ah, bad, it fell!"

He immediately put the egg back on the table, squatted down to pick up the small mirror, and Maori Kogoro leaned on the table and scolded Shinji, "What are you doing! Kid"

"Hehe... a small piece of the mirror accidentally fell off" Kudo Shinji scratched his head awkwardly and smiled awkwardly.

"What??!" This is 800 million yen! Maori Kogoro was so frightened that his eyes became dilated, and his eyes were full of mosquito coils.

"Shinji!?" Maori Ran said with fear and a little resentment. They couldn't afford to pay for this even if they sold their whole family! Shinji was brought by them.

"Hehe, it's okay~" Sonoko laughed dryly to smooth things over. She heard the fear in her bestie's voice and comforted her, "It's okay, the mirror is easy to remove. It seems that it was installed later, ha~"

"Hehe, if you mess around with things in other people's homes, it's not so easy to solve the damage." Karasuma Gaki smiled and said sarcastically. It seems that he has caused a lot of damage, but he has never seen compensation. If he really wants to pay, the Kudo couple may not be able to afford it.

"That's right, Shinji, don't mess around like this in the future!" Maori Ran's tone was serious, but it was still too gentle for Karasuma Gaki.

Karasuma Gaki curled his lips. The great detective is protected by the world consciousness. There is no follow-up after the damage. The people or people who are damaged suffer in silence.

Kudo Shinji holdsThe small mirror reflected his palm, "Mr. Nishino, please turn off the light!"

"Hey! Don't mess around!" Maori Kogoro was really scared. Eight hundred million, he almost lost his life here. He glared at Kudo Shinji with a vicious face.

The lights were turned off. Kudo Shinji took out his watch from his pocket. It had a lighting function and looked at the mirror. The mirror reflected an angle and a castle pattern was projected on the wall.

"It's the castle in Yokosuka." It was the castle of the Kosaka family. It was located in the east of Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture. It was built by the great-grandfather of Kosaka Natsumi.

Maori Kogoro said that the egg of memories was also made by Natsumi's great-grandfather. It was speculated that the other egg should be in this Yokosuka castle. Natsumi invited Maori Kogoro to accompany her to the castle.

The art dealer said that if the second egg was found, it could be worth up to 1.5 billion. When Natsumi asked Maori Kogoro, several people who wanted to buy eggs also asked to go with him. Natsumi agreed.

Karasuma Gaki and others will also go together.

The room on the luxury cruise ship is very large, equivalent to one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom.

The four of them bandaged the pigeon in Karasuma Gaki's room and put it on a mat. Yukimura nodded the pigeon's head, "This pigeon is so well-behaved, it seems to have been trained, and it is not afraid of people at all."

"Kaito Kidd's pigeon, he did train pigeons." The magician seems to often conjure up a lot of pigeons.

"What kind of person is Kaito Kidd?" Niou was still a little curious. It was too dark last night, and Kaito Kidd was flying in the sky again, so he couldn't see it clearly at all.

"He's a young man, walking in the dark, and I..." Karasuma Gaki stopped talking, watching Bunta blinking his big eyes at him, "He's about the same age as us, right?"

"Is he a junior high school student like us?! That's amazing, I checked him out, and he said he stole treasures worth nearly 40 billion yen! But some said he disappeared eight years ago..." Bunta was confused as he spoke, "That's not right, he's the same age as us, he was only 6 years old eight years ago..."

"There are two generations, this is the second generation, the first generation disappeared." He should be hiding, I don't know if the organization can catch him, it feels like he is a talent that is quite suitable for the organization, although he prefers to let Kuroba Kaito join the organization.

"Do you know about him?" Niou asked him while teasing the pigeon.

"Not really, I only know a little bit." He doesn't know much.

There was a knock on the door. Karasuma Gaki got up and opened the door. It was the freelance writer, holding a camera and shooting at him. "Oh, boy, very cool, I took a picture~"

After saying that, he turned and left. Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura stuck their heads out, only to see him knocking on the next person's door.

After closing the door, the few people continued to chat, "Speaking of which, in the conference room, the woman looked at us with such a scary look, did you notice? She didn't seem to know that we knew it was her, do you think we should just call the police to arrest her?"

"I asked that kid to call the police." Karasuma Gaki told the kid what happened last night, and also told him to call the police. He has a good relationship with the police, so calling the police will be more effective, and he should be able to fly over soon.

There was another knock at the door. Karasuma Gaki got up to open the door. Sonoko greeted him warmly at the door, followed by Natsumi. "Hi~Gaki, we are here to play with you. Do you want to go with us to find Xiaolan?"

"With so many handsome guys and a few beautiful girls like us, let's chat and play games together. It's too boring to stay in the room~" Sonoko grabbed Karasuma Gaki's wrist.

Karasuma Gaki turned to look at Yukimura and the others. Yukimura and Bunta looked at each other, smiled and nodded, "Okay~"

"Then Sonoko, beautiful girl, we will follow you." The few of them packed up, closed the door, and followed Suzuki Sonoko and Kosaka Natsumi.


Several people also called Nishino Masato and went to Maori Ran's room together. Sonoko remembered that there was another girl, Urase Qinglan, so she pulled Karasuma Gaki and her to knock on her door, "No problem, thank you, I'll be there soon, please wait."

She turned around and picked up her bag on the bed. Sonoko saw a photo frame on her table, "That can't be a photo of your boyfriend~"

"Ah, um, yes..." She turned around and covered the photo frame with the photo facing down. Sonoko was envious, "Oh~ Everyone has a boyfriend, wait and see, I must get Kid!"

"Haha~" Karasuma Gaki couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at! Agu! Otherwise, you can be my boyfriend! Although you are young, you are tall, I don't mind~ *^O^*" Sonoko saw Karasuma Gaki laughing at him and turned to tease him.

"Hahaha, no, I'm still young and can't fall in love too early, or the book will be taken off the shelves~" Karasuma Gaki shook his head and waved his hands to refuse.

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