"Why do you know Gin and his car?" Sitting in Dr. Agasa's Beetle, on the way to the Haido Hotel, Kudo Shinji stared at Haibara Ai.

"Aren't you an orphan?" She lied. How could a primary school student like her know about the Black Organization?

"..." Haibara Ai crossed her arms and looked indifferent. She didn't answer him. She didn't know why she knew Gin's car.

"Come on! Haibara! What are you hiding? Who are you?" Seeing that Haibara Ai didn't say anything, Kudo Shinji couldn't help but question her harshly.

"I am a scientist cultivated by the organization." Haibara Ai lowered her eyebrows and spoke softly, "My parents are scientists in the organization, and because I inherited my parents' smart brains, I was sent to America for cultivation by the organization when I just remembered. I have been in the sixth grade in America."

"... Then what? Where are your scientist parents?" Kudo Shinji continued to ask.

"They died shortly after I was born, engulfed in flames in the organization's laboratory..." She is confused now. She has come to the future, and she doesn't want to think about what another self is like in this world. She just wants to be an ordinary elementary school student and live like this.

"What kind of scientists are your parents? What are they researching? Is there any hidden conspiracy in the organization?" Kudo Shinji, who keeps asking questions, is a bit annoying, but he seems to have a magical power that makes people can't help but answer the questions he asks.

"Researching a drug, I don't know what it is specifically, I just know it's a drug." Huiyuan Ai is only 7 years old now, and she is only in the sixth grade. She has no contact with the organization at all, and only knows a little bit about the organization and her parents.

"Medicine? Gin also mentioned medicine on the phone. He said he would silence him before the police could get to him. If there was anything, you could use that medicine." Kudo Shinji lowered his head, touched his headphones and recalled what he heard from the wiretap.

He murmured alone, "To silence someone, it doesn't matter if you use that medicine. Use that medicine... that is poison! Your parents are the ones who made the poison! Your parents are murderers!"

Kudo Shinji realized that it doesn't matter if you use that medicine, which means you can use that medicine to kill people!

Could it be that... that medicine is the same as the one he was fed? He always remembered that the two FBI agents who fed him the medicine said that if a person ate this poison, the toxin could not be detected from the body.

That medicine can kill people, but the cause cannot be found. If the cause of death cannot be found, there is no way to verify it!

It must be like this, Kudo Shinji thought divergently, and convicted Haibara Ai's parents. The two FBI agents must have colluded with the organization and got the drug. "Your parents are murderers! I was fed this poison, which is why I became like this!"

(In the original work, Conan called Haibara a murderer, and Haibara said she didn't want to be called a murderer by him again.)

"No! No! My parents are not murderers! Shut up!" Haibara Ai has no relatives, and she doesn't allow anyone to insult her deceased relatives in front of her.

She ignored what Kudo Shinji said, that he was fed poison, which is why he became like this?

"My parents are just... just scientists! And you don't have any evidence to prove that this medicine was made by my parents. You just heard me say that my parents are scientists who study medicine, and you made a rash conclusion!" Huihara Ai's voice was sharp, she was very angry, "There are other scientists in the organization! Not only my parents! Even if my parents studied it, it was not them who took it to the shark man. What right do you have to say that they are murderers!"

"Hehe, is this the kind of detective who convicts people without any evidence, just based on his imagination? What a great detective, a disciple of Sherlock Holmes, it's really amazing." Huihara Ai turned cold again and looked at Kudo Shinji in a mocking manner.

"Oh~ Shinji, Xiao Ai, stop arguing." Dr. Agasa drove the car and glanced at the two quarreling children. He knew that Shinji was Shinichi, but not the Shinichi of this world.

"Shinji, you can't just make a judgment based on your imagination... Even if you are anxious to know the medicine, you can't say it like this." Dr. Agasa spoke to Kudo Shinji in a kind voice.

He took in Haibara Ai, a very well behaved child. Although he was the elder, Ai would often take care of him.

Kudo Shinji took a deep breath. He was anxious. This was a different world. He thought that if he could change back, even if it was a different world, as long as he could change back, he could continue to be a detective as a high school student, and he could be with Xiaolan...


[Shirley and Kudo had a big fight! ]

[Oh? What do you mean?] Karasuma Gaki raised his eyebrows. Could Shirley still be saved?[Hmph, the world consciousness gave Kudo a hint, making him think that the medicine was related to the organization. He directly judged that the medicine was made by the Miyano couple, and said in front of Shirley that the Miyano couple were murderers. ]

[I'm not saying that his emotional intelligence is really low. ] He is a male chauvinist, always likes to curse Sonoko in his heart, and likes to stand out in the crowd. I guess he became a detective to show off, right? He seems to enjoy being praised like that?

What's the point? Histrionic personality? The Japanese police didn't give him money, and Karasuma Gaki couldn't understand it. After all, he didn't have his so-called sense of justice.

Haha, the savior of the Japanese police.

The car stopped at the parking lot of the Haido Hotel, and the two got out of the car. Niou was puzzled, "Why... is it snowing?"

"...Maybe he's sick, this weather?" Karasuma Gaki didn't know about this divine weather.

"Okay," Niou couldn't imagine hitting someone in such a gathering, "With so many people, how are you going to do it?"

Urasawa Gaki grinned, he had many ways, "The secret can't be leaked."

The two wrote the names on the fake certificate on the memorial service list and successfully entered the venue. Everyone in the venue was dressed in black.

"Which one is Tsuguchi Shigehiko?" Niou leaned against the wall, not looking around, looking around would make him look suspicious.

"The one surrounded by reporters at the door." Urasawa Gaki raised his head and pointed his chin, staring at the two suspicious short figures walking in the crowd and looking around.

Shirley was still dark, but not as dark as Hattori before. She was worthy of being the winery radar. She could still be so scary even if she lost her memory. She watched with interest as Kudo Shinji took off his glasses and put them on her.

"What are you looking at?" Niou saw that Karasuma Gaki was staring at one direction intently with an evil smile on his face, so he turned his head and looked, "That's not... falling in love at such a young age."

Karasuga Gaki specifically reminded him to pay attention to his oral habits.

There was a commotion from the direction of the door, "I'm sorry, please make way." It was Megure Jusan, who should have been called by Kudo Shinichi.

Tsunoguchi Shigehiko was surrounded by the Japanese police, and Niou frowned. How could he do it? He turned to look at Karasuma Gaki, who gave him a reassuring look.

Yes, there is nothing to worry about. Agu is an old hand at first glance, and he can also do magic, so he must have a way to make people invisible.

"Dear guests present, let's now appreciate these personal slides that Director Sakamaki has never made public during his lifetime." The host on the stage spoke, and the moment the lights on the scene were turned off, Karasuma Gaki became invisible and released the puppet, and the puppet stayed with Niou.

Shigehiko Tōguchi left the police encirclement while the lights were turned off. Karasuma Gaki came to his side and shot a very thin flying needle into Shigehiko Tōguchi's fatal point. He watched Shigehiko Tōguchi fall down, squatted down to check his breath and pulse, and found that he was dead.

Recovering the flying needle, quietly returning to Niou, and recovering the puppet, the whole process took less than 3 minutes.

Before the slides on the stage were finished, the Japanese police found that Shigehiko Tōguchi had escaped from their encirclement and were looking for him everywhere in the venue. Karasuma Gaki and Niou stood in a corner far away, looking at the stage as if nothing had happened.

After the slides were finished, the lights in the hall were turned on again, "Ah-here... there's a person falling here!" Shigehiko Tōguchi fell near the middle of the hall, and his life or death was unknown.

Kudo Shinji and the police quickly ran forward and checked, "He's dead."

Kudo Shinji kept fiddling with Shigehiko Tsuguchi's body, trying to find out if he had any fatal injuries, but he couldn't find any. How could the fine needles used in acupuncture and the acupuncture method of Karasuma Gaki leave traces of needle sticks?

"How is it?" As a police officer, Megure Jusan actually asked a six or seven-year-old child.

"Did the Japanese police listen to a child? It seems that Japan is in danger." Karasuma Gaki spoke sarcastically in the voice of a middle-aged man.

The emotions of the masses are really easy to be aroused. This group of people with high social status like to ask questions from a high position, "That's right, with so many policemen surrounding him, he still ran away. Now that he's dead, a child is playing a detective game to investigate..."

"Are the Japanese police so useless? It seems like what you see in the newspaper is all about how good a certain detective is at solving cases. The police rely on a certain detective to successfully solve the case. It seems that it is all the credit of the detective? I think you should be the detective's younger brother?" Karasuma Gaki activated the [Charming All] aura and continued to mock.

Megure Jusan clenched his fists, recalling the past cases and those reports. The limelight was indeed all taken by these detectives, which led to them being mocked by these social elites!

They are not incapable of solving cases. Looking back, it seems that as long as there are detectives present, they are goodIt's like they can't think anymore, and they rely on detectives to solve the case.

They were directed around by them, and they had to check and test and provide forensic reports according to their instructions. But even if there were no detectives, they would have done these jobs anyway... Why did the detectives direct them to do it, and it became their credit in the end?

Seeing Megure Jusan fall into deep thought, Karasuma Gaki curled his lips. Tsk, he is really eloquent and good at sowing discord.

"In my opinion, this man died of a serious illness?" Karasuma Gaki stood with his head raised, glancing sideways at the bottom, with contempt and disdain in his eyes, deliberately dragging out the tail tone "Little boy~ Is the detective game fun? It's not a good behavior to affect the police's handling of the case. Didn't your parents teach you?"

The forensic personnel also did not find any fatal injuries on Shigehiko Tōguchi, and finally Megure Jusan decided to take Shigehiko Tōguchi back for a forensic examination.

There has never been a moment when Kudo Shinji hated his child's body so much. He used this body to investigate cases, and people often said that he was a child playing detective games, but who knew that he was really a detective, high school student detective Kudo Shinichi, and he was not playing detective games.

It is too difficult for people to trust a child's body. He has helped Inspector Megure solve several cases, so Inspector Megure trusts him.

Most of the time, he used an anesthetic needle to stun Uncle Mori and used a voice changer to change his voice to Uncle Mori's to solve cases. As a result, Uncle Mori has the title of "Sleeping Kogoro" and is respected as a famous detective. In fact, all these are his credit.

The body of Shigehiko Tsuguchi was taken away by the police.

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