Karasuma Gaki drove behind Gin, "You... can also use phantom?" Nioh said awkwardly.

"Mine is not phantom, it's puppet secret technique."

"Puri~ Tell me about the organization." He followed Karasuma Gaki here in a daze. After completing the task, he felt that he did nothing, just standing there.

"Well, the organization is divided into code members and peripheral members. You are now a peripheral member. Code members need to complete the task application." Karasuma Gaki glanced at Nioh, and he lifted the phantom. "When you are on a mission, don't use your own identity. Use a phantom to handle it. I will hand you over to Vermouth. She will stay in Neon in the near future and you will be trained by her."

"Then what kind of member are you? What about Seiichi? Who is Vermouth? What is the status of your guardian in the organization?" Nioh had a series of questions.

"My code name is Barolo, Seiichi is also a code name member, Vermouth is also here today, you have seen her, my guardian is Gin." Karasuma Gaki answered Niou's questions one by one.

"Barolo, Vermouth, Gin, they are all wine names? Is the organization a winery? What kind of wine is Seiichi?"

"......You found it, it is indeed a winery, Seiichi is Barbaresco."

"......Barolo, Barbaresco? An Italian wine king, an Italian wine queen?"


Base No. 3.

Karasuma Gaki brought Niou, who was transformed into Morobushi Kagemitsu, into the base. It was a photo Karasuma Gaki gave him. Niou stared at the photo for a long time. Although he could transform into him, it might not be possible to transform him so much like the real person just by looking at the photo.

In the base, there were only Gin, Vermouth, and Vodka. When Karasuma Gaki brought Niou in, Gin stood up and took out the Beretta and pointed it at Niou the first time he saw Niou.

Niou raised his hands stiffly, fear surged in his heart, he took a light breath, stared at the cold muzzle of the gun, and Karasuma Gaki stepped in front of Niou without hesitation, protecting him behind him, "Gin."

"Who is he? Why does he look like Scotland?" Scotland was a rat of the Neon Public Security Bureau. He was exposed as an undercover in the organization and was solved by Rye. Humph, Rye is also a rat, FBI agent Akai Shuichi.

But Akai Shuichi is also dead.

"Don't you remember? You fought him in my house." Karasuma Gaki still stood in front of Niou.

Vermouth showed a charming smile, with interest flashing in her eyes. She knew who it was, the boy who could phantom. She was very interested in him. Unexpectedly, Barolo really brought him here, "Gin, you are too sensitive~"

Gin put away Beretta and sat back on the sofa. He knew who it was.

Karasuma Gaki held Niou's wrist and comforted him. It was normal to be afraid when Gin pointed a gun at him. Not to mention Niou, Bourbon would be afraid too.

"Got it, come to my action team." Gin crossed his legs, his posture was casual and elegant, and his mouth was slightly curled. He liked Barolo's teammates very much.

"Come to my American intelligence team. For three years, you can sit in the position of the head of the intelligence team." Vermouth still smiled charmingly. Why didn't she find that Gin was so cunning before?

She is the general manager of America and is also responsible for the work of the intelligence team. What's wrong with giving up the position of the head of the intelligence team? Such an excellent talent, she must win over.

Niou blinked and pulled the corner of Karasuma Gaki's clothes. What's going on? Just now he was pointing a gun at him, and now he suddenly won him over and painted a pie for him. The head of the intelligence team in the America region sounds like he has a high salary.

Karasuma Gaki looked helpless. Why is Niou so popular?

"I will take care of you myself." Vermouth spoke again, "Gin is very busy and definitely has no time to take care of you. I am different. I have a lot of time."

Karasuma Gaki originally wanted to hand Niou over to Vermouth. One reason was that she was free, and the other was that Niou could learn acting from her, which would also help his illusion. After all, the Sharon Wynyard vest that Vermouth had discarded was an Oscar-winning actress.

He would teach him martial arts.

Niou and Karasuma Gaki looked at each other and smiled brightly with their Scottish faces, "Okay, Sister Chris."

Vermouth smiled even brighter and proudly raised her glass to Gin, who glared at her coldly.

He also got the position of head of the intelligence group that Vermouth promised, although it was three years later.

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