When Niou Masaharu was drawn to singles, he wondered if someone was trying to frame him.

Did someone tamper with the lottery box? He was definitely not unconfident!

It's just that the first round of the Kanto Tournament requires five full matches.

And singles are usually played by the captains of each school or the strongest ace players.

As a half-novice in the mouth of captain Yukimura, who has just learned tennis for more than 4 months.

To play singles without losing a single point... He really doesn't want to drink that weird thing!

He saw it all! Inui Sadaharu stirred the liquid with strange bubbles and smiled with a gloomy and terrifying face.

His fragile stomach will definitely be hospitalized if he drinks the poison! Maybe he will die!

"Masaharu, don't feel pressured." Yukimura smiled and patted his shoulder to comfort him, "I'm singles 3, I will win in singles 3."

He turned his head and looked at Sanada, Mori, Yanagi, and Kuwahara, who were doubles 2 and doubles 1, "Doubles 2 and doubles 1 won't have any blind spots, right?"

"Yes! No blind spots!" To be honest, Mori was a little worried that Sanada would hold him back.

After so much doubles training, except that Sanada would not (dare not) grab the ball when practicing doubles with Yukimura, his cooperation with others was a bit hard to describe...

Yukimura glanced at Mori, who looked a little embarrassed, and lowered his head to laugh.

Karasuma Gaki looked at Niou Masaharu with a look of despair on his face, and laughed, "And me, even if someone loses in doubles, I won't lose! I won't give you pressure~"

The four doubles players immediately turned around and stared fiercely at Karasuma Gaki after hearing this.

Niou Masaharu: ...My pressure comes from within


"Rikkai University Affiliated Junior High School vs. Ginka Junior High School, doubles 2, get ready."

"Rikkai University actually put the vice-chairman and that Mori in doubles 2?" Looking at the doubles duo of Rikkai University, the audience raised doubts.

"Isn't this a waste of combat power?"

"Rikkai University has different players in each game, maybe there is some special targeting, so they can play 6-0 in every previous game."

"I see, their minister is so powerful, so good at arranging troops!"

Drawing box: I'm not the minister~ Thank you for the compliment

"Hey, Sanada, this is my ball!" It was a close call, I almost lost the ball because I bumped into Sanada who came to grab the ball!

Mori hit the ball back and tilted his head helplessly at Sanada.

"...Got it, Mori-senpai!" Turned his head and glanced at Yukimura in the coaching seat.

"!" Really too lax! Doubles practice needs more practice!

"Game, set, and match, doubles 2, Rikkai University 6-0"

Fortunately, the two were strong and did not lose points.

"Double practice will double!" After leaving the court, Sanada took the initiative to train more and stood up straight.

The eyes under the hat looked straight ahead seriously, and then secretly lowered their eyes to look at Yukimura's expression.

Yukimura met Sanada's peeking eyes, and couldn't help raising his hand to his lips to cover his smile, "Yeah."

Yanagi handed the two towels and water, and squeezed a bottle of water and handed it to Yukimura, and prepared to play doubles 1 with Kuwabara.

Yanagi and Kuwabara, who were in good physical condition, faced the weak doubles combination on the opposite side, and the game quickly ended with 6-0.

The first round of the Kanto Conference required five games to be played. The next game was singles 3 for Yukimura. Karasuma Gaki ignored the fiery stare behind him and went to the coaching seat in advance to wait for Yukimura.

After guessing the ball, Yukimura served.

"Are you the first-year president of Rikkai University? You are so pretty~"

The third singles player on the other side was a third-year player, who challenged Yukimura.

Yukimura did not respond, but turned and walked to the serving area.

"Are you really the best in Rikkai University? You are so skinny"

"The coat is not..."


While the opponent was still chattering, Yukimura had already scored with an ACE ball, and the corner of his coat rose and fell with the action of serving.

The referee gave the points, and the opponent also fell silent, "What's going on? I can't see the ball at all..."

"Rikkai University Yukimura Seiichi 1-0."

4 ACE balls won the game, no extra words, only the fluttering hem of his clothes constantly provoking the opponent's nerves.

Except for serving, the opponent did not touch the ball even when running all over the court.

"Game, set, and match, Rikkai University 6-0"

"He didn't touch the ball the whole time!"

"Clean and neat, worthy of being the son of God!"

Karasuma Gaki looked at Yukimura who had returned, and he didn't even break a sweat, "Isn't it even a warm-up?"

Yukimura smiled at him, "It's your turn next."

Karasuma Gaki was the second singles player, and promised Cai Wenji that she would use her skills today.

She was the first to give him a red envelope, 8 years laterHe went, but only accumulated 5 points for the experiment when he was 4 years old, which made him feel very resentful.

From the moment he came on the court, Karasuma Yuan started to activate [Hu Jia Le] without stopping while the cooldown was on, doing two things at the same time, and using the skill to activate the ball.

The more the opponent's player played, the colder he felt. The ball hit by the white-haired boy.

He felt dizzy every time he received a ball. I don't know... Actually, he has some terminal illness.

When the score came to 4:0, he couldn't stand the dizziness and fell to the ground, stopped the game, and gave up.

The opponent returned to the coach's seat crying, shouting that he wanted to go to the hospital for a physical examination. He felt that he was going to die, and the opposite court suddenly became noisy.

"That Karasuma Yuan beat people to tears!"

"How can a man cry while playing ball!"

The coach of Yinhua saw that the players were crying and wanted to go to the hospital. The result of the game was already out.

Yinhua had already lost, so he gave up the singles match and took the players to the hospital.

Yukimura glanced at Karasuma Gaki. He did not feel any mental fluctuations in Karasuma Gaki's game.

The opponent's state should be that Karasuma Gaki used magic?

"Will there be any side effects?" Yukimura asked softly in his ear when Karasuma Gaki came to him after leaving the court.

Karasuma Gaki shook his head, "No"

Yukimura nodded, "Let's go." He turned around and led the team away.

Niou Masaharu in the team laughed secretly. Today is really a lucky day~

Inui Sadaharu, who did not have the opportunity to show his talent today, had a light of pity across his glasses...


Cai Wenji: Great! Yuanyuan, I still need a lot to start the lottery

Lan: It's a pity that points cannot be transferred

Cai Wenji: It doesn't matter

Karasuma Gaki's mental attack skills developed in the practice match with Mori are moves learned in the [Assassination Action] aura. Every time he uses a move, he will calculate points for the provider Lan.

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