Huacun arranged a match between Karasuma Gaki and Kamishiro Reiji.

In the match between Rikkai Yamato and Jounan Shonan, Karasuma Gaki played doubles. According to Huacun, Karasuma Gaki is a very aggressive player. As a singles player, it is unknown how long Kamishiro Reiji can last under Karasuma Gaki.

I hope Kamishiro can evolve in this match.

Atobe held the net with his fingers, with a slight curl at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to evolve from Karasuma Gaki, unless he was willing to play a coaching match. Otherwise, according to his style of play that makes people lose their motivation, let alone evolution, it would be good if he did not leave a psychological shadow.

Karasuma Gaki used the "Inverted Pentagram" on Kamishiro Reiji, and watched the opponent kneeling on the ground and picking the air, looking like he was having difficulty breathing, and continued to serve, and quickly won the serve game.

Hikaru Amane looked at the "upside-down pentagram" on Kamishiro's neck, "upside-down pentagram, five sharp corners, poof-"

Kuroba Harukaze closed his eyes with a frown on his face, raised his foot and hit Hikaru Amane's head. This kid's cold jokes are really anytime and anywhere.

Karasuma Gaki removed the "upside-down pentagram", and people with low mental strength could not hit back his ball.

Started to fight Kamishiro with a level attack.

"He is really scary." Tachibana An stood outside the court to watch the game. She had heard of Karasuma Gaki's nickname "Satan" before. Kamio told her that his nickname came from the game after the game when Guoyi used this "upside-down pentagram" to deal with her brother. Her brother was taken to the hospital after the game.

Satan, the king of hell, the symbol of evil and power.

She now felt the horror of the person with this nickname.

"Why can he hurt others with a clear conscience?" Tachibana An turned around and asked Ryuzaki Sakuno who was standing next to her watching the game.

"Ah...what...this is the special move of Karasuma senior, everyone has a different style of playing tennis..." Ryuzaki Sakurano was a little overwhelmed by the sudden question from this senior. Although her grandmother is a tennis coach, she doesn't really know much about tennis. She only thinks these seniors are amazing when they play tennis.

"But, the player opposite him can't breathe, why does he use this special move? He can play normally, right?" She has seen Karasuma Gaki play tennis normally, and he is also very strong. He can win even if he plays normally.

"......" Ryuzaki Sakurano is not good at speaking, she doesn't know how to answer.


"Ah!" Tachibana An was frightened by the tennis ball that hit her in front of her and took two steps back. The tennis ball almost broke through the protective net. She held her heart and breathed rapidly, which scared her to death.

Tachibana An looked up and met Karasuma Gaki's emotionless eyes and cold red pupils. Her face turned pale. He did it on purpose!

The corners of Karasuma Yuan's sarcasm slightly raised, revealing a sneer of disdain, mocking the ignorance and naivety of Kizuna. He looked away, rotated his right hand to play with the tennis racket, and said slowly, "If you don't know how to talk, you can shut up. If you don't know how to shut up, I can help you."

Kurama Yuan has no patience for Kizuna, who likes to pester others, likes to stand on the moral high ground to accuse others, and pretends to be friends when he approaches with a purpose, and has double standards.

Kizuna was embarrassed in front of so many people, and ran away with red eyes.

None of the tennis players present is Karasuma Yuan's opponent, and those who have no strength have no right to speak.

Even if someone thinks that he does not agree with Karasuma Yuan's playing style, tennis has always been about strength. As a weak person, jumping out to accuse the strong of being too strong and not playing like this will only make them look ridiculous.

Only by defeating Karasuma Yuan can you be qualified to stand in front of Karasuma Yuan and accuse Karasuma Yuan of playing the wrong way. If you continue to play like this, you will not be able to beat him.

There is nothing wrong with the way a strong person plays.

No one chased after Kikyo An, except Ryuzaki Sakuno, who hesitated and looked back and forth for a few times, bit her lip, bowed to the court, said goodbye politely, and then went after Kikyo An.

Coach Hanamura smiled and turned around, "Continue the game, Karasuma-kun, don't worry, the strong don't need the approval of others." A naive little girl.

Karasuma Gaki glanced at her and smiled, he was very satisfied with her words, since she wanted him to play a coaching match, then he would play a match.

Amuro Toru looked at the white-haired boy in the court from the outside, and this boy looked a little evil.

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