The singles 2 and 1 matches were after lunch.

"Captain Tachibana! You are so strong!" Kamio Akira, Haitang and others also came. They had lunch in the restaurant with Momoshiro and others and came to the players' lounge.

No one from Rikkai University was in the lounge. Karasuma Gaki and others went out to have lunch with Niou, Bunta and Amuro Toru. Sonoko and Xiaolan also came.

Sonoko also said that Xiaolan had an incident some time ago and lost her memory for a while. Later, she went to Dorobiga Park and recovered her memory.

Sonoko described the incident vividly, and Bunta, Yanagi, and Yanagi, who loved to read detective novels, were obsessed with the incident and couldn't extricate themselves.

Vermouth also wanted to join them, but was sent away by Karasuma Gaki. Amuro Toru was there. Vermouth came to find them. Isn't this putting his identity in Amuro Toru's face?

Vermouth went to find someone to have fun. She approached Fuji Shusuke, the boy she liked. Fuji Shusuke was suddenly approached by a big star. Even though he was usually mature and a little bit treacherous, he was still a little overwhelmed. "Thank you, sister Chris, my brother came to watch my game, I..." with him.

"I'll treat you to dinner, you are all so good, I really want to learn about tennis~" Vermouth didn't give him a chance to refuse.

"...... Uh, thank you."

Vermouth rejected Richard's invitation. She wanted to play by herself. She took Fuji Shusuke and Fuji Yuta to eat high-end French cuisine. Chris took a sip of wine and looked at the handsome boy in front of her who was squinting all the time. "You are also a member of the Kanto team? Will you play in the afternoon?"

"Not sure, this is arranged by Coach Sakaki."

"Come on, I'm rooting for you." Vermouth smiled happily.

"Thank you." Isn't Chris an American? She actually supports them.

On the way back to the stadium, Karasuma Gaki and his friends ran into Kaibin. Kaibin, who was always irritated when he saw Echizen Ryoma, curled his lips after seeing Sanada and did not go forward to provoke him. Anyway, it would be a full five games, and he would definitely defeat Echizen Ryoma!

Back to the stadium lounge, it was Fuji who played the second singles match.

Opposite him was Arnold, who was known as a tennis machine.

Genius vs. tennis machine.

Genius Fuji was still better. Fuji won 6-2. His three tricks, Brown Bear Falling into the Net, Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest, and White Whale, were amazing.

After Fuji's game, it started to rain. Fuji reached out to catch the dripping raindrops. The movable roof on the top of the stadium closed and turned on the lights inside. "Haha~ I'm really lucky today."

If it rained during his game and the roof was closed, his White Whale would not be usable, and he would need to find a new way to win.

(Doubles 1 and 2 in the morning, singles 3 in the afternoon, the first match, it rained when Fuji played singles 2.)

Singles 1, Coach Sakaki let Ryoma play.

Ryoma had been holding back for a long time, and Kaibin was causing trouble everywhere, and then left a sentence saying that if you want to blame someone, blame Echizen Ryoma, and destroy his reputation everywhere. Although he doesn't care about his reputation, but the opponent has provoked him to his doorstep, he would be too cowardly if he doesn't defeat him and make him convinced.

Kaibin's playing style is very similar to Ryoma's. He can do the one-legged short steps, outspin serve, and letter drive that Ryoma can do.

"Is he a fan of Ryoma?" Kirihara asked as he watched Kaibin on the court constantly using Ryoma's tricks.

"Is he?" Karasuma Gaki responded to him.

Ryoma opened the state of selflessness and began to show off the special moves of the Rikkaido people, and occasionally showed off the special moves of a few people from Hyotei. He also learned the running lion and the blasting ball dance that he saw from Tachibana in the morning, although the power was not as strong as the original.

Kevin was beaten back by Ryoma's endless moves, and finally Ryoma won 6-2.

Kanto team VS West Coast team, the score was 5-0. Chico shook his eyebrows, it was a really ugly loss.

All the scripts that Richard had originally customized did not come true. None of the sponsors he invited cooperated with him, and the whole team lost.

Most of the members of the West Coast team decided to leave the team. They will play tennis for themselves in the future, and no longer be a puppet who cannot control their own tennis.

And Richard Baker was also expelled from the National High School Tennis Association. He no longer has the qualifications to be a coach. He embezzled the public funds of the association.

Before leaving, Kevin went to apologize to the school he had provoked before and the students he beat.


After Shirley was taken to the laboratory by Gin, Leia and Nathan took a blood sample from her, extracted her DNA, and conducted experiments. "It's a pity that she is the only sample."

They tried APTX-4869 on many mice or enemies caught by Gin, but there was no effect.Those who successfully turned into a child like Shirley died.

They dared not do too much experimental research on her. If she died, they would have no experimental samples.

Based on the analysis of the drug ingredients of APTX-4869, they found that the drug, with strong alcohol combined with high temperature, can destroy cells and allow cells to regenerate themselves, but the probability of success is still too small.

After Shirley was kidnapped, she was terrified every day. The two Europeans and Americans drew her blood, gave her white wine, and gave her medicine that would make people fever immediately.

Her body was in great pain. After the severe pain, she actually... turned into an adult?

What happened?

She didn't maintain the body of an adult for too long. She didn't know the time, but it was estimated that it should be two or three days. She turned back to the appearance of a seven-year-old again. This is too unscientific!

Is the organization using her for experiments? Doesn't the organization want to train her to be a scientist? Why is she being experimented on now?

She didn't know how long she had been locked up in the lab. During that time, the couple had fed her medicine several times. Every time she took it, she felt unbearable pain and then turned into an adult. However, it seemed that she could maintain her adult appearance for longer and longer.

Shirley, who only had memories of being 7 years old, didn't understand what happened. She suddenly returned to Neon from America. She hid and was suddenly found by the organization. It was all Kudo Shinji's fault!

It must be that he insisted on tracking down the organization and broke into Gin's car, causing Gin to find her and causing her to suffer in the lab! It was all Kudo Shinji's fault!

Now she knew what Gin looked like, and it was as scary as she imagined.

"I... I will study hard and work hard to become a scientist to work for the organization. Can you let me go..." A sentence flashed through the mind of Miyano Shiho, who was only 7 years old.

"Miyano Shiho, a scientist cultivated by the organization" The man was also a member of the organization. He knew her and knew that she was a scientist cultivated by the organization.

This means that she is useful to the organization. It is better to be a scientist in the organization than to be tied up in the laboratory as an experimental subject.

Leia and her husband paused when they heard what she said, "We don't need you now. We have taken over the "Silver Bullet" plan. The organization will not tolerate betrayal."

She is not the only scientist in the organization. People who are disobedient and have betrayed will not be used again.

"Do you want to ask Barolo?" Nathan remembered that Barolo said that she was still useful.

Leia hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

When Karasuma Gaki received Leia's message, he smiled. It seems that the amnesiac Shirley is smarter than the original Shirley, but it should be largely because his [Charm All] aura took effect.

[Let her go and tell her to return to Kudo Shinji and sabotage him from time to time - Barolo]

Leia agreed. Anyway, she has almost studied her DNA thoroughly. There is no value in continuing research at present. If she is needed next time, she will find Gin to catch her back.

Leia implanted a chip in Shirley's body. Perhaps because Shirley was a little girl now, she spoke in a gentle tone, adding interjections, "Don't betray the organization again, otherwise I will detonate your chip and let you and your friends go to see God together."

"Yes, I will complete the task well and study hard." Miyano Shiho wiped her tears and climbed up, nodding. Leia told her to trip up Kudo Shinji.

She didn't dare to betray the organization again. If she studied hard and became a scientist to regain the organization's recognition, this would be the best result for her.

When Vermouth learned that Shirley was released and had lost her memory, she laughed out loud. She found the fun in Neon.

She decided to go to Teitan High School to be a mascot. Teitan is a large school that integrates kindergarten to university. Find a person who is not worth mentioning, solve it, and then disguise to replace that person and approach that group of people.

It's just right to monitor Shirley.

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