Bourbon went home, washed up, and lay on the bed, closing his eyes to think.

After he graduated from the police academy, he entered the public security system and was arranged to be an undercover in the black organization.

Before that, it was the organization that trained him. He successfully passed the comprehensive position examination of Japanese civil servants through his own ability. He was in the professional group. After entering the police academy for training and graduation, he was affiliated with the public security system.

Does he... belong to the organization or the Japanese public security?

Earlier, he was trained by the organization to enter the police academy and belonged to the public security system, but he was arranged to go undercover in the organization.

He should belong to... Mission Impossible.

He was trained by the organization and returned to the organization, but the organization did not fully trust him.

A few years in the police academy made him forget that he originally belonged to the dark.

All his friends in the police academy sacrificed for Japan. Hiro and he were both undercover agents. After they sacrificed, even the bodies were not taken back by the public security from the organization.

Why was Hiro exposed? He was exposed inexplicably.

He originally belonged to the dark...

No, he is the Japanese public security, he has to protect Japan...

But is it worth it?

If you can't beat them, join them...

He fell into a deep sleep with these words echoing in his mind.

After the Rikkai University group returned to Kanagawa, they went home.

Nio and Yagyu stayed behind tacitly.

Nio was taken to the underground training ground by Yukimura.

"Masaharu..." He actually left him behind and joined first! "Agaki, can I understand about the organization?"

"Of course, if you want..."


"You can't betray the organization, once you betray..."

"It's a fight to the death, I understand." He said that day.

Umarugaki smiled slightly, took him to the study, inserted a chip into the computer, and registered Yagyu's information.

"Welcome to join." Umarugaki reached out and hugged Yagyu, who hugged back gently, "What would you do if we didn't join?"

That day he showed them the basement that looked like a small arsenal.

"Let you forget what you saw and heard before." Umarugaki opened the entrance.

He came to the basement with Yagyu, and Yukimura was teaching Nio the basics.

"Come on, I'll teach you." Karasuma Gaki opened another training room.

Most peripheral members don't specifically teach physical skills. Only the second generation of black people who grew up in the organization, or those who have been trained in the organization since childhood, will be sent to the base training ground.

The loss rate of peripheral members of the organization during missions is still relatively high.

Karasuma Gaki doesn't want Niou and others to get into trouble during the mission, nor does he want them to be injured in the base training ground, so he spends time teaching himself.

Karasuma Gaki plans to recommend Yagyu to the medical team. The medical team will not perform dangerous tasks most of the time, and it's okay as long as they have decent skills.

It takes more time to teach by yourself, but he has a good idea. In order to let them complete the assessment as soon as possible, Karasuma Gaki began to teach like a devil.


After Huihara Ai was released, she was questioned by Kudo Shinichi. She made an excuse and said that she was hiding and was not caught.

Kudo Shinichi didn't believe it. "If you have been discovered by the organization, you shouldn't come back. This will put the doctor, the Junior Detective Team, and even Xiaolan's family in danger!"

"The organization didn't find me! I am a person from 11 years ago! There is another me in this world, and the organization didn't find me running away at all." She could only lie to Kudo Shinji, anyway, he couldn't find the organization to confirm.

And who caused her to be discovered? What kind of tutor is it to pry other people's cars on the street?

She tried to stop him, but he yelled at her. The day she was arrested, she rushed up when she heard a little noise. She said to call the police and hand it over to the Japanese police, but he acted as if he didn't hear it.

Why is he so sensitive? Can a first-grade elementary school student really be so sensitive?

And she found that he knew a lot of knowledge that children would not understand.

Why did the doctor call him Shinichi several times?

Miyano Shiho actually knew that she was actually amnesiac. She should have lost her memory from the age of 7 to 18, so she is the scientist of the organization, and the Shirley who escaped and betrayed.

Moreover, she has been discovered by the organization and taken back for experiments. Her final fate is either to die on the experimental table or to obey the organization, Miyano Shiho, and become a scientist of the organization.

She doesn't want to be a guinea pig, she wants to be a scientist.

She can't escape the clutches of the organization.

"What did you say?!" Kudo Shinichi was shocked that someone had a similar situation to him! "Say it again, what do you mean there is another you in the world?"

"I came from 1984. I was in the sixth grade of elementary school in America, but suddenly came to this world and found that the time had come to 1995."

Huihara Ai said that when she woke up from the hospital, her heart wasThat's what she thought at the time. She felt that she had traveled to the future.

"But my body is still 7 years old. That is to say, the me in the original world has disappeared. There are two me in this world, and the other me should be a scientist in the organization or still in school according to the organization's arrangement."

"..." Kudo Shinichi believed it, because he had also encountered this situation, but now there is only one him in this world.

"Then you..." Go find another self to understand the organization.

"Impossible!" Huiyuan Ai knew what he wanted to say. After spending some time with him, she knew how reckless he was.

"I just want to live quietly as an ordinary elementary school student." But it's impossible now. That's all fake. Just relying on Kudo Shinichi, an elementary school student, to destroy the organization is ridiculous.

He must have watched too many hero movies and was obsessed. Sooner or later, he will cause trouble. Now she can only obey the organization and complete the task well.

"..." Kudo Shinichi didn't say anything more. He believed what she said, that she came from another world, but she came from the Black Organization, and he couldn't trust her yet. He didn't mention his own affairs.

Ai Huihara made up a story that she once thought was true, and she deceived Kudo Shinichi.

She continued her previous life, and Kudo Shinji still died wherever he went. He was really an unlucky person.

In addition to studying hard, she would occasionally deliberately torment Kudo Shinji without leaving any trace.

But what Neon learned in elementary school was too superficial, and she was simply wasting her time in school. She was self-studying during class.

She had already self-taught science knowledge up to the second year of high school.

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