Karasuma Gaki returned to reality, left the game room, and walked side by side with Yukimura and Atobe.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by several parents holding their children, "Karasuga-kun, Atobe-kun, Yukimura-kun, thank you so much!"

They were the parents of the children who entered the London dungeon with them. Moroboshi Hideki was among them. He was led by his grandfather with a confused look on his face. He didn't know what happened.

After thanking them, the group of parents exchanged business cards with them. If there is a chance to cooperate in the future...

Karasuga Gaki glanced at Kudo Yusaku and his adopted son, Kudo Shinji, in the distance.

Karasuma Gaki got Noah's Ark again this time, stole Kudo's limelight, and also received a lot of goodwill from Neon executives, and exploded some gold coins.

No clues were found in the Sindorak case, and the Kudo father and son were at a loss, and the case was left unsolved.

He was very happy today.

"I invited Bunta and Masaharu." Yukimura walked to Karasumagaki, "Coach Hawke and Camus agreed to participate in the French team selection training camp."

"...Is that so? They want to go too?" Karasumagaki didn't expect Yukimura to take half of Rikkai University. It can be said that everyone who was selected for the representative team in the original book was taken away except Kirihara, who was still in the second year.

"Well, they said they want to go with me~" Yukimura laughed happily^_^.

"That's good, but Akaya is going to cry again, hahaha." Karasumagaki laughed very unscrupulously.

"Akaaya is already a department head of Rikkai University, and he has to grow up quickly." Give more pressure, and he will grow up faster. "Ryoma went to America after the national competition. I don't know if they will keep him there."

"It's possible."

Karasumagaki, Yukimura, and Kandi returned to Kanagawa. When they got home, Niou and Bunta played a practice match at his tennis court.

Bunta and Niou have asked for leave from school, although the reason is to participate in the selection of the French team.

However, it seems that all schools with tennis clubs are very tolerant of students playing tennis, even if they are not playing for Japan.

Yukimura will return to France tomorrow, taking Niou and Bunta with him.

Niou has not yet received a code name in the organization, and he has been doing missions with Karasuma Gaki for a month.

Vermouth said that he would personally lead Niou, but in more than two months, he only led Niou to do two missions.

This is the frequency of the salary thief Vermouth's missions.

Behind Bunta's back, Karasuma Gaki introduced Conte to Niou, the head of the French technical team, who works part-time as an intelligence worker.

"Then can I learn intelligence collection from Conte?" Niou still remembers his position as the head of the American intelligence team.

"Emmm, his way of collecting intelligence may require a certain talent," Karasuma Gaki hesitated. Conte is very picky about intelligence missions because he always hacks into other people's systems to obtain intelligence.

For assassination missions, Kangdi can help monitor and obtain intelligence. He will hack into people's mobile phones and computers, control monitoring and microphones, and then exit quietly.

If intelligence personnel are required to scout, track, and confirm targets, Kangdi will not do it.

"This... is too cool!" Ren Wang didn't know if he had a talent for computers.

"I can teach you. If you have talent, come to my technical team?" Kangdi is quite busy. Although there are many technical talents, they are not enough. Wu Wanyuan has too many ideas.

And he just copied Noah's Ark and needs to study it.

"... This" Ren Wang still likes his future position as the head of the American Intelligence Team.

"Noah's Ark came with me. He inherited Hiroki's memory and thinking." Wu Wanyuan hasn't figured out how to place Noah's Ark.

"Then you keep it." Kangdi doesn't care. Anyway, he has a replica, and it's a white little cutie. He can doodle whatever he wants, hehehe~

[Customer Service, what if Noah's Ark really grows to an uncontrollable size in the later stage? ]

[Since you've tried so hard to destroy the protagonist's halo, I'll help you limit him. It's just a little bit of energy. The world consciousness of Prince of Tennis has been swallowed up by Ben Datong. There's only 39.8% left of Detective Conan. Come on! ]

[...I'm so tired. ]

Kante and the others have returned to France. Karasuma Gaki asked Kante to take Yukimura and Niou to the nearest training base in Paris. They will find a fighting coach for training when they have time.

Rikkai University has also received the notice of admission to the U-17 training camp, which is sent to Yukimura.

It invites Rikkai University's Yukimura, Sanada, Karasuma Gaki, Marui Bunta, Yanagi Renji, Niou Masaharu, Jackal Kuwabara, Yagyu Hiroshi, Inui Sadaharu, Kirihara Akaya, Sakamoto, Echizen Ryoma, and Kiyoyo to participate in the U-17 special training.

Yukimura and Sanada have signed a contract with the "Royalty of France" tennis club. After playing in the world competition, they will turn professional and play as professional players.. (I don't really understand. I made it up.)

Karasuma Gaki was a little confused about whether to go to the training camp. To be honest, he wanted to play, but he didn't want to be selected.

If he wanted to run away halfway, he had a way, that is, to learn from Kabachi and Ryoma, and then be kicked out of the training camp.

He thought he could give it a try, and play first.

Kirihara sent the notice to Yukimura and Sanada in the group, and also sent a pitiful emoticon asking for a hug.

World No. 1 Koi: Akaya, you have to work hard in the training camp. If you are selected for the representative team, I will wait for you in Australia.

The best game: (;´༎ຶヘ༎ຶ`)

This U-17 World Championship is held in Australia, the venue of the Australian Open, and it is a hard court.

The people from Rikkai University who participated in this training camp are Karasuma Gaki, Yanagi Renji, Jackal Kuwabara, Yagyu Hiroshi, Inui Sadaharu, Kirihara Akaya, Sakamoto, and Kiyoyo.

Kirihara has not grown into a qualified director who can take on the responsibility of the tennis club. Yukimura and Sanada are not here, so the responsibility of teaching Kirihara falls on Yanagi, and Sakamoto assists Kirihara as the deputy director.

The 9 people from Rikkai University took a bus to the training camp. Kirihara moved from the seat next to Sakamoto to the seat next to Karasuma Gaki. "Senior Gaki, I thought you would go to France too (>_<)"

"Haha." Not necessarily.

After getting off the bus at the parking lot, we walked to the gate of the training camp. The heavy iron gate was like a prison. Karasuma Gaki didn't understand why the Neon training camp was built in the deep mountains and forests.

I didn't know, so I thought it was a secret military base?

And the coaches also like to play with mysticism. Most of the junior high school players didn't even know about the First Army before the First Army players returned.

"This mountain looks familiar." Liu stared at Karasuma Gaki thoughtfully.

"... All mountains have some similarities."

Liu nodded. He knew that it was the devilish training ground in the mountain.

The prison gate opened. He stepped into the training camp and was suddenly stopped by two silly-looking high school students who came out of the bushes. "Wait a minute! Those little brothers in front!"

"You guys are the ones who are allowed to participate in this U-17 training camp. You are super junior high school students, right?" The high school student with a crooked hat stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Although you just got here, you still have to pass the test." The orange-haired high school student proposed to test them.

Karasuma Gaki didn't want to play with them. In his opinion, this was the U-17 coach's way of showing off to the junior high school students, right?

The coach, who was usually very majestic and arrogant, did not move at this time and let the junior high school students be stopped outside the door.

Before they even entered the gate, the coach who was staring at the monitor allowed the silly high school students to provoke them.

Neon ranked 23rd, which was obviously not strong enough, but the coaches of Neon were quite arrogant. Did they want to dampen their spirit?

The addition of junior high school students was jointly proposed by some countries to interrupt Germany, which had won nine consecutive championships and was striving for ten consecutive championships.

Neon took advantage of them.

Actually, if you think about it carefully, it is not so reasonable that Germany, which has won nine consecutive championships and is always No. 1, was defeated by Neon, which is No. 23.

If the new Prince of Tennis also has a mission, is his mission to prevent the Neon team, which ranks No. 23, from winning the championship?


Fortunately, there is no mission. He is a little tired of playing Conan.

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