【I beeped a lot————】

Customer service suddenly started to be a nagging machine in Karasuma Gaki's mind, making him have a headache.

【Your name is a feather duster! 】

【Kudo Shinichi changed his name to Edogawa Conan. 】

【Beep beep beep——】The sound of a telegram sounded.

【Will the world consciousness be restored? 】

【No, the world consciousness can only be restored slowly by Conan solving cases. 】

【Oh, that's good, I thought his health would be restored after he changed back】Before the name was changed, the world consciousness was pure defense breaking, and it consumed so much energy to attack him.

It was really funny.

【What is your dog's bark? 】

【I love to bark! Kudo Shinichi has returned to China. 】

【Ah? When did he go abroad? Didn't I push him into the sea the day before yesterday? 】

【The time in the Conan academic world is chaotic, and it has been two or three months for him. ]

[6, it's not like he has solved more than a dozen cases in just one day here? ]

[It's about the same, after all, there is a gap of more than 20 years between you two]

Karasuma Gaki does not participate in Conan's daily life. He only lets the system remind him when there is a main task.

Although his task is to destroy Conan's protagonist halo, he has his own life and does not intend to revolve around Conan.

In the training camp, he has been promoted to court 3 in just one week. He is the leader alone, and most junior high school students are still in courts 5 to 9.

The coaches calculated through professional equipment that his five-dimensional values, except for mental power, have reached or even exceeded world-class values.

Mental power cannot be measured. When he released "Meidou Zangetsuha", the mental power value calculated by the machine reached 12. His special moves are too bizarre, and most of them cannot be determined whether they belong to mental power moves.

The No. 1 of their training camp, Byodoin Phoenix, opened the other-dimensional field and his mental power reached 13. (I saw someone predict this in a post.)

And Karasuma Gaki was only 14 years old, and it was right not to arrange him to fight against the ghosts at that time.

All the special moves of this kid that cannot measure mental power are named in Chinese, and there is no way to crack them.

They watched his first round of the national competition. There is a move called [Yingyue Huanhai] that can take himself and his opponent away from the court. When he comes back, the opponent has fainted.

And it left a serious psychological shadow and dared not touch tennis again.

When they arranged a game for him, they asked him not to use [Yingyue Huanhai], "Huh? Got it."

Please, he only uses it on people who offend him~

Not everyone can enjoy it~

I don't know what's wrong with Yagyu. He has been training hard recently. He is exhausted, so he asked Karasuma Gaki to help him recover his strength and continue training.

Seeing this, Sakamoto couldn't help but worry, "Senior, what's on your mind? Maybe I can help you out."

"I'm fine." Yagyu's worries were hidden before, but he would tell Nioh later.

Masaharu was always one step ahead of him, so he needed to be stronger to catch up with him.

He knew that the Neon team couldn't keep Karasuma Gaki, and he just wanted to do his best to improve himself in a limited time.

If he could reach a certain level when Gaki left, maybe he could leave with him.

That night, the junior high school students in the loser group had just fallen asleep for a while when they were woken up by Coach Mifune and got up for night training.

They got up with difficulty and looked at the time. Ah! They had only slept for an hour, and it was only 11:30 now!

Although Coach Mifune often called them up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, he didn't use the gong anymore.

As a person who had difficulty getting up, Kirihara was still lying in his sleeping bag and didn't know anything.

It was drizzling outside, and it was even colder on the top of the towering mountain.

The boy swung his racket 10,000 times in the drizzle.

Kirihara climbed up with difficulty, and together with Atobe, Kenya Oshitari, and Ryoma, he was stopped by Coach Mifune, "I'll give you an important task."

The four of them held the torches provided by Coach Mifune to illuminate the cave, and walked straight in. They saw their task book in front of them. Mifune asked them to keep going forward to steal daily necessities, tennis balls, and wine from the training camp.

After they finished reading the task book, a group of bats flew from the depths of the cave and destroyed the paper.

Several people were so scared that they ran wildly in the cave.

It's not gorgeous! I have never lost my composure like this before! ! !

When they ran to the end of the cave, there was a river in front of them. Kirihara, Atobe, and Ryoma jumped a few times and stepped on the stones to climb to the other side.

I didn't expect that Osaka's "Naniwa Star" Kenya Oshitari had such poor balance. He stepped down and didn't step on the stone. Fortunately, he was fast enough and ran on the water.

Although Kirihara was surprised that he could run on the water, he couldn't help laughing, "Senior Oshitari, you seem to be doing acrobaticsAhahahaha."

Atobe lay down and stretched out his hand to pull Oshina up, but Oshina, who was exhausted, failed to hold Atobe and fell into the water.

Atobe panicked and tried to pull him out again, but accidentally leaned too far forward and fell into the water.

This lord!!! Gulu Gulu... I have never been so humiliated gulu Gulu...

Atobe's long legs tripped Ryoma who was standing next to him.

"Hey! "Ryoma waved his hands in panic and grabbed something before falling. Oh, it was Kirihara's ankle.

The four people fell into the water neatly and were washed to a lawn. When they got up, they found that they had arrived at the training camp.

Several people acted separately, and Kirihara must follow others, otherwise they would have to spend the whole night to find him.

Kirihara followed Oshitari to the warehouse to get daily necessities, and Ryoma went to get tennis balls.

Atobe went to find wine.

Several people had clear division of labor and agreed to meet at the bar.

Carefully touched the location of the bar lounge, and there were dense infrared detection lines in front.

After trying several times, he couldn't find the trick to pass through, and flexibly bent over and jumped back, "Why on earth do I do this!" Atobe gritted his teeth.

Kirihara and the other two had already got the things, and they ran to the bar lounge, "There must be a lot of delicious food in the bar lounge!"

"I'm so hungry." Oshitari Ken also led the way for Kirihara.

"Senior? Yagyu-senpai? "Kirihara saw Yagyu still training alone in the corridor passing by the exercise room.

Kirihara also knew to open the door carefully and called him "Yagyu-senpai! Woo woo woo..."

Yagyu paused in his training and turned around uncertainly. He seemed to hear Kirihara's voice.

"Kirihara-kun? Why...are you here?" His face was still dirty, like a little beggar. He seemed to have lost a lot of weight in just a week.

Yagyu stopped training and walked to the door. Kirihara began to complain non-stop, "After we were eliminated, we were sent to the mountains. There was a wild coach there. He didn't give us food every day. He made us sleep in the cave, hung us up for training, and asked eagles to peck us."

"This..." Fortunately, he beat Kuwahara, otherwise he would be the one sleeping in the cave.

"Then...are you...released now?"

"No, the stinky old man asked us to come here to steal things. Senior Atobe went to the bar to steal alcohol, so we went to meet him."

"Bar? The faculty bar lounge over there? "The bar is in the same building as this training room, "I'll take you there."

Yagyu was interrupted by his juniors, so he decided to stop here today. He usually trains until this time anyway.

Kirhara and Oshitari tiptoed, looking very sneaky.

"...You can walk normally."

"Oh! Okay!" Feeling guilty, he tiptoed.

Ryoma had been trying back and forth with Atobe several times.

"Huh? Why is there infrared? It wasn't there before." Yagyu was puzzled.

He took out his phone and sent a message to Karasuma Gaki.

The coaches turned on the infrared when they saw Atobe and his friends at the riverbank.

Karaasuma Gaki squatted at the door of the bar, put away the camera on his phone, and secretly took a photo of Atobe and Echizen dancing, and sent it to Yukimura.

Karaasuma Gaki adjusted his expression and came out of the bar, "Huh? Why are you here? "

He reached out and pressed a button on the wall, and the infrared rays were retracted. He waved to the dirty people who were looking at each other in bewilderment, "Come here, there are a lot of food inside."

Karasuma Gaki accompanied Yagyu to train here. This place is close to the training room. When Yagyu was exhausted, he sent him a message and he came to recharge him.

Tonight, he was in the lounge using a computer to communicate with Noah's Ark and then cooperate to create a holographic game. He heard footsteps coming and going outside, and it seemed that he also heard the voice of Atobe.

He squatted by the door and saw Atobe standing on one foot on the ground in a charming posture, leaning back and hanging in the air.

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