"What's wrong?" He just wanted to go out and have some fun. He was a bit bored in the training camp, so he took Mu Shou to familiarize himself with the business.

"But... I can't! I..." He was not ready yet!

"Don't worry, go and disguise yourself."

"Disguise... disguise yourself? That's... OK."

When the two arrived at Court No. 2, the people in Court No. 2 had been defeated.

Kirihara's five dimensions had been greatly improved, and his mental strength had improved by leaps and bounds. However, in terms of appearance, from the zipper collar of his jacket, you can see that the collar of his T-shirt inside has changed from a round neck to a V-neck. His face is dirty and there are scratches.

There is a hole in Echizen's body, and a piece of his dark green hair is poked out. It's really driving people with obsessive-compulsive disorder to death. Karasuma Gaki closed his eyes hard. Fortunately, he doesn't have any obsessive-compulsive disorder.

There are two band-aids on Kuwahara's smooth boiled egg, which should be injured.

Qian, who went for the second time, had a bandage on his forehead. I don't know what he suffered.

"Attention, all players. According to the coach's instructions, the 27 players in the losing group are hereby declared as players for Court No. 2." Kurobe's voice came from the radio.

The boys in the losing group rushed to the court to celebrate, and after the celebration, they each found their tennis club partners.

Kirihara and the others came in front of Karasuma Gaki and the others, and Qian immediately put his bandaged head in front of Karasuma Gaki, "Agaki! Treat me quickly! I fell into the water during training and hit my head on a rock. I almost thought I was going to die! I persisted until now just to see you!"

"...Have you grown taller again?" Qian found that Karasuma Gaki, who was almost the same height as him, seemed to have a little height difference with him.

"Ah, yes." He waved to the other people. He thought Wuxie was a group treatment.

"Senior, which court are you on?" Ryoma couldn't help but want to provoke Karasuma Gaki.

"Number 1."

"Still far away!" I'm still far away!

The loser group returned, and the partners in the winner group accompanied them to play a practice match.

Most of the people in the winner group thought they were really kicked out, and their partners returned, making them feel like they had found something they had lost.

The back mountain had always been hungry, and Higachu's Tian Renzhi had become thinner and slimmer after training in the back mountain.

The losers returned to the training camp, occupied the court, and went to take a beautiful bath after the practice match. They hadn't taken a good bath for a whole month, and they just scrubbed in the stream.

Then they sprinted 100 meters to the restaurant and inhaled the storm.

Karasuma Gaki took Mu Shou to ask for leave in the afternoon. Yagyu felt a little resentful. He realized that Mu Shou was the same as him, but A Yuan hadn't taken him on a mission yet, and had only taught him fighting for a few months.

Last time, he showed Mu Shou how to retract and release a computer from thin air, and he already knew that Karasuma Gaki could take things from the air.

This time, he actually took out a luxury car for him, and Mu Shou was still shocked and lost his expression control.

In the car, he disguised Mu Shou and hid his fingerprints. He made it according to Shuichi Akai's appearance, but it was a black leather version.

Judy was killed by him, but there were still many FBI agents left in Japan to track down the organization.

He took Mu Shou to walk on the street, maybe he could confuse them.

"Remember the name of your vest, Shuichi Kuroi." Karasuma Gaki gave him a name.

Mu Shou was not very satisfied. Didn't he just run away after robbing the Beihua Bank? He had to make a vest. Who would know it? A Japanese policeman? "Ah? Do you have to make a special name?"

"Oh! This is the vest you will use in the organization in the future!" Who in the organization doesn't have a vest? Look at Bourbon, Kil, Vermouth, and even Binga has a female vest.

"Okay, my name is Shuichi Kuroi." Mu Shou silently said in his mind, making himself remember this vest name.

"Aren't you going to change your appearance?" Mu Shou turned to look at Wu Wan Yuan, and someone else had already taken the driver's seat. "Huh!"

"Let's go!" Wu Wan Yuan stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

"..." Mu Shou held the car's armrest. If I remember correctly, they both seemed to be too old to drive.

"How...how to rob?" Mu Shou had no experience and was very uneasy.

"Come with me to my old friend's house first." It was already December, and Itakura Taku's software should be ready.

"I'm kidding you, I won't rob today." If he really wanted to rob the Rice Flower Bank, he had to come alone, which was convenient. It would be too troublesome to bring Mu Shou, a burden, with him.

Mu Shou breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Wan Yuan drove to Itakura Taku's house, parked in front of his single-family apartment, rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one came to open the door, so he politely climbed over the wall to go in.

Mu Shou: ...

Is this really an old friend?

He looked around furtively, and there was no one, so he climbed over the wall to go in.

In the yard, Karasuma Gaki looked at the wooden hand holding Akai Shuichi's face, and couldn't help laughing.

Using a steelSi entered Bancang Zhuo's house. He was not at home. He came to the study and found a note on his desk.

The software was already completed. He stored it in the safe No. xx of the Mika Bank, but the password needed to unlock the code he left.

Bancang Zhuo hid. He was afraid that he would be killed after completing the software. The organization deposited money into his account. He planned to transfer it to his overseas account and live abroad.

"Beep beep beep!" He hated this detective world the most. They liked to use codes for everything. He was so annoyed that he took a photo directly to Bourbon and Gin and asked them to help him solve it.

He remembered that Bourbon had a part-time detective and should have good puzzle-solving ability. Gin's reasoning ability was also very strong. "Let's go, let's go to the bank first."

They, the natives of Mingke, all have some reasoning ability, unlike him, an outsider, who has no reasoning ability at all.

"Okay, what is this?" Mu Shou looked at the content on the note, as if he was going to get a software.

"The organization asked him to develop a technical software that can connect the human brain and the Internet, and can check the health of the person." In fact, the basic information of the person can be directly obtained from the brain.

Itakura Taku was reluctant to develop before, probably because he thought the organization wanted to use him to control the world?

At that time, Noah's Ark had not yet been released. Now that Noah's Ark is available, he can also do related things, but Karasuma Gaki will not let him do these, and Noah's Ark is probably not willing to do it.

He is now playing games with Noah's Ark, and Noah's Ark is trying it out by itself, and having a lot of fun.

"Oh, that's good. If it is promoted to hospitals, it will be convenient for examinations." Mu Shou thought that this software is pretty good. It seems that the organization is not all bad.


The car stopped in the parking lot, and the two got off and went to the bank. There were quite a lot of people in the afternoon, "Today is the weekend, no wonder there are so many people."

They were locked up in the training camp for training, and they almost lost the concept of what day of the week it was.

The two sat on the chairs in the waiting area, and Karasuma Gaki waited for Gin or Bourbon to give him the password.

The safe of Beika Bank required several staff members to take them with them, and the staff would enter the password. After passing through several layers of heavy doors, he entered the last safe room and entered the password to take things.

The steps were complicated, and the organization had always been low-key. He could only wait patiently for Gin and others to crack the code.

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