When Atobe returned to the dormitory, he found Karasuma Gaki and Yagyu packing up. He grabbed Karasuma Gaki's hand, "What are you doing?"

"Ah huh? I'm packing up and going home." Karasuma Renya sent him a summoning message the day before yesterday, asking him to go back to Italy during this period of time.

"Your strength will be selected with a probability of 100%. Are you leaving now?" Atobe originally planned to find Karasuma Gaki to discuss tomorrow's game, "Yagyu, you?"

"I plan to withdraw from the training camp." Yagyu did not say that he was going to the French team to participate in the selection.

"Atobe, I will not represent Japan in the game." Karasuma Gaki broke away from Atobe's hand and continued to pack up. "Of course, I may not represent other countries. The probability of me playing is very small. There are things at home recently, and I must go back to solve it."

There was a situation in which the system and group chat disappeared when I went back to Italy before.

[Customer service, if I go back to Italy alone, will you be blocked? ]

[No, I was not blocked that time, I was hiding. Before that, you were with the little princes of tennis, and with the Prince of Tennis world consciousness, you would not be noticed by the Detective Conan world consciousness.

The consciousness of the world of Detective Conan is too strong. You were taken away alone and away from the world of Prince of Tennis. I could only hide to avoid being discovered by Detective Conan.

Not now. I am so strong now. Don't worry! ]

[Why didn't he attack me when I seized the consciousness of the world of Prince of Tennis? ]

[In fact, Prince of Tennis has some group images and is more Buddhist. His aura is not as strong and unreasonable as Detective Conan. As long as he doesn't hurt the little princes, he doesn't care, so it is easier to seize. ]

[I understand. ]

So he packed up his things with peace of mind and went back to Italy to show juggling for his grandfather. He tried his best to let his grandfather make money with peace of mind, waiting for him to finish his big things and help him restore his youth.

If his grandfather really doesn't listen to advice and wants to study him, then he can only... kidnap him.

"..." Atobe wanted to keep Karasuma Gaki, but when he heard him say in a positive tone that he would not fight for Neon, he couldn't say it.

Karasuma Gaki patted Atobe's shoulder, "I'll go find the coach."

He went to the coach and told him about his withdrawal from the training camp with Yagyu. Kurobe stood up, walked a few steps to Karasuma Gaki's side, and grabbed his shoulder, "Wait a minute, I need to ask Coach Mifune."

He wanted to persuade Mifune to stay, but it was useless, "Sorry, something happened at home, I'm with you in spirit." Bullshit.


Karasugu summoned everyone from Rikkai to the room. As soon as he entered their dormitory, he saw Atobe sitting on a chair with a gloomy face, and Oshitari stood on the ladder of the bed with his hands folded on his chest.

Karasugu and Yagyu's training clothes were stacked on the bed. Kirihara, who was usually slow in reaction, immediately reacted.

"You... Senior Gaki, don't leave..." Wuwuwu, they all want to leave, why do they all want to leave? Kirihara hugged Karasuma Gaki's waist and hugged Yagyu with his other hand, pulling them to the bed, trying to keep them.

"Akaye, come on, you will definitely be selected for the representative team, and then you will meet Seiichi and the others on the field." Karasuma Gaki touched his head, and the little seaweed was crying. Four seniors had left, and now two more were leaving.

"Man, don't cry easily." Yagyu took out a handkerchief to wipe his tears, and then looked up at Yagyu and the others, "I will try my best to get a chance to play on the field, and hope to meet them again on the field."

"After the world game, Bunta and the others will come back. Although Seiichi and Genichiro are studying in France, you can go to see them during the holidays." Karasuma Gaki pinched Kirihara's face. The boy cried so hard that his nose came out, and he secretly wiped it on his clothes.

Yagyu handed the handkerchief to Kirihara and asked him to wipe his face. Kirihara wiped his face and hesitated, "I..." I want to go too!

Karasuma Gaki held his shoulders and turned him to face Liu and the others. Kirihara bit his lip and stopped talking. He turned around again and said, "I will definitely be selected for the representative team, meet you on the field, and then defeat you!"

"Haha, come on, I will go to watch your game."

Karasuga left the training camp with Liu Sheng. Karasuma An was already waiting for the two of them outside. The private plane was waiting for the two of them and the route had been arranged.

Karasuma Gaki had to go to France first. He had to go to Yukimura and then go to Italy. Karasuma Renye was not in a hurry to recall him.

After about 13 hours of flight, the two arrived in Paris. Bruce came to pick them up and took them to the training camp. "Little Karasuma, you have grown so tall."

"Coach, long time no see." Bruce introduced Liu Sheng.

"You have so many talents in Rikkai University. Aren't you going to participate in this world competition?"

"Something happened at home."

"Okay." Bruce didn't ask any more questions.

The French training camp is in a suburb of Paris, arrived at the training camp, Bruce took Yagyu to register first, and asked a player to take Karasumagaki to find Yukimura.

"My name is Leo, what's your name?" The player was quite polite and asked him in English.

"... Karasumagaki."

"Oh~ How old are you?" He might be a chatterbox, and he kept trying to get Karasumagaki to pay attention to him.

"14." He is the same age as Yukimura, Yukimura's birthday is in March, and his birthday is in February.

"Oh~ Then you are 2 years younger than me, what is your relationship with Yukimura? He is very powerful."

"Teammate, did you participate in the selection?" Karasumagaki asked him.

"Oh~ Yes, I am in the high school team, and the junior high school students will be eliminated from 200 players. The final 50 players will be divided into groups for a points competition. The top 14 members with the best points will be the representative members."

Yukimura can be said to be directly designated as a formal member of the representative team.

"What stage are we at now?"

"Today we will start the points competition. Are you going to participate in our selection?"

"I won't participate. My teammates will participate." Bruce will help Yagyu register and then randomly select two players who have qualified for the selection to compete with him in the elimination match.

If Yagyu succeeds in the challenge, the two players will be eliminated and Yagyu will be qualified for the selection. If Yagyu is eliminated in the elimination match, he won't have to continue.

"Oh~ Good luck to him~" Leo took Karasuma Gaki into the court. Yukimura was playing a practice match with a man with long blond curly hair. He caught a glimpse of a conspicuous white hair entering the court.

He asked Camus to take a break, and Camus agreed, "OK~"

"Gaki~" Yukimura ran to Karasuma Gaki and found that they were not of equal height, "Why did you grow taller?"

"Hehe~" Karasuma Gaki put his arm around Yukimura and leaned on him, "I'm so tired, I rushed here as soon as I got off the plane."

Yukimura hugged his waist from behind, "Do you want to go to my dormitory to rest?"

"No, let me lean on you for a while." He buried his face in Yukimura's shoulder, and heard Niou's excited voice from behind, "Ah~Gaki~ you're here!"

Karasuma Gaki felt like a cow had hit his back. He staggered after being hit by Niou. Yukimura grabbed his arm and said in a nice voice, "Masaharu."

Niou immediately let go of his arm, "Seiichi~ I just haven't seen Agaki for too long, I'm a little excited!"

He couldn't help but pull Karasuma Gaki's coat, "Grow taller! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)!"

Yukimura covered his mouth and smiled, "He hasn't got the code name yet."

"Soon! Really! Can I get an advance on my salary?" He really didn't want to be shorter than Bunta Pig anymore!

Karasuma Gaki glanced at Yukimura, turned around and rejected Niou, "Since it's soon, there's no need to rush for a while."

"Ah~" The word "ah" was shouted by Niou in a melodious and graceful voice, and his personality collapsed.

Bunta also came over after practice at this time, and Yagyu was also brought over by Bruce. After Yagyu got used to it for an afternoon, he would be arranged to participate in the elimination match tomorrow.

His opponent was chosen by drawing lots, two random players, it all depends on luck and strength.

"I let it slip! The stinky fox found out!" Karasuma Gaki asked how Niou knew this, Bunta looked annoyed, he was accidentally tricked by the fox while chatting with him.

The fox didn't believe that he grew taller by himself, but at that time he and Yukimura grew 10 centimeters taller at the same time, it was too coincidental, it's no wonder that Niou, who is quick-witted, noticed it.

"Agaki! Yagyu! Long time no see!" Sanada came to greet Karasuma Gaki after practice.

"Genichiro, are you used to it?"

"Sanada-kun, long time no see." Yagyu responded to Sanada.

"... Not used to it, I don't understand French." Sanada thought for a while, fortunately he was good at English, so it was not difficult to communicate with most people, "I'm learning French!"

"Okay, keep it up."

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