"After you were born, I raised you in Japan." But he found out that he was unusual, too precocious, and could read Chinese and English books without enlightenment in infancy...

He could only speak Japanese but not recognize it...

Although naughty, he was mature.

When he was 6 years old, he was almost kidnapped and was rescued by the bodyguard in time. At a young age, Karasuma Gaki was vindictive and ordered the bodyguard to kill the kidnapper and burn it.

He found the kidnapper's residence and ordered the bodyguard to sneak in and erase the traces of his almost being kidnapped.

All the details were erased, which made Karasuma Renye see a genius who was extremely suitable for the organization.

When he was 6 years old, he was brought to the base and handed over to Gin for 6 years of training.

Gin really taught Fuwa's son as his own son and did his best.

In the factional struggle of the organization, Gin naturally stood on Karasuma Gaki's side, and he would be more successful in taking over the organization in the future.

After getting the code name, Karasuma Renya didn't actually intend to let Karasuma Gaki perform missions like Gin. He trained him to make him able to protect himself in the organization.

Later, he let him return to his daily life, although Karasuma Renya didn't understand why he had to go back to school even though he had already learned those subjects.

"When you first demonstrated [Lin Le Wu You] in the arena, I knew you were different, and your teammates had extraordinary... talents."

Karama Renya suddenly mentioned his skills and teammates, and Karasuma Gaki's body suddenly tensed up, "You sent someone to monitor us?"

"Haha, don't worry, I'm not interested in you kids." Karasuma Renya saw that Karasuma Gaki was a little nervous and smiled.

Karasuma Renya knew about it when he was in Karasuma Gaki National First, but he was just investigating it privately and didn't show it to Karasuma Gaki.

"But... you seem to be different from them." Karasuma Renya looked at Karasuma Gaki with a smile, waiting for him to say it himself.

"Hmm." A cluster of sparks appeared on Karasuma Gaki's right palm. "A little trick."

Karamasuma Gaki's blood and gene samples have actually been preserved and studied for a long time. He is smart and healthy, and has no special substances.

"What is this?" Karasuma Renye couldn't understand. Although he pursued immortality, he always believed in science...

"Grandpa, is there any progress in Leia's experiment?" Last time, Shirley was caught as a successful case study, and the experiment should have made progress.

Karasuma Renye took out a small box from the secret compartment inside the wheelchair, which contained a capsule that looked the same as APTX-4869. "Indeed, there is. The drug developed by Shirley has a mortality rate of up to 99.99%, and the chance of successfully rejuvenating is too small. Leia's drug redeveloped on her basis has increased the rejuvenation rate to 50%, and both the appearance and body functions have returned to the youth period."

"50%, so low." His grandfather couldn't take such a dangerous drug.

"Haha~ This is already a great research achievement. Shirley participated in the research for 4 years, but only made a useless poison. Now she is still useful." Wanting to live forever is against the will of heaven.

Karasuma Renya waited for decades, spending a lot of money and waiting patiently, so even if Shirley did not achieve any results in 4 years of research, he still valued her and indulged her.

Karasuma Renya has always been generous. Shirley, who loves luxury goods, used to live in a whole cloakroom filled with luxury bags.

Even her useless sister would buy luxury bags and live in a house provided by the organization.

Even privately purchased real estate to avoid the organization's eyes.

Karasuma Gaki looked at Karasuma Renya, who seemed to be quite satisfied with this result, pursed his lips, and hesitated whether to say that he could...

However, his current [Reversal of Time] has little effect at present, and it is not very useful for Karasuma Renya who is more than 100 years old.

If Karasuma Renya was a character in Prince of Tennis, he could make him rejuvenate... middle-aged.

"Then let Gin catch Shirley again and see if the experiment can make another breakthrough."

"What is your power?" Karasuma Renye continued the topic that Karasuma Gaki had just diverted.


"..." Although Karasuma Renye had heard that it was magic during his surveillance of Karasuma Gaki, it was still a little hard to imagine hearing him admit it in person.

And... the first person that his eldest grandson told about his magic was his teammate, the captain of his tennis club.

Karasuma Renye learned that he knew magic after Karasuma Gaki told Yukimura.

After that, when Karasuma Gaki displayed [Lin Gua Wuyou] on the court, Karasuma Renye also used it as a magic attack, but later found that some of his teammates seemed to have magic-like skills.

Later, he sent people to investigate, and those tennis teenagers, including high school students, countries around the world,Tennis boys can show special powers on the court.

However, Karasuma Gaki is different. He can control fire, water, ice, transform, and even heal injuries.

He knows magic, and told Yukimura Seiichi, his tennis teammate Gin, and later even Ireland, who met for the first time.

He just didn't tell his dear grandfather.

He was a little upset.

Do you really not trust him?

"...You can trust me, I'm your grandfather." Karasuma Renye has high expectations for the only heir, and he also values ​​him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have destroyed all the other embryos at that time.

"..." Karasuma Gaki didn't know where to start. He couldn't tell anyone the truth. "I just wanted to give you a surprise. I'm learning the magic of reversing the flow of time, but I haven't learned it yet. The side effects are great. When I learn it, you will be immortal."

"When the time comes, I'll take you to play tennis and go out to play." Karasuma Gaki made a promise to his grandfather, "Don't monitor me."

It's normal that his grandfather could see the surveillance in his study room. He was probably exposed at that time.

His grandfather probably sent someone to monitor him on the court.

"Haha~ Got it." Karasuma Renya smiled, "What magic do you know? Show me?"

"Control water, control fire, invisibility, transformation, healing." Karasuma Gaki picked a few that were easy to describe.

"Invisibility?!" Karasuma Renya only sent people to monitor Karasuma Gaki on the court and at school. Yukimura didn't even know about invisibility.

"No wonder you always do your tasks silently." It was completed so perfectly.

"Then what is your upside-down pentagram? And what is the one called Mingdao Zangyuepo? Hu Jiale?"

"Grandpa, you know a lot." Wu Wanyuan raised his eyebrows, "They are all mental attacks."

Wu Wan Renye nodded. Although he couldn't understand, he didn't ask any more questions.

Although his eldest grandson said there was reverse time magic, he didn't plan to stop researching the silver bullet for more than half a century.

After spending so much money, there are some results now. If it really succeeds, he can use it to control the powerful.

"I will arrange for Ireland." Wu Wan Renye planned to brainwash Ireland.

"Okay." Wu Wanyuan nodded.

"Don't show it in front of others. It's a crime to hold a treasure. Human desires are endless." There are many people who want to get strong power.


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