The location of this year's national competition has been decided, in the Kansai region.

In the past ten years, Kansai players have almost dominated the country.

Although Rikkai University dominates the Kanto region, according to past strength, Kanto schools are generally not as good as Kansai schools.

Kansai's Maku no Fuji has won the national championship for two consecutive years.

And the Byodoin Phoenix, who led them to win the national championship for two consecutive years, has graduated this year.

All schools are ready to cut off Maku no Fuji's road to three consecutive championships.

Now Maku no Fuji's situation is just like Rikkai University two years later...

Entering the national competition, you will encounter strong schools in various regions, last year's champion Maku no Fuji, Kansai's Shitenhoji, Kyushu's Shishiraku...

Marui was not a regular in his first year of the first round, and only participated in the first year of the national competition as a quasi-regular, but he remembered that it was very difficult to win the championship in the first year of Rikkai University in the first round.

The style of play in Kansai is quite fierce, and some schools are popular with violent tennis, such as Shizigura Junior High School. In the first round, Rikkai University met Shizigura in the quarterfinals, and some seniors were injured.

Shizigura's first-year regulars, known as the "Kyushu Duo", played doubles one. In the first round, senior Miyano Arashi and the current semi-regular regular, the first round regular, Hayakawa Hikaru, played doubles one.

The "Kyushu Duo" is notorious, and the two seniors did not agree to let the first-year regulars play against them, and insisted on playing themselves.

After the end of doubles one, senior Hayakawa was sent to the hospital, and senior Miyano also had major and minor injuries, and won very tragically.

Don't be afraid! Bunta! The second round is different!

Yukimura and Sanada are much stronger than in the first round, and their strength is close to that of the third year of junior high school in the first round.

I am also much stronger than in the first round, and everyone is much stronger than the same period in the first round.

And Karasuma Gaki, that pervert, his mental attack is very strong, no one will be injured this time!


The draw for the national tournament was conducted by Miyano Arashi and Karasuma Gaki, who faced Rokkakuchu in the first round.

There was a 78% chance that Shishiraku would play in the quarterfinals, an 83% chance that Shitenhoji would play in the semifinals, and a 72% chance that the final would face the Kansai champion and the second-time national champion Makinoto.

Even though Byodoin Phoenix had graduated, the team he left behind was still a strong team.

Karasuma Gaki's luck was not good, and the half he drew was almost all strong opponents except Rokkakuchu!

Shitenhoji was the runner-up of the Kansai tournament, and was evenly matched with the champion Makinoto. Rikkai University's first national championship was difficult.

However, he would not lose! From today on, he would lick the group members! Pull out more skills! Even if he didn't use skills, he would not lose!

According to his observation, he had not met anyone with stronger mental power than him.

Even after practicing with him many times, Mao Li, who had a thick mental barrier, found it difficult to break free from his mental attack, and Mao Li's mental barrier became thicker and thicker as he practiced with him!

In the first round of the Rikkai University National Tournament, Rokkakuchu was easily defeated 5-0.

Hyotei also entered the quarterfinals in the next division, but they met Makino Fuji in the quarterfinals.

In the quarterfinals, as Liu expected, they faced Shishigaku Junior High School in Kyushu.

Meeting of the main selection.

"I have seen Shishigaku's game videos, they are not our opponents, but Shishigaku's players like to play chasing balls." This is commonly known as violent tennis.

"Use the chasing ball to make the opponent afraid to dodge and score, or directly hit the opponent's body."

"Shishigaku's doubles first, Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato, known as the "Kyushu Duo", destroyed many tennis players' faith in continuing to play tennis in the Kyushu game."

"As for the chasing ball, just hit it back."

For the match schedule against Shishigaku, it was discussed for a long time, and finally it was decided that Maori and Bunta would play in doubles second, Miyano and Karasuma Gaki would play in doubles first, Yanagi would play in singles third, Sanada would play in singles second, and Yukimura would play in singles first.

"Don't worry, I will protect Senior Miyano!" Karasuma Gaki's sense of faith increased sharply٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ

He was slapped down by Miyano Arashi, "I'm the one protecting you, you little brat, you're so arrogant!"


Shishigaku's doubles 2 is not as strong as expected. The opponent knows Mori's strength, so they plan to pick on the weak. In the early stage, the two targeted Marui in front of the net as the main target.

Marui who was treated as a weak persimmon:?

This genius is not a weak persimmon!

In the first round of the first army challenge, he faced the three-way attack of the high school first army No. 7 and No. 8 and the betrayed teammate Kide Nagashiro alone!

He maintained his advantage under the strong attack of the three parties.

The chasing ball played by Shishigaku's doubles players is more accurate than that of Senior Tono, and the execution method with stronger attack power, Bunta saidSprinkle some water~

He easily dealt with the chasing ball from the second doubles player of Lion Music, and found an opportunity to intercept and score.

Mao Li was very happy in the backcourt. Who doesn't like to slack off? Xiao Wen is really capable!

I originally thought that I was asked to play to protect Bunta, but I didn't expect Bunta's fantasy castle to be so reliable. I want to take Kuwahara's place~₍₍Ϡ(੭•̀ω•́)੭✧⃛

Kuwahara:? Biting the handkerchief and crying π_π What should I do if Bunta takes over, 嘤

Double 2 won 6-0.

"If necessary, use mental attack." Yukimura still didn't want them to get hurt, although according to their strength, they would not get hurt.

"Okay!" Jingshi really loves me the most and cares about me.

Karasuma Gaki was very excited after getting Yukimura's care and launched a mental attack on Tachibana Yoshihei in the front court. An inverted pentagram appeared at Tachibana Yoshihei's throat.

" Jiping! "Watching Jiping Tachibana gradually lose strength, he knelt on the court, his fingers constantly clasping the pentagram, looking like he couldn't breathe.

"The upside-down pentagram... is Satan!" Someone in the audience exclaimed! That person is "Satan"!

"Double One, Rikkai University 3-0"

After 3 games, Jiping Tachibana had lost consciousness.

Chitose Chisato was no match for Karasuma Gaki and Miyano Arashi, and quickly ended the game with 6-0.

Originally thought that the "Kyushu Duo" would win the doubles game.

I didn't expect Rikkai University to have such a strong mental attack player, "He didn't use this trick in the Kanto game, there is no news. "

After the game, Karasuma Gaki put away his mental power, and Tachibana Jiping regained consciousness soon after being carried off the court by his teammates.

The feeling of suffocation and fear still remained deep in his heart.

Is this the terrifying thing about mental players?

The player who played the singles match was a big guy, who was a power player at first glance.

Looking at Liu, who had a bob haircut and was slender and thin, he challenged, "I wonder if such a thin body can withstand one of my balls?"

"We can't lose again! Then we can only beat you up!" The opponent's attack was very fierce, and the ball was very powerful.

Liu quickly turned sideways to avoid the ball that hit his abdomen, adjusted the angle of the racket, held the racket tightly with both hands, and gritted his teeth to hit it back.

It was difficult for him to hit Genichirō back 's aggression was like fire, but he gritted his teeth and was able to fight back against the opponent's ball.

Sanliu won the singles match 7-5, with some minor scratches.

Rikkai University successfully entered the semi-finals 3-0.

Yukimura took Liu's hand, gently applied medicine to him, and blew the wind to relieve the pain, "Does it hurt, Renji?"

Liu closed his eyes and his ears blushed quietly, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt, just a small scratch."

Yukimura smiled slightly, "Tough Renji~"

After the match with Shishile, I don't know which tennis newspaper gave Karasuma Gaki the nickname "Satan".

Karasuma Gaki disagreed very much. He was a young and lively beautiful boy, how could he be "Satan"! Chuunibun died, he would rather not have any nickname!

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