Karasuma Gaki returned to the room, and Yukimura came back soon after. "I heard from Masaharu that you went to play basketball with the players of the American team?"

"You were absent from the meeting~"

"Haha, just discussing the draw tomorrow." Camus and Yukimura attended the official draw, and Yukimura went to draw the lots.

"Do you still want to practice?" Karasuma Gaki stared at Yukimura's face, and Yukimura nodded, "You practice with me."

The two went to the court to play a practice match, and Camus took the players to watch the game, "Why didn't Ogaki use those tricks on Yukimura?"

"His tricks don't work on Seiichi, puri~" Niou leaned against the guardrail with one hand in his pocket and watched the game on the court.

Yukimura only recently discovered that these three skills can be turned off and on with the mind...

He knew that without the [Natural Will] given to him by Karasuma Gaki, he would definitely not be Karasuma Gaki's opponent.

Even if Karasuma Gaki didn't use those control skills, and only used mental attacks and basic tennis to fight him, he might not be able to beat him. He always thought that Karasuma Gaki was stronger than him.

Karasuma Gaki was very strong, but he had too many things to do. Tennis was just a little hobby for him.

Yukimura turned off [Natural Will]. He wanted to try it. He wanted to break through.

"Agaki, don't use skills, just use your mental tricks and basic tennis to fight me seriously, how about it?" Yukimura asked him in the interval between returning the ball. His skills are different powers and cannot be cracked, but mental moves can be cracked.

If it can be cracked, his mental power may rise again.

"Okay." Karasuma Gaki agreed without thinking. The official game was re-scored, and the practice match just now was a warm-up.

Niou volunteered to be the referee.

"Oh? Skills? Is it a general term for moves in different fields?" Camus's own Radiance of Love, the Pirate Dimension of Byodoin, and the path of the limit of perfection that Echizen Nanjiro had once taken, he learned about several different routes, although they all require high mental power, but they are different.

Is it a different path for each, skill, is it another path?

"..." Bunta couldn't answer and remained silent. He couldn't say that Karasuma Gaki was actually playing magic, but they were all repeatedly told by Yukimura to keep it secret, "right."

Karasuma Gaki used those two mental moves on Yukimura, which were very aggressive. The nightmare developed by Yukimura later was also an offensive mental move.

Karasuma Gaki's mental power was even stronger, and Yukimura's attack had little effect on him, and he could break free quickly.

Yukimura's physical strength was rapidly lost under Karasuma Gaki's repeated attacks.

He fell into the underworld again and again, and his heart stopped again and again. He overcame himself. He saw through the action of Karasuma Gaki when he released the underworld Zangetsuha and reacted in advance.

At the beginning, he still couldn't escape being swallowed by the underworld Zangetsuha, but he was able to react in advance again and again. In the end, he was able to dodge the black crescent moon and capture the trajectory of the tennis ball and hit back.

The mental power trick is indeed cheating, just like the players who can't get out of his five senses, or dreams, nightmares, maybe the five dimensions are not much different from him, but he can win with a big score of 6-0.

He developed a new trick again, he wanted to call it foresight, he can predict the opponent's next move, so as to analyze the ball path and plan the counterattack in advance.

It is somewhat similar to the talent, but the foresight is more detailed.

Well, although he lost this game very badly, 6-4.

Niou jumped off the referee chair and walked to Karasuma Gaki, "Agaki, I haven't played with you for a long time, do you want to play a game?"

"Masaharu, I have a new move, do you want to see it?" Karasuma Gaki learned the third mental power move.

Should I say that the moves in [Assassination] are all dark skills. He is a beautiful boy, and his mental power moves are all terrifying dark skills. Will it affect his image?

Niou's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to go on the court. Agaki had a new move. Although his phantom could not restore the power of "Inverted Pentagram" and "Meidou Zangyuepo" 100%, this kind of mental attack on the human body is difficult to get rid of once it hits.

Camus actually saw Karasuma Gaki a long time ago, in Niou's phantom.

He knew that Niou's phantom would imitate the opponent's moves. Most of the time, Niou watched the video tapes, watched their practice games, and imitated them in the game. He thought that Karasuma Gaki's phantom was also learned by himself.

"Will Xiaoyuan teach Masaharu his special moves?" Camus looked at the two people who had already started the game on the court.

"Yeah." Yukimura smiled slightly.

"Oh my god! What is that evil eye?" Di Modi looked at the pair of huge eyes that suddenly appeared above the court, and was black.Shrouded in a red color, it seemed to radiate evil power, and the eyes were facing the side of Niou.

Stared at by these eyes, Niou instantly lost his consciousness and stood motionless in the middle of the court.

He let Karasuma Gaki serve the ball, but his eyes lost focus and stood there, motionless, "Lie down and sleep for a while~"

Karasuguki's voice reached Niou's ears. Niou followed his instructions, lay down on the court, closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Yukimura blinked, this was a bit like his psychological manipulation, but his moves were more secretive, and Karasuma Gaki's evil was too ostentatious.

Karasuma Gaki didn't want to be so ostentatious, but there was no way, his brother Lan's moves would be visible.

He put away his mental power and left the court. Dimodi, Plans and others all stepped back and stayed away from him.

Camus turned to ask Karasuma Gaki, "I heard your nickname is 'Satan', which fits you very well."

"..." Karasuma Gaki remained silent. He would rather be called handsome, super handsome, etc.

The French team has a player nicknamed "Handsome". I wonder how envious he is.

"Haha~" Yukimura laughed at Karasuma Gaki's expression. He didn't like this nickname. He probably liked others to praise him for being handsome. You can tell from his ID nickname, "Gaki is very handsome~"

"Hehe~" Karasuma Gaki raised his hand and leaned on Yukimura's shoulder, laughing.

Camus smiled slightly. It seems that Karasuma Gaki doesn't like his nickname very much. He prefers others to praise him for being handsome. Haha, what a narcissistic child.

Niou recovered, propped himself up and sat up, lowered his head and sat on the ground for a while as if thinking.

Yagyu took a few steps forward and stretched out his hand to him. Niou stood up with his hand. This move was a bit... mean. After he saw the eyes, he was completely unconscious until he woke up, and he didn't know what happened.

"What happened just now?" Niou asked Yagyu.

"After the eyes appeared, you stood there like a puppet, motionless. When Agaki asked you to lie down and sleep, you lay down and sleep." Yagyu explained to him the scene he saw.

"Puri~" It's really scary. If he learns this move... He dare not think how invincible he will be on the court. He can make people give up directly with just one glare.

Not only on the court, but also when doing tasks... It's not that bad. He has to phantom into Agaki to use it. Agaki doesn't allow them to reveal their vests...

"What is this move called?" Niou asked. It was time for Karasuma Gaki to name it again. Karasuma Gaki thought about it and gave it a name he thought was suitable, "Angel Eyes?"

Niou rolled his eyes. He has the final say on his tricks.

"Hahaha, it sounds good." Yukimura expressed his support.

"Isn't it better to call it the Eyes of Hell?" His Royal Highness Prince Plans was frightened by the evil eyes just now, and couldn't help but slander it.

"It's obviously the Eyes of Angels!" Karasuma Gaki turned his head and glared at him.

"Oh! Don't look at me!" Plans hid behind Sanada, holding Sanada's shoulders and hiding himself. It was scary, this white-haired senior.

"Haha~ Don't be afraid, Prince, Gaki won't do anything to you." Yukimura pulled Karasuma Gaki to the hotel.

"Xiao Gaki, can you practice with us when you are free?" Camus wanted Karasuma Gaki to be a sparring partner. Although he wanted to recruit him to the team, their combat power this year was already very strong.

"Okay." He exchanged contact information with Camus. Their communication software has long been popularized in Europe, and Conti and others have long been marketing and promoting it.

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