The French team also invited professional players, which was not the case in the original book.

In the original book, the French team invited newcomers to experience the world rather than compete for the championship in the world championship. In the second singles match of the quarterfinals, they stopped Doron, nicknamed "Ninja", from using his ultimate move and gave up, and eventually lost 1-3 in the quarterfinals.

Now, they no longer have the mentality of experiencing, but invite Pares, a professional player who specializes in doubles, with the purpose of winning the world and becoming the champion.

Camus really put Karasuma Gaki in the position of singles. Although Karasuma Gaki was not worried about getting hurt or losing, Camus trusted him so much that he couldn't help but want to speak up and put pressure on him. "I don't intend to be a hero. Even if the final victory falls on me, I will stop immediately if it causes disadvantages to me. It is best to decide the outcome before the singles." "Of course, my own safety is the main thing, but Borg is not a violent attacking player," Camus curled up his right index finger to support his chin, squinting his eyes and said, "Maybe I should worry about Borg instead--" After all, Camus heard from Yukimura that Karasuma Gaki is immune to all mental attacks. Although he is not as good as Borg in five dimensions, Borg is not immune to his skills. "Don't spread rumors, I am not a violent attacking player--!" Karasuma Gaki did not accept Camus's false statement on his head. "Ha~" Camus laughed it off and turned to leave the meeting room. The five semi-final matches were no longer played in doubles first and then singles as before, but were played alternately in singles and doubles.

The French team VS German team lineup is as follows:

Singles 3: Camus (senior year) VS QP (senior year)

Double 2: Pares (senior year), Niou Masaharu (junior year) VS Schneider (senior year), Berti (junior year)

Singles 2: Yukimura Seiichi (junior year) VS Chloe (senior year)

Double 1: Tristan (senior year), Dimodi (junior year) VS Bismarck (senior year), Sieg (junior year)

Singles 1: Karasuma Gaki (junior year) VS Borg (senior year)

"Perfect Quality" - "Quality of Perfect", the real name of the German team's chief of staff is unknown, and he is directly named by his nickname.

"What's his real name? Why doesn't anyone know it?"

"Maybe like Sakamoto, his real name is confidential information?"

Discussing QP's name with Yukimura, Karasuma Gaki stood bored in the player's seat, behind Coach Bruce's seat.

Nioh and Pales had already gone to other courts for warm-up training. Bunta, Sanada and others who did not play stood side by side with them in the player's seat, watching the match between Camus and QP.

Camus, who was equipped with "Glory of Love", had already played a game with "Perfect Quality". Camus won the first game with a score of 6-4.

"It's very difficult to deal with. Maybe it's really necessary to play a singles match." Camus took the water and towel handed to him by Plans, wiped his sweat, and swept his eyes with a smile. Finally, he fixed on Karasuma Gaki.

"......Maybe." Karasuma Gaki seemed to read from Camus' eyes that he was sure of victory, not in this game, but in his grasp of Karasuma Gaki's psychology.

Even if the pressure came to singles in the end, he believed that Karasuma Gaki would do everything he could to win.

He has the strength.

In the second game, as the main player of the French team, Camus's strength was beyond doubt. Under Camus's constant pressure, QP was scored 4 points in a row. Under the disadvantage of 0-4, the coach of the German team still had a relaxed, even happy smile on his face.

The German players behind him were worried, "There is no need to reverse the disadvantage. QP will only get closer to the 'ultimate quality' under the opponent's continuous attack."

He was the coach who discovered QP's potential at a glance when he was 5 years old and spared no effort to cultivate him. He understood QP's ability to evolve in adversity best.

In the second game, the two played to a tiebreak, 51-53, and the evolved "Ultimate Quality" won the second game with 53 balls.

Camus did not receive the last ball from "Ultimate Quality" and let it score. If he received that ball, his wrist would be broken.

Camus, who was resting in the coach's seat, was secretly thrown a [Thinking of Wuxie] by Karasuma Gaki. One [Thinking of Wuxie] can restore 0.5 physical strength, which is not very useful in the five dimensions.

Yukimura stood close to him and heard his mumbling. His eyes drifted towards him and quickly looked straight ahead.

Holding Karasuma Gaki's arm, Karasuma Gaki turned his head to look at him. Yukimura shook his head slightly. Karasuma Gaki puffed up his right cheek and nodded, and did not continue to restore physical strength for Camus."Come on, Camus!" Karasuma Gaki raised his fist and sent it forward to cheer Camus up. Covering his head with a towel and resting with his head down, Camus felt that the fatigue in his body seemed to dissipate a little bit, but not much...

What is this... is it love cheering?

Camus raised his head, lifted his long hair, hung the towel around his neck, raised his head to wipe the sweat off his neck, stood up, turned around and smiled at Karasuma Gaki, "I will try my best."

The "ultimate quality" QP combined the three great glories into one, thus improving the five dimensions and weakening Camus. Camus thought he might not be his opponent.

On the court, in the third game, "Revolutionary Tennis" lost to "Ultimate Quality", but Camus still stubbornly pulled the score to 4-5 with QP.

Camus and QP fought back and forth on the court, even though Karasuma Gaki had eliminated Camus' fatigue, and he had resonated with Yukimura's "precognition" ability standing in the player's seat at the end, and gained the ability called "psychic tennis".

Camus, who could hear the sound of tennis balls because of his love for tennis, could even see the movements and sounds of tennis balls on the court, and said to him, "I'm going this way~" and pointed out the direction in a cute way.

Perhaps "psychic tennis" came too late, and he was ultimately no match for QP, which was a combination of the three glories of "Aura of Love", "Glory of Fortitude", and "Glory of Loneliness".

Lost to him 5-7.

One win and two losses, with scores of 6-4, 5-7, and 5-7 respectively, and the German team won first.

"That guy——! What was that thing he just did with Minister Yukimura?" Kirihara pointed at Camus in the audience with a little excitement and surprise, and he kept pushing Tono Atsukyo, who was sitting on his right, and asked.

Toono, who was pushed and swayed by him, closed his eyes and gave him a calm punch, as if he had already done this action quite well. He raised his fist to his mouth and blew on his left hand.

"Ability resonance, a new ability that is born from the attraction of two abilities, is currently... almost always produced by two people in a doubles team. This is the first time I have seen a single person resonate with ability."

Kirhara closed his eyes tightly, held his head with both hands, and grinned. Senior Toono is really easy to explode! Deputy Minister Sanada is more emotionally stable than him! Humph!

"Borg!" When Sieg saw Camus' last ability resonance, he subconsciously looked at Borg. The powerful Borg can resonate with single abilities, but their abilities are enough for Borg to fight back with a flat attack.

"His strength is due to his love for tennis." Borg looked at Camus on the court. He even put a wedding ring on himself and the racket, calling tennis his wife... lover.

In the name of love, I crown my heart.

"He's very powerful." Borg admires Camus very much. The feared "Revolutionary Tennis" has now evolved into "Psychic Tennis" due to his ability "Love".

Of course, their chief of staff QP is also very powerful. After evolving into "ultimate quality", QP will only have a smoother time when entering the professional tennis.

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