When Masumi Sera leaned over to talk to Ai Huihara, Karasuma Gaki and others also came to the door of Room B. He folded his arms and looked down at the scene. The cousins ​​met but did not know each other. Masumi Sera might have found out something about APTX-4869.

I don’t know if it was the butterfly effect, but Vermouth had taken action on Marie Sera early, lured her out and fed her APTX-4869. Marie, who took the drug, jumped into the river to escape, but turned into a child and returned to Masumi Sera.

And Shuichi Akai also suffered a heavy defeat in the mission of catching the "Silver Haired Devil". He was fed the drug by Karasuma Gaki, and another elementary school student was born.

When Vermouth was feeding the drug, he said to Marie Sera, "What does it feel like to be poisoned by the drug made by your own sister."

Marie Sera's biological sister, Elena Sera, changed her name to Elena Miyano after getting married, and gave birth to two daughters, Akemi Miyano and Shiho Miyano.

Shuichi Akai was able to successfully infiltrate the Black Organization thanks to the Miyano sisters, who were his cousins.

He deliberately bumped into Akemi Miyano while she was driving, and took the opportunity to get close to her and date her, thus getting close to "Shirley", a researcher in the organization with a code name, and was introduced by Shirley to enter the organization.

Relying on his own strength, he quickly successfully changed from an outside member to a code member, Rye Whiskey.

Of course, Shirley and Rye were not familiar with each other, and they only had a little contact during the introduction. Shirley never told her sister's boyfriend what kind of research career she was engaged in.

The phrase We can be both of God and the devil. Since we’re trying to raise the dead against the stream of time. (We are God and the devil. Because we want to reverse the torrent of time and revive the dead.) was heard from Vermouth, so after being fed the drug and becoming smaller, Shuichi Akai immediately combined the two together.

Neither of the two adults told these things to Sera Masumi, who was still a high school student, and of course they didn't communicate with each other. The two agents from different organizations had their own ideas.

So Shuichi Akai didn't know that Miyano Akemi was actually his cousin.


Edogawa Conan's intelligence and maturity were different from those of ordinary children, which made Sera Masumi, who had two unusual children at home, pay special attention to him.

When Sera asked Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko if there were any children who were particularly smart or mature like Conan, she learned about Haibara Ai.

Maori Ran said that Haibara Ai sometimes showed a mature side that was not like a child, and was also particularly smart.

Sera had been observing Conan beside Maori Ran. If Conan and Haibara were also affected by the drug and became like this, then would they also know some inside information about the drug?

When she leaned over to approach the little girl, the little girl looked frightened, and she was a little puzzled. Did she look scary?

Yukimura stood beside Karasuma Gaki and looked at the little girl. Is this Shirley? The researcher who defected and caused Yuan to go out to look for the injured and unconscious researcher.

"Since you already know where she is, why do you let her go out?" When chatting with Karasuma Yuan before, Yukimura asked about the cause and effect of Karasuma Yuan's backlash, and Karasuma Yuan mentioned Shirley.

"She was greatly frightened after being attacked by me, and lost her memory. Her memory stayed at the age of 7. Later, I gave her a psychological suggestion and she was caught by Gin and used as an experimental subject for half a month. She could survive no matter how hard she was." Karasuma Yuan remembered the report Leia made to the boss.

"She was scared of being tossed around, and the psychological suggestion took effect. She decided to be loyal to the organization. However, the organization will not trust a person who has betrayed her again, even if she has lost her memory. Now it's just... she can't be killed."

The rules of the organization cannot be broken. The boss has never taken down the task of killing the traitor Shirley, and it has always been on the organization's task list.

Letting her go is only temporary. It can be seen that Karasuma Renye is not very satisfied with the fact that Shirley has not reported any results after several years of research.

Vermouth has always been concerned about Shirley's life.

Shirley should be a naive person. Karasuma Gaki's long-term laissez-faire attitude has made her look forward to the outside world again. Look how harmoniously she gets along with these children.

Is it because she has no sense of crisis? Or is his "Thunderbolt" still powerful even if it is blocked by the world consciousness? It has been so long and she still hasn't remembered the past?

When asked by Sera, Haibara Ai did not answer her, but seemed to have seen someone from the organization.With his pupils losing their luster and staring at her blankly, Karasuma Gaki tilted his head and thought, so fragile, is Shirley so fragile after leaving the organization?

In the past, she dared to question him why he didn't take her and her sister out to play? How dare she yell at him, what does an irrelevant person know about the progress of the experiment?

Or is she fragile because of amnesia?

Speaking of which, Karasuma Renya spent money to support Shirley, but Shirley's experiment did not make much progress, and she didn't even report the progress. The degree of slackness in work made Karasuma Gaki once doubt whether his grandfather was too good to Shirley.

Mao Lilan and others, the Junior Detective Team, and the "Elite Detective Team" - the name given by the Atobe group, went to find the conductor of the No. 7 car, told him, and solved the puzzle of "disappeared body", and asked him to continue to give the next puzzle hint.

"But this reasoning puzzle game hasn't started yet." The puzzle task received by the conductor of the No. 7 car was released in half an hour.

He handed the puzzle card he received to the conductor, who took the card and flipped it over. "Well, this is indeed the same design as the instruction card used before, but the content is completely different from the trick I heard about."

In the end, the detectives decided to go to car 8 to find the passenger who played the victim to confirm the situation. A few children had to go to the urinary bladder, so they returned to room 7B and waited for them to come back before going together.

Karasuma Gaki and his friends stood at the door of room A the whole time, with no intention of participating. Sanada was eager to try and followed behind Atobe and his friends, looking like a police officer Sanada.

"Don't you want to play, Oshitari? Didn't you claim that you like to read "Suspect xxx"?" Karasuma Gaki turned around and teased Oshitari, who seemed to be ashamed of the fact that he read pure love novels and lied that he liked to read mystery novels.

"Haha, I won't participate. I have no interest in playing games." Oshitari's eyebrows jumped and waved his hand to refuse.

Ai Huihara was sitting in Room B, absent-minded. She had sensed the presence of the Organization in the "Cocoon" game before.

She later set her sights on the boy named Karasuma Gaki. His skills were surprisingly good, but she was not sure.

She didn't feel anything when she saw him in the corridor just now. Maybe she was wrong last time?

Although she didn't know why she could sense the presence of the Organization, maybe everyone in the Organization would have murderous intent.

Oshitari returned to Room D, Sanada and Atobe stayed in Room B, and Yanagi stayed in Room A.

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