Mr. Anton began to tell his motive and method of committing the crime.

The first-class carriage of this train was specially built by a rich man at the request of Suzuki Jirokichi. Five years ago, the rich man invited his friends to his home, but Murohashi became greedy and stole paintings as a guest in the rich man's house. In order to cover up the crime, he set fire to the house.

In the end, the fire engulfed the rich man's family. Only the rich man's aunt, the old lady in room D, Ms. Xiao Yu and her maid, and the other four passengers in the first-class carriage were rescued at the scene.

The five rooms ABCDE in the first-class carriage are booked by these survivors every year to commemorate the rich man and his relatives and friends who died in the fire.

Two years ago, Anton found that the painting that was supposed to be burned in the fire appeared at an auction. He learned through inquiries that the owner of the painting was Murohashi.

Today, when he was waiting for a few children to appear in compartment B of car 7, he tried to persuade Murohashi to surrender, but Murohashi said excitedly that the feeling of being alive was too exciting, just like when he was rescued from the fire and found that he was still alive.

Karasuma Gaki glanced at Ms. Koko and the maid. He had just checked these people. In addition to Conan who had disguised himself, these two were also disguised. It seemed that they were Kid and his assistant.

And Mr. Anton's wife also died in the fire. He killed Murohashi for revenge.

He stole the conductor's clothes, disguised himself and entered the first-class compartment, added an extra button to the chain of compartment B, destroyed the indicator light of compartment A, and secretly hid an electronic watch in the sand gap of compartment E.

After the car entered the tunnel, the sound of the indicator bell was played. There was only sound but no light. The conductor would think that it was the call from compartment A with a broken light. He would guide Murohashi in compartment B to open the door and explore why there was so much noise outside the door when he was on the phone to discuss the puzzle with him.

The conductor standing in Room A would have his sight blocked by the open door of Room B. He took the opportunity to enter Room B. After their quarrel, he used the remote control to turn on the alarm of his electronic watch. The lady in Room E would be annoyed and would ring the bell to call the conductor.

After killing the shark in Room B, he opened the door of his Room C with the fishing line that had been set up long ago. There was a mirror on the inside of the door. If the conductor looked in this direction, he would only think that there was no door open in the dim tunnel, but he could vaguely see a figure in the distance.

He used the open door of Room C to cover his figure coming out of Room B, and then pretended to come out of Room C because of the noise. He naturally closed the door and walked to Room E. The conductor could prove for him that he came out of Room C, and then he would go back to the room to put the mirror back into the picture frame he brought.

After listening to the expression of the tennis teenagers, they all had the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone. The method of committing crimes with many loopholes was the so-called secret room that was seen through by Liu Sheng at a glance.

The suspicious heavy picture frame that I have been carrying all the time can be found out as soon as the police ask for a search.

"Uh, are you... a human?" Sera Masumi came back to his senses after listening to the whole thing and asked an impolite question.

"This young man, you are very rude." Yukimura smiled like a spring breeze.

Is the air conditioning in the corridor turned up too high?

"Little... little man... I'm a girl!" Sera no longer wanted to argue with the fact that she was always mistaken for a boy with extra emotions, and her tone was slightly helpless.

"Speaking of which, what kind of superpower is that?" Sera, who had never seen their game, couldn't understand.

And Maori, Amuro Toru, and Conan who were present had all seen their strange tricks, but when the eye appeared, they were startled for a moment and then regained their composure.

Maori Kogoro couldn't help but recall the games he watched at the Melbourne tennis court, and the high school and junior high school boys of the Neon team were also like this.

"It seems to be called Ashura Shinto? On the day of the barbecue competition, the No. 1 of the Neon team told me." Maori Kogoro spoke first. Although he didn't understand it at all, it didn't stop him from showing off now.

"More or less." He used pure mental power moves, but he couldn't explain it clearly, and he didn't want to explain it.

"What is that, Uncle Maori?" Conan asked with his head raised.

"The kid doesn't understand, don't ask so many questions!" Maori Kogoro has no patience for little brats, especially this little brat who likes to stick to their Xiaolan.

"Agaki, is this a new move you developed? If you use it in the arena...", it will destroy the opponent, right?

"If you use it in the arena, you can control him to give up." Karasuma Gaki continued what Atobe said.

"Fortunately, you are a young master and don't do detectives, otherwise we really would have no food to eat." Maori Kogoro scratched his head and laughed with relief.

"But you are really a police officerYou're a good person, and you're very skilled. If you're there, there won't be any cases that can't be solved!" It should be said that Kogoro Mouri, who used to be a policeman, still has a lot of love for the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Then the Metropolitan Police Department probably can't afford my salary~ I'm very expensive." How could he possibly be a policeman? Even if he was an undercover agent, he wouldn't need to go in person.

"Ahahaha, that's true. "

Anton also slowly recovered from the mental attack. He no longer remembered what he said, and Sanada had already recorded it when he started to talk.

Anton was detained and handed over to the local police officer when the train arrived in Nagoya.

Bourbon began to doubt the identity of Karasuma Gaki. He had white hair and red eyes like Barolo. Although he was 20 cm taller than Barolo, with Niou who could transform, it was inevitable that people would suspect that Karasuma Gaki would also transform. If it was the phantom, the height difference should not be a problem, right?

And Karasuma Gaki knew Gin and Vermouth. He heard from several Rikkai boys that Gin was Karasuma Gaki's guardian and Vermouth was his relative's sister.

Tsk, if his guess is true, Karasuma Gaki is the only heir to the Karasuma Group, and Barolo is an S-level code member of the organization. These two identities are superimposed...

Then maybe Barolo is the organization's... BOSS? No way? He is only a few years old Ah? So he is the son of the boss? In short, his status is not low. If he tries to curry favor with them now, will it be too late?

Although Conan thought that these tennis boys were very good and he might be able to learn those tricks by practicing tennis, he never took any action.

He was too busy. There were too many cases. Whether he went out for dinner or went out for fun, or even on the way home from school, there were cases. He had no spare time at all. He spent all his spare time solving cases.

When he saw that Karasuma Gaki's trick could make people confess their crimes, he was very moved, but at the same time he felt that Karasuma Gaki was particularly terrifying.

He didn't understand the principle of that trick, but it looked like hypnosis, which should be more powerful than hypnosis. If he was a bad guy, it would be easy for him to do bad things with this trick.

But he was very moved, so he... acted to please Karasuma Gaki, "Brother, Karasuma brother, you are so good~ What is that eye? Can I learn it? Can you teach me to play tennis? You must be super handsome when you play tennis, right? I really want to learn~”

Urasuma Gaki had to admit that he was flattered by the kid, hum.

Try to suppress the corners of his mouth and pretend to be a cool and handsome boy, "He is probably the most handsome man in the universe."

"......" Did you only hear this sentence praising him for being handsome? How could he be so shameless? He actually skipped the world, the solar system, and the Milky Way and went straight to being the most handsome man in the universe?

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