Curacao's list, Gin has killed from England to Germany, then to France and Italy, killing through Europe. He has now flown to Canada. All of them are people who have lurked in the organization, some are code-named members, and some are peripheral members.

Stout of MI6 in England, Riesling of BND in Germany, and Aquavit of CSIS in Canada are all code-named rats.

Karasuma Gaki's targets are all over France, England, Ukraine, and Italy. In order to cover up the actual target, the leader of Group A, he and Yukimura flew back and forth for a week and finally killed all six people.

"Your sniping has improved." The sniping distance on the helicopter is about 720 yards. Yukimura hit the target in the middle of the forehead and took away the mission target with one sniper.

Yukimura put away the sniper, turned his head and smiled at him, "The last target is completed, go back."

Gin's next target is the rats in the Neon area.

Curacao also returned to Neon first, preparing to lurk in the public security department of the Neon Police Department to steal information.

The Wimbledon competition has also ended. Players from all over the world who performed well were invited by sponsors, and the Karasuma Group also found many players.

Yukimura and Sanada returned to Frank to go to school, and Karasuma Gaki and others returned to Japan.

The game pod that Karasuma Gaki promised was also delivered to their home, and Yukimura and Sanada's independent dormitory was also equipped with one each.

"See you in the game!" Before leaving, he made an appointment with the two to meet in the game.

"It's time difference, you can't stay up late, Gaki." Yukimura couldn't help but reach out and hug Karasuma Gaki.

"It's okay... okay... one hour! It counts as 12 hours in the game!"


After returning to Japan, Karasuma Gaki asked for a long vacation from the school. He had finished these subjects a long time ago, and now there is no need to stay in school all the time. He can go back to school occasionally when he has time.

Gin is on his way back to Japan from Canada, and Curacao sneaks into the Japanese public security system to obtain the list of rats.

Very smoothly, she sent the list to Karasuma Gaki.

[Belongs to "CIA", codename Kiel, alias Mizunashi Reina, real name Hondou Eikai. ——Curacao]

[Belongs to "Neon Public Security", codename Bourbon, alias Amuro Toru, real name Furuya Rei. ——Curacao]

There are only two rats left in the Neon area. Rum received a report from Mojito saying that Bourbon was a rat of the Neon Public Security and sent her to investigate.

She did not go out at that time, but later the boss suddenly ordered a thorough investigation of the rats and a hunting operation, so she went out to investigate.

Her brain has a memory storage function. She accidentally came into contact with information that was unfavorable to the organization and recorded it. She would have been executed at that time.

It was Rum who kept her and brainwashed her and cleaned her memory. Although the memory storage function has not failed, she now needs to use the five-color card as a memory medium to remember what she saw.

When obtaining information, she was discovered by the public security officer named Kazami Yuya. With her excellent skills, she easily escaped from the pursuit.

Among the people chasing her, she also saw Bourbon, but she quickly got rid of him by speeding.

"Heh, Bourbon, wait for Gin to chase you." Looking at Bourbon chasing her in the rearview mirror, Curacao sneered.

In the car, she sent the message to the boss, Rum, and Gin, as well as a code member she had not met yet, Barolo.

After getting rid of Bourbon, she quickly changed into an ordinary white-collar worker. Bourbon had just taken off her black wig when she fought with him, and her own long silver hair was very conspicuous. She had to return to the organization as soon as possible.

Neon was the last stop, and her mission was over.

When Karasuma Gaki received the message from Curacao, he was at home, raised his eyebrows, and laughed. Gin said that his mission this time was only to assassinate the team leader, and he would be responsible for solving other things.

He made an appointment with Niou and Bunta to go to the Toudou Aquarium on the weekend.

Yagyu was going to find Cognac, and he also wanted to get the code name as soon as possible, so he refused this trip.

After Kirihara returned home and received the game cabinet, he liked to stay at home and play games on weekends.

Yagyu took the initiative to find Karasuma Gaki, and when he gave him a note, he learned that he was going to the aquarium, so he went with him.

"This aquarium has been closed since last year, and now it is reopened. There are many amusement facilities."

Bunta was very happy. The reward arrived yesterday. He got 8 million yen. Oh my god, those four days of surveillance were really worth it! "I must have enough fun today!"


The list Karasuma Gaki got that day, selling the information of an MI6 agent, can get 100,000 US dollars to 1 million US dollars.

Haha, the list should not be too long, their intelligence is widely sold, and they make a lot of money.

Next time I go to America,Canada, right?

The Japanese public security department can also make a trip, and Curacao only brought back a list of undercovers who had infiltrated the organization.

Sure enough, the blood of their Karasuma family has to make money to support the family.

The driver took a few people to the aquarium, and the four people got off the car and checked their tickets to enter the aquarium.

The four boys attracted a lot of attention. As soon as they entered the aquarium, they were stopped by two high school girls. The girl with long black curly hair stared at Karasuma Gaki and said shyly, "Are you... Accelerate?"

"Ah?" It was the first time that Karasuma Gaki was called by a stranger in real life. He looked up at the sky and scratched his cheek, "... Yeah."

"I'm your fan! Can you sign for me?" The girl looked at him with admiration and chattered, "I went to Australia to watch this world championship. You were so cool on the court. In my heart, you are the best tennis player!"

"..." Karasuma Gaki couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth because of the praise, "Ah, you have a good eye, you didn't follow the wrong person."

"Can you sign on my sleeve?" The girl handed over a pen and stretched out her right hand in a white long-sleeved shirt.

Karasuma Gaki took the pen and signed her online name on her sleeve.

"Can I have your contact information?"


"You're a playboy, puri~" After the girls left, Niou acted as a complainer.

"Is Karasuma-nii's other name Accelerate?" A harsh sound suddenly came from under his feet, and Karasuma Gaki rolled his eyes so that Conan couldn't see it even if he tilted his head 90 degrees.

He lowered his head to look at the dwarf, ignored his question, and started another topic, "Conan, the air should be very turbid at your altitude, right? Can you avoid the farts of adults?"

"..." It's indeed a bit turbid. His height is just up to the waist of most adults. If someone needs to release gas unexpectedly, he can smell the freshest one...

"Hahaha... You really like to joke, Karasuma-nii." Conan laughed. He shouldn't have come over out of curiosity and was scolded again. Karasuma Gaki was weird when he was a child. He should have known it long ago!

I remember when he first met his mother, she said something like her mother was going to remarry Xiaolan's father or something.

Later, he kept asking, and found out that it was his mother who said that Xiaolan might be her daughter in the future, and Karasuma Gaki understood it as his mother was going to remarry Xiaolan's father.

...Wait a minute...

The first time I met his mother... Sharon brought her...

Sharon is Chris, Chris is a member of the organization, codenamed Vermouth...

At that time, Sharon's identity was not exposed, and she introduced Karasuma Gaki as...what?

Distant relative...

If Karasuma Gaki is a distant relative of Vermouth, then is Karasuma Gaki related to the organization?

If Karasuma Gaki is a member of the organization, then the Karasuma Group...

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