Karasuma Gaki returned to school for class.

During the break, he went to the first grade to find Xiyangyang. Echizen Ryoma and Xiyangyang were in the next class.

When Karasuma Gaki came over, Ryoma was sitting in front of him facing Xiyangyang.

His right elbow was resting on Xiyangyang's desk, and his left hand was playing with Xiyangyang's fluffy white curly hair, gently straightening it and letting it go, watching it curl back and straighten it again...

And Xiyangyang was drawing.

The girl whose seat was taken by Ryoma was not annoyed, and was leaning on the desk of the classmate next to her with an auntie smile on her face, watching the two of them.

Karasuma Gaki's eyes twitched twice. He didn't expect Echizen Ryoma to like Xiyangyang so much.

"Karasuma-senpai~Are you here to find Xiyangyang? I'll call him for you!" Karasuma Gaki, who was standing at the door of the classroom, was soon discovered by someone, and a boy shouted Xiyangyang loudly at the door.

Echizen Ryoma and Xiyangyang looked back at him at the same time. Xiyangyang stood up with his round eyes shining, and walked towards Karasumagaki.

Echizen Ryoma sat there without moving.

Karasumagaki rubbed his hair, "Have you contacted Taneda-senpai recently?"

Karasumagaki often asked for leave during the training camp. Although he and Taneda Shuji were friends, they were not familiar with each other.

Xiyangyang was quite loved by Taneda in the training camp and was taken care of by him a lot.

"Well--" Xiyangyang nodded, "Yes, Senior Feiyangyang said that he is going to film a TV series! He asked me to watch it!"

Karasumagaki hugged Xiyangyang and walked out of the corridor and came to the window.

"Oh?! What TV series? Has he entered the entertainment industry?" Karasumagaki was quite surprised.

"It's a pure love TV show about tennis. The heroine of the TV show is Yoko Okino, and the hero is Fumuya Koyama, who plays the heroine's younger brother." Xiyangyang knows quite a bit about Shuji Taneshima's current situation.

"He also said that he gets along well with Yoko Okino, and Fumuya Koyama always asks him to learn tennis."

"Oh~ I'm looking forward to Senior Taneshima's performance." Karasuma Gaki said jokingly, with a very meaningful tone.

"What's wrong, Karasuma Senior, why did you suddenly ask about Senior Feiyangyang?" Xiyangyang usually clenched his fingers into fists.

"Oh, I have a job for a magazine cover here, and I thought of looking for him because he has a part-time job as a print model. Since he is filming a TV show, don't bother him." Karasuma Gaki should also be a natural actor, and his heartbeat doesn't change speed when he lies.

"Can I ask him for you?"

"No need."

Back in the classroom, Niou and Bunta came over to see him, "Where did you go?"

"Nowhere, I went to the bathroom."


The most handsome man in the universe: Shuji Tanejima?

Beautiful actress: Yeah

The most handsome man in the universe: Why did he join?

Beautiful actress: I worked with someone to design a model clause with a huge penalty for breach of contract for him~

Beautiful actress: I found someone to pretend to have a secret relationship with him, but he didn't shoot and couldn't afford the penalty, so I took the opportunity to come forward and settle the matter for him

Beautiful actress: He just joined like that₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑

The most handsome man in the universe: 6

The most handsome man in the universe: It's still the heart of you old people.

Beautiful actress: (▼ヘ▼#) How do you say elders!

Beautiful actress: I also gave him film and television resources. His "Nothing" and "More Mutual Nothing" are very suitable for organizations.

Karasuma Gaki agrees with this. "Nothing" has the effect of invisibility, while "More Mutual Nothing" is to apply "Nothing" to others.

The most handsome guy in the universe: Well done, I will praise you to my grandfather

Beautiful actress: Haha, I have reported it a long time ago

Karasuma Gaki expressed great sympathy for Tanejima-senpai, but he thinks Tanejima-senpai and Xiao Haikai are quite suitable as partners.

Well, he will train Akaya well and cultivate a good partner for Tanejima-senpai!

"Will you come to class tomorrow?" Karasuma Gaki has been sitting in the last row of the classroom by the window for a long time. Bunta and Niou sit in front of him and next to him respectively.

"They should all come in the near future." Karasuma Gaki found that he was quite boring at home. Although he had a lot of things to do, it was boring to be alone.

Several of them in the third grade have already withdrawn from the school tennis club.

Yagyu has a more specific goal. He plans to enter the best medical university in Japan in the future, so he has to be busy with his future studies and does not plan to go directly to Rikkai University High School.

"It's not like we don't keep in touch. Besides, we are all in the organization~puri~" Niou shrugged and gave the above answer to Bunta's "What are you going to do?"

"What about Agaki? Do you plan to go directly to high school?"

"Probably." He has no other plans for further study for the time being.

After school, the third-year students who dropped out of the club would go back to participate in tutoring or review their lessons on their own, racing against time to study for the upcoming entrance examination.

There are also someThose who have no pressure to enter higher education rush home to play games. The new game room is too fun.

After Liu registered yesterday, he was left by Karasuma Gaki to teach physical skills.

After school, several people went to the tennis club to take a look. Kirihara and Sakamoto have officially taken over the tennis club and are completing independent training.

Several people left the tennis court without disturbing them. Sakamoto looked at their backs from a distance and continued to press Kirihara's feet silently. It was sit-ups, "98, 99..."

"Oh, it feels like we come to Agaki's house more often than we go back to our own home-" Bunta entered the hall and took a breath.

Karasuma Gaki's house has a pleasant smell that I don't know what it smells like. Karasuma Gaki also carries this smell all year round, which is sometimes amber sweet, sometimes fragrant woody or fruity. Of course, you need to get very close to him to smell it, and you can't smell it at normal social distance.

People who come here often sometimes get stained with the smell of this incense.

Karasuma Yuan stayed in this kind of smell for many years, and was not sensitive to his own smell. Fortunately, the incense on his body was not strong, otherwise he would easily reveal his feet because of the smell on his body after the change.

Niou and Bunta went to the game hall. The two had already laid a good foundation. Of course, they also had to practice in reality after the game training ground ended.

But Liu was different. He had just started. Although it was not required that all code members must have absolutely crushing skills, the ability to escape and protect themselves must be there.

Mu Shou learned Chongshen martial arts since he was a child, and Karasuma Yuan also opened up training ground rights for him.

"I give you a high score for intelligence collection ability, but whether you can successfully escape after obtaining intelligence and keep the intelligence and yourself under the pursuit of various forces, you have to practice well!" Karasuma Yuan and Liu practiced in the training room from 3:30 to 5 o'clock. After dinner and rest, it was not until 11 o'clock.

"I know why Jingshi and the others' auras have changed so obviously." Liu was soaked and sweating. After being treated by Karasuma Yuan again and again, he got up and continued to practice.

They have schoolwork, but they have a game cabin. As long as they connect the "Well" brand's newly developed scanner that is not intended to be launched, they can scan the schoolwork into the game cabin and use the time of different flow rates to complete the homework.

Even more time to study.

"What kind of cheating life is this? I have so much more time than others. I never dared to think that I could study like this before. Lucky, lucky~" Wen Tai spit on himself and sighed at his luck.

"If I continue like this, I don't know what kind of boss I will become, the king of 18 all-around, puri~"

"There are a lot of things I want to say, but I should have spoken earlier." Liu noticed their changes very early. At that time, he only took notes and didn't think about participating or following...

Until more and more people changed...

"Hehe~ It's not too late." Karasuma Gaki smiled. Yukimura and them have a time difference. The only time they can meet together is during Yukimura's lunch break. Yukimura finishes school at 5 pm, and it's already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night here.

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