Yukimura and Sanada went to school for a month after returning to Frankfurt, and then had a half-month winter vacation, that is, the winter vacation from mid-February to the end of February. Sanada and Yukimura did not return to Japan.

The two are preparing to turn professional.

The two have also opened books recently. Except for the time for eating and sleeping, after daily basic training and physical training, they enter the game cabin and start practicing every minute.

If you can't match a highly skilled opponent, it doesn't matter. You can make an appointment yourself.

Make an appointment with Karasuma Gaki, Camus, Echizen Ryuga...

After turning professional, the two will start their professional path. Although they shined in the world competition, as newcomers to professional tennis, they still need a certain amount of accumulation. They start from the Hope Tournament. The Hope Tournament is an important starting point for entering the professional tennis world, and accumulate experience and points for themselves step by step.

Karasuma Gaki heard that Tezuka was also preparing to turn professional. He was spotted by a German club during his trip to the UK. He will soon fly to Germany to study and start a new tennis journey.

Gin called Karasuma Gaki. He thought Karasuma Gaki was still young and could go his own way first. "Don't you plan to continue to pursue tennis?"

"The boss will support you." The group does not need him, a 15-year-old boy, to worry about it. Although the boss is old, the organization's research team is not raised in vain, and he can wait for a long time.

"... I know, I'll think about it." In fact, Karasuma Gaki's love for tennis is not as good as his love for Yukimura... for gold bars...

I don't know if it's because of his strong ability, so everyone thinks he loves tennis.

Maybe his grandfather also thinks that the field of tennis is a field worth developing, and doesn't want him to give up?

I don't know why, it was Gin who spoke up.

In mid-March, the third-year junior high school students finally ushered in the entrance examination. After the spring, some people will reunite in the high school department of Rikkai University, while some will go to other schools.

The teenagers are not sad about the separation. Everyone has their own goals and is responsible for their own choices.

Karasuma Gaki's grades were still mediocre, but he didn't care much about them, as they didn't affect him in any way.

Although Mu Te was far away in Okinawa, he was still quite positive about the mission, especially after hearing that Bunta had already got a code name, "Flapato, it sounds very fashionable, I wonder what code name I will get?"

Recently, I don't know if Niou was really stressed by Bunta and Yagyu's dead-end situation or if he had a change of heart, but he also began to relieve the pressure on the model worker Gin on the task list on the intranet.

The spring break was from mid-March to the end of March, and school started on April 1. In about half a month, the people of the Rikkai University Tennis Club were summoned by U-17 again.

Karasuma Gaki didn't go again this time. After some consideration, Niou and Bunta decided to join the Neon U-17 camp.

The top ten players in the U-17 team have almost all graduated, except for No.4 Tokugawa Kazuya, a high school sophomore, and No.10 Mori Jusaburo, a high school freshman. However, Tokugawa is going to study in Europe, leaving Mori as the only player left in the team.

The new U-17 will be led by Mori.

From No.1 to No.9, they are Byodoin Phoenix, Taneshima Shuji, Duke Watanabe, Oni Jujiro, Omagari Ryuji, Kimijima Ikuto, Tono Atsuki, and Ochi Gekko.

All of these players will graduate and leave the U-17 training camp, and will fight on their own in the future.

Those who have professional dreams will continue to run on the road to tennis careers, and those who do not have a passionate pursuit of professional tennis players will not give up tennis either, but will open up their own tennis path.

Byodoin is said to have embarked on a journey around the world again. He has not yet defeated Medanore and Borg, the two peaks of tennis careers, and Amadeus.

If he can beat these people, his tennis career will be further advanced!

Medanore did not have a chance to play in this World Cup. As the main player of Spain, his nickname is [Genius Heretic].

He was rated as stronger than Borg. If he had not been injured two years ago, his current strength might be above Borg.

Amadeus, the Phoenix of Byodoin, had a battle with him when he wandered to Switzerland two years ago, but the winner was not decided at that time.

...Because he was struck by lightning, the Phoenix of Byodoin was sent to the hospital after being struck by lightning, and the hospital issued a death notice for him.

In the morgue, after thirteen hours, Byodoin was reborn again. He was tempered and resurrected...

Byodoin was wrapped in a thin white cloth, which was the cloth covering his "corpse", and wandered out of the hospital.

Just like his name, Phoenix, he will be reborn like Phoenix.

This shows the importance of choosing a good name.

"With Byodoin's strength, why doesn't he turn professional?""Karagaki thinks that with Byodoin's strength, there is no problem in changing careers. I don't know why he is obsessed with wandering.

"Byodoin's boss has different pursuits. He has been in a state of constant evolution by challenging strong people in the first round." Bunta answered him and took out the evidence of the first round to prove that his statement is correct.

"Agaki, aren't you going to the U17 training camp?" Bunta feels inexplicably comfortable with Karasuma Gaki around, super sense of security + comfort, he is the real-life version of Doraemon, and can always take out what they need.

No, it can't be like this, we can't rely on him too much!

"Well, no, I'm going to North America. "This time, I will act together with Vermouth, Gin, Curacao and Taneshima.

The main task is to obtain internal intelligence from intelligence agencies of some important countries in North America.

If possible, take Hondou Eisuke to see Gil.

Guigu: "Geng Huwu" can use invisibility on others, but what about himself?

Kuromaru: He will show up.

Guigu: Then my Kirigakure is stronger than him.

Kuromaru: Thank you, Boss Guigu!


Kuromaru: Thank you, Boss Guigu!

Guigu: Send out skills Can red envelope [Mist Hidden]

[Mist Hidden] can be invisible and increase the action speed by 30%. It is effective within a range of 1,500 meters and is marked as a teammate. It also has a perspective effect and can see through the wall. The time limit is 5 minutes, consumes 150 mana, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

For Karasuma Gaki, there is no cooling, and it can be refreshed infinitely. Although it consumes mana, his holy grail is not bought in vain.

Recently, I have saved up nearly 800 gold coins, and Ooka Yuhong alone accounts for 600 gold coins. It is valuable and well received.

Since Ooka Yuhong After being killed by the Dark Shark, his connections declined rapidly. As the former Prime Minister of Japan, Ooka Takehiro has a wide range of connections in the Japanese political circle.

Although he has not lost contact with the Ooka family, it is an indisputable fact that many families are not as warm as before.

As his granddaughter, Ooka Momiji also has a great show when she goes out. The eldest lady has an elegant and aristocratic temperament. Although she maintains basic politeness, she still has a sense of superiority that is different from others.

The butler Iori Muga who is carried with him is the former The Japanese public security personnel resigned and changed jobs to protect Ooka Hongye.

Since the death of Ooka Yuhong, the Ooka family has other political members, but they are not able to reach the level of electing the Prime Minister of Japan in terms of personal ability or network resources.

It is still a big blow to the Ooka family, but as a large family that has been operating for decades, it still has some family heritage, and its confidence is still greater than that of ordinary families.

They plan to retrain the younger generation, starting from all aspects, business, politics, and celebrity circles.

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