"Let's go first! Byodoin Boss!" Marui Bunta pedaled his tricycle quickly and passed by Byodoin.

"Hahahahaha, bye! Byodoin Boss!"

"Oh, is this the advantage of being young? Flexible and light~"

Karasuma Gaki, Niou and others also passed by quickly on tricycles.

Yukimura stepped to Byodoin, "Come on! Byodoin senior, if you don't reach the destination within the specified time, you won't get any food~"

After saying that, he accelerated to catch up with Niou and others.

Byodoin, who had long arms and legs, gritted his teeth in anger and glanced at Mori, who was also lagging behind.

Humph! These little brats have no love from their classmates, and Mori, the little brat, was also left behind by them.

"Damn it! This is just a happy toy for short people!" Mori, a 1.8-meter-tall guy, shrank in the tricycle and had a hard time moving, so he started to attack.

The tallest of the first-year students, Sanada, is less than 1.7 meters tall.

The petite Marui was already pedaling very fast, leading the way and leaving everyone behind.

After finally reaching the destination, the first-year kids left their cars on the side of the road and squatted under a tree, chewing on sausages and bread.

Byodoin Phoenix narrowed his eyes, "Has Coach Mifune been here just now?"

"Well, you didn't arrive on time, so there's nothing to eat." Niou replied. He didn't like to eat dry bread and sausages, but he was really starving.

After eating, he ran back to the training ground and continued basic exercises.

Nearing the evening, after a simple meal, he trained until nearly 10 o'clock. The meal he had in the evening was completely unable to cope with such an amount of exercise, and there was no midnight snack here.

A whole day of weird training made everyone physically and mentally exhausted. After a simple scrubbing outside, the nine people returned to the cabin.

Karasuma Gaki closed the door and took out a dozen breads from his treasure bag - the tennis bag, and several people wolfed them down.

These few days were the days when Niou had eaten the most bread since he could remember. He really didn't like it, but he was really hungry.

Although they didn't feel full after eating, at least they weren't too hungry. They lay down and fell asleep soon.

There was a big bunk bed in the cabin, which could actually accommodate quite a few people.

But for some reason, Coach Mifune didn't let the high school students sleep in the cabin. They slept in the cave.

Compared to the high school students who were cold, hungry and tired, they secretly cooked in the cabin. They were really much happier. There was no harm without comparison.


"Duang Duang ......" It seemed that there was a faint sound of gongs in the distance. Karasuma Gaki was too tired to pay attention to it. He turned over and continued to sleep.

Early the next morning, Coach Mifune woke them up with a gong. The nine people quickly got up, packed up and left the room. They looked at their watches and it was only 5 o'clock.

Coach Mifune handed Karasuma Gaki two bottles of... vodka and tomato juice, and looked up at him, "Mix the one you said yesterday for me at noon."

After saying that, he turned and walked down the steps of the wooden house, "Let's go down to practice!"

The boys looked at each other, "What did the coach tell you yesterday? Where did he get this wine?"

"...He said he wanted to drink Bloody Mary yesterday and asked me if I could mix it. I don't know where he got the wine."

Maybe he asked high school students to steal it at the training camp last night.

"Did he finish the wine you brought?" Maori asked,

"That's right, the tennis bag is so small...but how can you fit so many bottles of wine, as well as the tools for mixing drinks, and even so much bread and sausages (๑⁼̴̀д⁼̴́๑)ドヤッ‼"

Karamasuma Gaki and Yukimura smiled at each other.

Then they went to the training ground and started a day of training.

After the basic training, Coach Mifune distributed breakfast to everyone, 4 pieces of bread and 2 bottles of milk per person. In fact, according to their training volume, it was not enough, alas_(:ι」∠)_

Coach Mifune tied a balloon on their waists and painted something with a strong smell on the balloon.

"Today's game is named Hunting Athletes. Go, losers. Those whose balloons burst must wash the loincloths I have saved for a year! Hahahaha!"

Coach Mifune really has a lot of loincloths, and he has saved them for a year.

It's the annual loser group training time. Let the losers wash them for him, and then release them into the forest.

Everyone ran into the woods with a green face.

Not long after, the cry of an eagle came from the sky. Looking up, five or six eagles were circling in the sky.

Following the smell, they kept swooping down to attack. After entering the woods, everyone ran their own way and dispersed.

Karasuma Gaki and Yanagi were running in the same direction, dodging the eagle's attacks.

Under the eagle's pursuit,Keep speeding up, exciting and tense.

Also pay attention to protecting the balloon behind you, the two of them soon sweated profusely.

There was a dense bush in front of them, and Wu Wanyuan and Liu looked at each other.

One jumped into the bush and avoided the attack of the eagle. The eagle saw the two hiding in the dense bushes and flew away to find other prey.

The two squatted on the ground and kept panting. It had only been about two hours, and their sportswear was completely soaked.

Ants passing by on the ground: Is it raining?

"When will this activity end? I'm so tired!"

Wu Wanyuan only squatted for a while and then stood up and leaned against the tree.

After strenuous exercise, you can't squat for too long. Your legs trembled slightly uncontrollably. Be careful to avoid the balloon behind you and don't press it.

"I don't know, but the probability of successfully completing this activity and improving it is 100%!" Liu also stood up and leaned against another tree, panting heavily while talking.

"You are hiding here, little brat." He grinned as Byodoin appeared behind a tree not far away.

"Let's go!" Karasuma Gaki turned and ran to the path, followed by Yanagi.

"Humph, coward!" Before Byodoin could make a move, the two ran away.

These brats, they live in the cabin as soon as they arrive. These privileged brats are so annoying!

Last night, Coach Mifune called all the high school students to train in the middle of the night, and called him back.

He asked him to steal a few bottles of wine from the training camp with two high school students, and specifically asked for vodka, and asked him to find tomato juice, which made him look everywhere and almost found out!

Today, these brats must wash the loincloth for Coach Mifune!

"I was almost tricked by the boss of Byodoin!" Karasuma Gaki complained as he ran.

Liu analyzed the expression of the Byodoin just now and the personality of the people he had known for this period of time, and concluded, "The probability that he has privileges with us is 61%, and the probability that he wants to see us make a fool of ourselves is 78%."

The two ran all the way, looking for a place to hide and rest, "This broken road hurts my feet."

They found a huge tree, which was hollow inside, with a large tree hole. The tree hole was about two or three meters high and could accommodate four or five people. The two of them nestled in it.

"If a high school student finds us, the probability of attacking us is 65%, and the probability of being attacked is 49%."

Liu leaned against the tree wall and closed his eyes to rest.

"Gurgle~" Liu covered his stomach a little embarrassedly, "The probability that I am hungry is 100%."

The few pieces of bread and milk I had in the morning were not enough. After this exercise, they were quickly consumed.

Wu Wanyuan looked up at the sky and didn't see the eagle circling. "How about we go to the creek to catch some fish? Grill the fish?"

If he took out two loaves of bread and sausage from his pocket now, Liu would have to strip him naked to see how he put them into his pocket.

Liu thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The two of them divided the work and cooperated. Wu Wanyuan found long branches to catch fish, and Liu picked up small branches and piled them up to prepare for a fire.

When they came to the creek, the path beside the creek was made up of many stones. Liu piled the branches he picked up together.

Wu Wanyuan took off his shoes and stepped into the creek. It was not deep, only up to his thighs.

[Complain! Customer service! Throw 100 fish in the water for me]

[Get lost, I don't have this function]

[So useless! ]


Seeing Wu Wanyuan's hard and hard life, Luo Shen was so moved that she almost cried.

Luoshen: Xiaoyuan, I have a water control spell, why don’t you try it? Can you catch fish by controlling water?

Wuwanyuan: Really? Sister Luoshen, thank you, you are really my benefactor, I am starving

Luoshen: [Send a special red envelope-water control technique]

Wuwanyuan: Thank you, beautiful sister Luoshen!

Wuwanyuan put on the [water control technique] halo, which is very simple. It can control water and consume mental power to use.

Wuwanyuan returned to the shore and tried to control the spell to control the flow of the stream. He found that he could control the water to wrap the fish in the water. He decided to show it in front of Liu in a simple and rough way.

He just took the thick branch he had worked hard to find and knocked on the water surface.

Every time he knocked, a fish would jump out of the water and fall to the ground, spreading a pool of water.

The fish tail kept slapping the ground, trying to get back into the water.

Liu opened his eyes that Wuwanyuan had never seen before.

When Karasuma Gaki hit the water surface, there would be one more fish on the ground. He was working hard.

Yukimura, Niou, and Mori also came to the stream, stood beside Yanagi, and looked at Karasuma Gaki who was performing hard on the shore, and couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

"Kagaki..." Yukimura looked at the dozen fish on the ground and couldn't help but say, "It should be enough..."

Karasuma Gaki playedHi, he turned around when he heard the voice, "Why are you here? I caught a lot of fish, let's eat grilled fish!"

Urasawa Yuan dropped the branch, turned around, squatted down, picked up the fish that was jumping around, and turned back to the shore.

Urasawa Yuan wore a long-sleeved jacket with a zipper on the sleeve. He unzipped it, took out a small knife from the space, pulled out the knife sheath, and started killing fish.

Several people picked up a fish from the ground behind him, came to him and squatted down, "Where did you get the knife?!"

Urasawa Yuan pointed to his sleeves, and Liu stared at his sleeves and frowned in thought.

This knife was placed here, how come he had no obstacles when he escaped just now? ? ?

Ryo squatted beside him and watched his clean and neat method, "You...how can you kill fish?"

"I can't! I can only cut it open and take out its heart and lungs. Isn't that simple?"

Is it simple?

Urasawa Yuan killed 10 fish and washed his hands in the water.

Pointing at his sleeve with his chin, Niou understood and took out small packages of seasoning from his sleeve pocket, "You have all these?!"

Sprinkled the seasoning, forked the branches of Liu, and found two stones to make fire.

Using his body to cover, he threw a fire on the pile of branches and leaves, and each of them took two fish and started to grill the fish.

"You can also use stones to make fire?!" Niou felt that Wuwangaki was challenging his cognition.

"This stone can make fire?! How can you make fire with just one strike?"

Yukimura pulled Niou over and explained to him, "Don't doubt others about what you don't know."

Uh, is this the word? Don't bully me because I don't understand the Analects, so you lie to me, I trust your Jingshi very much.

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