"Sonoko, why are you in Singapore?" Karasuma Gaki pulled Yukimura around. The snack street he had just navigated to was the restaurant that was destroyed by Kyogoku Makoto.

He had to find a new place to eat. He was drunk. Wherever there were the protagonists, there would be unrest.

"Because Ah Zhen was invited to participate in the Singapore Zhonghan Cup World Karate Championship. He has advanced to the semi-finals. Tomorrow is the semi-finals and finals! Do you want to watch the game together?" Suzuki Sonoko was very excited when she said this.

"I just want to find a place to eat now." Karasuma Gaki pouted and spread his hands, pointing behind her, "I wanted to eat here."

"Sorry..." Kyogoku Makoto touched the back of his head and apologized.

"I know a restaurant nearby has a dish called abalone rice, which is said to be delicious. I'll take you there!" Suzuki Sonoko took Kyogoku Makoto's arm and leaned towards the two of them, with a smile in her eyes.

It was such a coincidence that she met a friend on the streets of a foreign country, and she was rescued by him. The panic she had felt because of Kyogoku Makoto's fight for her had subsided.

"Let's go, you lead the way." Karasuma Gaki tilted his head to signal her to take them there.

"By the way, when you introduce me in the future, don't mention Karasuma Group, Sonoko." Karasuma Gaki called Sonoko and reminded her gently.

"Oh, okay." Sonoko nodded and agreed.

Suzuki Sonoko and Kyogoku Makoto were jumping and chatting in front, mainly Suzuki Sonoko jumping and talking, while Kyogoku Makoto kept his head down and looked at her.

Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura followed slowly. They had long legs and seemed to walk leisurely and slowly, but their actual speed was not slow.

After entering the restaurant, in addition to abalone rice, the two ordered a table of dishes. Suzuki Sonoko and Kyogoku Makoto had already eaten, and these were all their rations.

"You still have such a big appetite, no wonder you can grow so tall." Sonoko propped up her chin and looked at the two with a smile.

Kyogoku Makoto stared at Sonoko uneasily, and glanced at Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura from time to time.

He was very infatuated with Sonoko, but Sonoko's lively personality, coupled with her wealthy family background, made him very unconfident and insecure.

Sonoko's love for handsome guys, her romantic fantasy of love, and her obsession with Kidd's gorgeousness all made him restless.

Karasuma Gaki and the other two finished their meal elegantly and quickly.

"Why did you two come to Singapore? Is there a competition?" After dinner, Karasuma Gaki paid the bill and the four of them left the restaurant. The four of them walked side by side, and Sonoko asked as she walked next to Yukimura.

"Yes, I just finished the finals this afternoon." Yukimura nodded, his voice gentle and smiling.

"Wow! Did Seiichi win the championship?" Suzuki Sonoko was full of expectations.


"Great! Ah Zhen will definitely win the championship tomorrow!" Sonoko turned her hair and looked at Kyogoku Makoto with sparkling eyes.

Kyogoku Makoto blushed when she looked at him, but it was too dark to see. He scratched his head and nodded embarrassedly, "I will do my best! I am also looking forward to the match with the number one Jamaldin in Singapore."

"Your competition is over, so when do you plan to go back?"

"The day after tomorrow, we will have a day in Singapore. Are you and Mr. Kyogoku going to Singapore this time?" Karasuma Gaki leaned out from the front and asked Sonoko who was walking on the other side of Yukimura while walking.

"And Uncle Mori and Xiaolan, and that little brat Shinji are here too. Oh, right! Mr. Kid is here too! I really want to see him!" Suzuki Sonoko put her hands together in front of her chest and prayed excitedly.

"Ah~" Karasuma Gaki knew that Kyogoku Makoto's face would not be good without looking, "Kid is here too? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Kid often sends notices to my family's gems. He has a special liking for our gems. Does it mean that I have a deep connection with Kid~~" Sonoko's tone was full of undisguised admiration, and with her rosy cheeks, she looked like a young girl in love.

Kyogoku Makoto, who was walking beside her, was about to burst his fist. He really wanted to arrest Kid himself and send him to prison.

"Haha~" Karasuma Gaki laughed out loud. He could feel the jealous smell of Kyogoku Makoto through the two of them.

Yukimura turned his head to see him laugh, pulled his wrist, and then hooked Sonoko to talk. The dark-skinned gentleman was about to explode.

"Mr. Kyogoku, come on for the game." Karasuma Gaki suddenly changed the subject.

"Uh... Thank you, I will!" Kyogoku Makoto's serious personality felt a bit like Sanada.

"Agaki, which hotel are you staying in?"

"Sands Hotel."

"Hey! We're staying in the same hotel. I'm staying in Room 02 on the top floor!" I wanted to book Room 01, but it was already reserved.

"...Really?" He and Yukimura stayed in Room 01. Could the Mori family and Kudo Shinji be staying in Room 03? I felt like I was caught in a misfortune.surrounded.


It was already past eight when they returned to the hotel, and Karasuma Gaki and the other went to the hotel gym for training.

The system told Karasuma Gaki that the name of the event was

【The Fist of Blue Sapphire】

Very good, he hadn't seen it.

He checked the news about Kid on the Internet, and it turned out that the Fist of Blue Sapphire was the name of a gem, and Kid came here to steal the gem.

According to Karasuma Gaki's memory, generally when Kid appears, there won't be too many casualties... right?

Should he keep an eye on Kudo Shinji?

After training until half past eleven, he went back to wash and sleep, and Karasuma Gaki decided to let Kudo Shinji go this time.

He played happily with Yukimura first, and would do damage next time.

He arranged a local luxury travel package, with a special car to pick them up and drive them, and a special person to clear the way for them. If the distance is far, a helicopter will be used, and a special photographer will follow to take travel photos for them.

But Singapore is a small place, and it doesn't need a helicopter to play.

From the food court to Universal Studios and then to the oceanarium to visit the museum, they played from morning to evening.

The landscape photos taken by the photographer and the tourist photos of the two appeared in their circle of friends.

"There will be a flower dome and light show in the Gardens by the Bay in the evening. You can go to see the show~ It's near your hotel." The travel agency staff sent the two back to the hotel and introduced them to Singapore's famous light show before leaving.

"Okay." The light show will be at 19:45 and 20:45 in the evening. It's now 6 o'clock in the evening.

After dinner at the hotel, the two went to the Gardens by the Bay, where they met Mao Lilan again.

The three found a seat and sat down. After Mao Lilan greeted the two, Karasuma Gaki asked about Kyogoku Makoto's match. Mao Lilan seemed a little frustrated, "Mr. Kyogoku won the match, but his belt was taken away by a group of robbers."

"At that time, Sonoko was with him. The other party was holding a gun and shot at Sonoko. Mr. Kyogoku was scratched by the bullet in order to protect Sonoko. Sonoko sprained her foot. They are resting in the hotel now. We have called the police. I don't know if we can catch the robbers."

"Emmm, it's unfortunate..." Karasuma Gaki turned his head and looked at Yukimura. They saw from each other's eyes that it was true. Where there is Kudo, there is a disaster.

While Karasuma Gaki and others were enjoying the light show, Kudo Shinji and Kid joined forces.

Kid was used by someone. At the scene of the crime, someone put a blood-stained Kid's notice card.

Kidd, attracted by the gem, planned to steal the "Fist of Blue Sapphire" stored in the vault of the most advanced system independently developed by Leon Law the day before the karate finals, which was the day when Karasuma Gaki and Suzuki Sonoko met.

Leon Law is a criminal psychologist who once worked in the Singapore Police System and assisted the Singapore Police in solving many cases. He is considered a famous detective in Singapore.

He left the Singapore Police System two years ago and opened a security company.

When Kidd entered the vault, the vault room was empty, with only the display case standing. Kidd landed on the display case and planned to open it to take the gem from it.

The space under the display case opened automatically, and a woman curled up and covered in blood fell inside. The surveillance camera captured this scene, and Kidd was framed.

He quickly fled the scene and was chased by the Singapore police.

It has to be said that the police in Singapore are really different from his father-in-law, Officer Nakamori.

He was shot in the arm by a pistol, failed to steal the gem, and was involved in two shark murders, and was injured.

Kudo Shinji was tracking down the criminals in the two cases, and Kid shared information with him.

The two deduced from the information they investigated that the criminal in the two shark cases was Leon Law.

The two people who were sharked were the ones who betrayed him.

The female lawyer in the first murder case had worked under Leon. Leon had been asking about the "Fist of Blue Sapphire" for many years, and when he finally got the news, he was betrayed by the female lawyer.

The female lawyer revealed the news to Chen Zhonghan, the organizer of the Zhonghan Cup World Karate Championship.

Chen Zhonghan intercepted the "Fist of Blue Sapphire" halfway, salvaged it, and inlaid it on his belt. As long as he won the championship of this karate championship, he could get this belt inlaid with gems.

Leon's goal is to obtain the "Fist of Blue Sapphire" to bribe pirates to hijack Nakatomi Shipping's ship and crash into Singapore.

The second victim is Leon's secretary. Although she has committed many crimes as Leon's accomplice, she was scared after learning of Leon's crazy plan. She tried to tell the truth to Maori Kogoro who happened to be in Singapore.

Leon first attacked and was harmed by the strong shark, and designed to put the blame on KiGermany.

Lyon proposed a new city plan two years ago, but it was completely rejected by the leaders above, and the old guys laughed at him.

He wanted the transport ship to crash the entire city and replan the city according to his plan!

While the light show was going on, the pirates had successfully hijacked the transport ship and were heading here, intending to crash it.

Singapore is a country composed of many small islands. The huge transport ship hit the Jianshe Bridge, and the whole city was shaken.

The tourists around him began to flee in a panic.

"???" Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura were full of question marks.

They are now in the garden, looking at the chaotic crowd, and can only vaguely know that something seems to have hit the building.

"Follow Mao Lilan." There is no way. He let Kudo Shinichi go once, but he didn't expect to make such a big noise. Now he can only follow the heroine.

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