"Hey, why are you opening your mouth so wide? We just had dinner an hour ago, didn't we?"

Karamagaki, who had taken back the skateboard, stared at Bunta, who was opening his mouth wide, and was punched on the arm by Bunta, "I was just yawning!"

They were now sitting on the ground, sitting very casually on the grass in the forest.

Atobe always felt like there was a bug, and he twisted his body from time to time while sitting on the ground very uncomfortably, and accidentally let the empty Poké Ball in his pocket roll out.

Atobe noticed and turned back to retrieve the ball, and suddenly a claw that looked like a duck's paw appeared in front of him, and he looked up.

The first thing he saw was a yellow round body.

Then he looked up at the light yellow flat duck's beak.

Then he saw a yellow round head.

It was a yellow duck, and it was holding its head with its short claws stupidly, and its eyes looked stupid.

The eyes of the man and the duck slowly moved up from the Poké Ball to each other.

‹Quack? Quack? ›

"Uh, what is this...?" Atobe couldn't help but wonder and hesitate, this duck looks so stupid.

He took out the illustrated book and pressed it on the duck. The illustrated book prompted that the Pokémon's name was Psyduck. ‹Psyduck, there are headaches at any time...› The illustrated book hadn't finished yet.

Psyduck's eyes blinked, lowered its head and pecked at Atobe's Poké Ball, and took itself in. Atobe's eyes, "Eh——? In... In."

"Wow, Atobe-senpai, you are so popular with Pokémon, it took the initiative to be captured by you!" Kirihara's hair now looks a little fried but not very fried. Anyway, thank you very much for not having a mirror now.

"Ah~ Anyway, thank you for your compliment first."

They rested for twenty minutes and got up to continue their journey.

Yukimura proposed their future plan, let's make a small plan first, "Let's get out of the forest before 6 o'clock in the evening."

"I think it is very necessary to find a town, at least we have to find a hotel to stay at night." Atobe put forward his little request in the travel plan.

"But I want to capture more Pokémon." Niou was browsing the Pokémon Dictionary, wanting every one of them.

"Me too, me too." Bunta nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go and continue searching, and let them fight and evolve with us!" Karasuma Gaki patted his butt, he only had Pikachu and Beedrill now.

This forest is not small.

‹Diglett, a Pokémon that moves shallowly underground, the ground will bulge wherever it passes.›

‹Furball, an insect Pokémon, has radar eyes and can move freely in the dark.›

‹Ditto, a transformation Pokémon, can freely reorganize body cells, and has only one trick, which is transformation.›

‹Calmar, a flame Pokémon, has a gentle personality, and emits flames from its back when excited.›

‹Growlithe, a puppy Pokémon, loves to get close to people, and also has the habit of barking at enemies to drive them away.›

‹Big Tongue, a Licking Pokémon, a Pokémon whose stomach is never full, with a long tongue that is twice as long as its height.›

‹Paras, a mushroom Pokémon, has a mushroom called "Cordyceps" on its back.›


Karasuma Gaki captured a Squirtle and Diglett, and he lured Squirtle with food.

Diglett, who was obviously super weak and had no attack power, made him look shabby and all of them were numbed by Pikachu's electric shock gun before he could capture him.

Yukimura captured a Ditto and a Growlithe. The Ditto approached him actively and seemed to like him very much, "Then do you want to come in the Poké Ball?"

Tried to throw a Poké Ball at it and captured it so easily.

Growlithe was close to humans, and Yukimura let Caterpie and Tendril use ‹Spin›+‹Tendril Attack› to entangle Growlithe. After Growlithe lost its combat ability, he successfully captured it.

Kirihara captured a Big Tongue and a Geodude. The lazy bug's big tongue approached Kirihara and rolled up the lunch box that Kirihara had just opened with its tongue, and also rolled up and ate Bunta and Atobe beside him.

"Ahhh, damn it! Senior Yuan said that the lunch boxes will be distributed in limited quantities!! Watch me, collect——!" Kirihara took out a red and white Poké Ball and threw it over, and successfully captured it without moving.

Kirihara used his big tongue to lick Geodude, and licked it unconscious to capture it.

Bunta captured Paras with Bulbasaur, and Eevee captured Charmander.

Nioh captured a furball and a Pidgeot, while Atobe captured Charmeleon and Growlithe.

"A whole afternoon, so tired~"

"But, so happy, I like Growlithe~"

Most Pokémon are collected in Poké Balls, and occasionally released to feedFood and water, except for the big tongue, it eats too much.

Pikachu lies in Karasuma Gaki's backpack and sleeps.

Yukimura and Atobe are followed by Caterpie.

Niou hugs Vulpix affectionately and rubs its sleeping face from time to time.

Kirihara's Charmander holds its tail and is held in his arms to light the way for them. It is already dark.

Bunta's silver-white Eevee is also held in his arms, rubbing it once, and then rubbing it again, it is very fresh.

"I have a bad feeling?" Kirihara walked in the middle and suddenly spoke. He didn't know why his intuition was not good.

"I think we should use the skateboard? It's faster to travel this way. Let's find a hotel to rest today?" Niou gently held Vulpix and handed it to his face, and kissed Vulpix's cute face.

"That's true."

"Then how should we go?"

"I don't understand this map? Where are we now?"

"No one of us can understand this map, right?"

"We can only go in one direction."


It was the 9th hour after arriving in the Pokémon world, which was 9 o'clock in the evening.

The six boys finally left the forest and saw the town with lights on in the distance. With his extraordinary eyesight, Atobe "estimated the distance to be 45 kilometers."

The skateboard is solar-powered and can be used all the time during the day when there is sunlight, but without solar energy, the battery can only last for one and a half hours at full speed.

Their skateboard should be able to take them to the city.

After all, they have only used it for one hour since nightfall.

"Great! We're almost there - ah, what?" When they were about to enter the city, Karasuma Gaki suddenly bumped into something in his arms, and he loosened his foot and stopped.

"What's wrong?" The other five people followed and stopped and looked back at him.

"What is this round little ball?" Kirihara noticed a strange thing in his arms.

"Ask the illustrated book." Yukimura took out the illustrated book and scanned the Pokémon in Karasuma-gaki's arms.

‹ Jigglypuff, the balloon Pokémon, uses its big round eyes to lure the other party to come closer, and sings a refreshing song.›

"Wow~ It's a little cutie who can sing~" Yukimura praised it with a smile, put away the skateboard and walked back, approaching Karasuma-gaki.

Jigglypuff understood that Yukimura was praising him, and happily jumped from Karasuma-gaki's arms to Yukimura's arms, with a pair of big round blue eyes, and a very cute smile.

‹Poli, Poli~›Pokémon sings for you~

“Ah, you said you want to sing? Okay.” Yukimura took out a Poké Ball from his schoolbag, “Would you like to play with me?”

‹Poli Poli——›Sure, sure

After taming Jigglypuff, he released it again, holding Jigglypuff in his left hand and letting it sit on his left shoulder, holding a skateboard in his right hand, and walking side by side with Karasuma Gaki.


“Wait a minute! I remember! Ah ah ah” Karasuma Gaki heard Jigglypuff’s singing and remembered what this Pokémon was. It seemed that it could sing a lullaby. It was over, Yukimura was in big trouble!

Jigglypuff, who was immersed in singing, had no reaction and continued to sing happily standing on Yukimura’s shoulder with his eyes closed.

Watching Atobe, Niou, Bunta, and Kirihara fall down one by one in front of them, the Pokémon standing or holding beside them also began to fall asleep.

Karasuma Gaki also turned his head in a daze, and saw Yukimura also turned his head, his expression began to fall into comfort, his eyelids began to close, and the two of them fell asleep sitting back to back on the road.

Atobe had originally shouted that he would at least find a hotel to sleep, but now he was lying on the mud and sleeping soundly, with his Caterpie lying beside him.

Jigglypuff finished the song with satisfaction, opened his bright blue beautiful eyes, and looked forward to the praise or applause of the audience.

When he opened his eyes, there was a sleeping ground on the ground. He stretched out his little hand to shake people, but there was no response. Two air bags were bulging on his cute round cheeks.

He punched each of these ignorant audiences in the face, and even his owner Yukimura was not spared, but he was just a little lighter.

He crossed his arms around his chest, hugged his chubby self, puffed up his little round cheeks, and stood on Yukimura waiting for all of them to wake up.

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