The large group of nannies quickly worked out the formula for the feed.

The Pokémon were also released to the island and moved freely.

"Agaki, you are actually a humanoid Pokémon from the Pokémon world, right? You should also be a legendary Pokémon, right?" Atobe remembered some of Karasuma Gaki's water, fire, and healing magic, which were similar to Pokémon.

Karasuma Gaki squatted down and picked up Charmander and Shaymin, intending to take them to PK with Kirihara. After hearing Atobe's words, he stood up and turned his head to look at him, pausing for a while.

"Although I am not from the Pokémon world, I am indeed a legendary figure. I am super awesome."

Jigglypuff held a hearty concert on the afternoon of the second day after landing on the island.

As his owner, Yukimura lasted the longest. After Jigglypuff hit the faces of ten people and twenty-six Pokémon, he still fell asleep.

It doesn't matter, I can last longer next time, I'll get used to it, Yukimura rubbed his cheeks.

It didn't really hurt, but before he fell asleep, he saw Jigglypuff jumping towards him with an angry face and an invisible fist.

Gin's life on the island, every day, in addition to taking his own Pokémon to fight with their Pokémon, he would personally fight with Fighting Pokémon.

"Very good, very suitable for the action team." After being punched in the face by Kirihara's Infernape, he got up, but couldn't get up.

What million-ton boxing, he was already considered physically fit for not breaking.

Karasuma Gaki's Jigglypuff immediately stepped forward to give him a simple treatment.

‹lucky~› reckless~

Go find Bulbasaur to practice agility, this vine whip, so fast!

Let Karasuma Fuwa help him apply medicine at night.

Karasuma Fuwa is keen on chatting with all kinds of Pokémon.

Although there are many things he doesn't understand, he can talk to himself for a long time and pretend to have a lot of fun chatting with them.

He is also very enthusiastic about feeding, doing it himself.


“Oh, you can spray water~ So amazing”

‹Wu Yiyi——›

“So you like sweet food? Here’s to you”

‹Bei Duo——Bei›

“You can eat garbage, so you are very good at protecting the environment~ Ugh~ Ugh~”


“Do you like fishing too? Haha, very unexpected~”

Karamu Fuwa looked at this Pikachu of Gin, wearing sunglasses given by someone, sitting seriously on a small chair holding a fishing rod, fishing seriously, couldn’t help but chuckle silently, so cute~

Just like Gin.

Next to Karasuma Fuwa sat a row of Pokémon, including Squirtle, Charmander, and a Growlithe.

“Is Gin still looking for Charmander to PK?” Karasuma Fuwa asked Pikachu with sunglasses with a smile.

‹Pika~Pikachu~›Pikachu nodded. Gin was about to be cooked by Bunta's Charmander. Fortunately, there was a horned goldfish to help him cool down.

"Ah~Is that so~" Although Karasuma Fuwa didn't understand.

But Wan Neng is like this, coupled with a polite smile, Pikachu with sunglasses feels that the handsome young man in front of him has a gentle personality and likes it~

‹Qiu~›That's it~

"Boom-splash-" A Gyarados suddenly emerged from the water.

It broke up the fish nests of Karasuma Fuwa and Pikachu. Although there are many starfish, black seahorses, little sea lions, Magikarp, and Lin Xing's Gyarados in the sea, it's a miracle that they can catch fish.

But the nest was broken up, which still made the little ones angry.

‹Pikapi! ›Stupid! I'm fishing!

‹Jenny Jenny! ›It's all your fault!

‹Woof woof woof! ›My big fish!

‹Roar——› It's so noisy!

‹Pikachu——Pikapi——›Pikachu with sunglasses turned around and stretched out his short hand to Karasuma Fuwa, pointing at the distance, signaling him to leave the battlefield.

"Are you asking me to leave here?" Karasuma Fuwa understood the little cutie's gesture and saw it nod.

He turned around and left without hesitation, standing at the best viewing platform in the distance.

As Pokémon restrained by water, Charmander and Growlithe also fought fiercely with Gyarados.

Although four against one seemed very ungraceful.

After letting out this breath, the four little ones dragged Gyarados majestically to find Chandler for treatment.

Although it was only a minor scratch.

That Gyarados belonged to Kirihara.

Charmander and Growlithe belonged to Nioh, Squirtle belonged to Karasuma, and Pikachu belonged to Gin.

After a small-scale battle, the four forces collapsed a rock at the fishing spot, and their small chairs flew away.

"Fortunately, I took it with me." Wu Wanfeng weighed the chair in his hand.

Wu Wanyuan held Xie Mi in his arms, and flowers bloomed wherever he passed.

"Do you want to stay on the island? It will be more free here~" Wu Wanyuan touched the little Xie Mi, it nestled in his coat, with only a small hedgehog head poking out like a well-dressed one.

‹Xemi~›Xemi shook his head.

"In the outside world, you may not meet other Pokémon, only you and Ras, Foxkin, Liron, Mew, and of course Eggman. I usually keep you in the Poké Ball. If you don't like it, I'll let you live outside."

Urasuma Yuan held it in one hand and walked slowly among the trees on the island.

Reaching out from his waist to take out several other balls, he released Pikachu, Fire Fox and Mew.

After Mew came out, she floated and sat on his shoulder, and Pikachu and Fire Fox walked one by one at his feet.

He had left Gyarados on the beach a long time ago, so he should be diving happily now, right?

"Does Mew want to follow me?" Urasuma Yuan turned to look at Mew, and Mew reached out and tapped his hair.

‹Meow~Yo~› Stupid, of course, you seem to have power too, yo?

"Ah~ Did you find me?" Wu Wanyuan raised his right hand and released a ball of fire.

‹Xie Mi——! ›Yuanyuan is a fire-type Pokémon, right?

Xie Mi dodged further down, and Wu Wanyuan's chest felt a little itchy. He stretched out his left hand and patted it lightly, pushing it up.

He put away the flame and took out a bottle of water from the space, throwing the water back and forth between his hands.

‹Jilili——›Yuanyuan is a water-type Pokémon, right? Right? Fire-type right?

Fire Fox jumped away and called out to him a few times.

Wu Wanyuan grinned, "Imprison Frost."

Freeze the water in his hand, and the messy water was frozen into a mess of icicles. After holding it in his hand for five seconds, the freezing effect ended and the water spilled on the ground.

‹Wu Li~›It's still safe here~

Fire Fox jumped onto Wu Wanyuan's other shoulder.

"Haha." Touched his head.

‹Chu~Pikachu~Chu! ›Pikachu should stick to him too, hug Chu!

Pikachu stopped and waved his hands up and down at him. Wu Wanyuan bent down and picked it up. Xie Mi moved a little to the side.

He carried Dandan on his back in a small bag.

‹Yo Mi, Mi Gu Mi Gu~› Yuan can fight with us Mi~

“Ah, I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m different from water Pokémon. If there is no water around me, I can’t control it.”

Wu Wanyuan walked and talked with them and came to an open space. He raised his hand and released a thunderbolt towards the open space in the distance.

‹Pikachu! ›Fight with Pikachu!

People and Pokémon fight, "Haha, I can’t beat you, um, it’s not impossible..."

Angira: Promise it! Fight with them!

Sikong Zhen: Fight! You control it.

Luoshen: You can pretend to lose, maybe they can level up when they are happy.

Daji: What are you talking about? Although Xiao Yuan will not be killed, he is definitely not a match for Pokémon. He can't keep up with the speed alone.

Karasuma Gaki:......

Karasuma Gaki: I won't fight anymore!

Daji: Fight! With my second skill, you will definitely not lose too badly with hard control and blocking!

Karasuma Gaki: Thank you, you are very good at talking, don't say it next time.

How can the boastful Karasuma Gaki accept this? !

The first battle between humans and Pokémon began in this open space.

How can Pokémon fight with their masters? !

What kind of personality of Pikachu did he collect?

He looked at the lined up Mew, Charmeleon, and his Charmander, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Kirihara's Beedrill, Garagara, Yukimura's Chrysalis, Infernape...

No, what kind of personality of Pokémon did they collect?

Could it be that their Pokémon are like this because they had captured some of their Pokémon themselves before?

"Then it's up to you to decide what skill to use." Karasuma Yuan said to Pikachu on the other side.

‹Pika! › Pikachu nodded.

He completely blocked Pikachu's ‹Electric Shock› trick with [Momentary], and released waves of flames towards Pikachu, who was dodging with ‹High-Speed ​​Movement›.

Pikachu intended to hit Karasuma Yuan with ‹Lightning Flash›, but was blocked by [Momentary]. ‹Pikachu? ›

Why were Pikachu's ‹Electric Shock› and ‹Lightning Flash› blocked, and Yuan's flames could be released towards it?

‹Pikachu! › From underground!

[Momentary] failed to block the 100,000 volts coming from underground, "Ahhhhhh, why is this happening?!"

He couldn't avoid Pikachu's discharge at all.

The white hair of Wu Wan Yuan was all floating.

As Daji said, Wu Wan Yuan was no match for Pokémon. His thunder was powerful and was a range lightning strike, although the range was very large.

For humans, it might just kill them.

Pikachu's 100,000 volts would be a big problem for humans.It can also be said that it will die.

However, based on the system settings, the special moves of Pokémon will not cause fatal damage to humans, and will not die or break, but it is super painful, and the pain that can be felt is no less.

Pikachu did not react much to Thunderbolt, but it was different for Karasuma Gaki to 100,000 Volts. He was in so much pain that he lay on the ground with white hair floating, "I give up..."


"No, Mew, I can't fight, I have to rest." He secretly used the Forget Me Not to restore his body, but refused to continue fighting.

‹Chiu? Miyo? ›But didn't you restore your body functions?

"......" What kind of Pokémon is Mew, why can it see through his magic skills and his body functions?

"...20 minutes, I want to restore the blue bar..." Woo woo woo, isn't it said that Pokémon and their owners are very affectionate?

Why is his family thinking about hitting him?

The hypnotic effect of Karasuma Gaki's "Angel Eyes" is still very good, as well as his Hell Vine.

It was useless to fight Pikachu, mainly because he rarely used skills, and the few skills he used were also used for playing.

Fighting with Pokémon gradually made him more proficient in using and stacking skills.

Karasuma Gaki fought with them for an afternoon, and the huge crackling noise attracted many Pokémon to watch.

Yukimura, Niou, Atobe, Karasuma Fuwa, Gin and others also came to watch.

Karasuma Fuwa came on a small fire horse, which was very fast, much faster than driving.

It was just that he was not proficient at the beginning and almost fell to death, but now he is very proficient.

Gin rushed over on a Kentaro and almost couldn't brake. This Kentaro was Kirihara's.

He always loves to run around, and he can't stop once he starts running. Gin almost rushed out from its back.

"Very fast, but too dangerous." Let Karasuma Gaki get him another mount.

Yukimura was brought here by Nioh's Ho-Oh, "There was a strong thunder and explosion over there just now."

Atobe's Dragonite flew over quickly with him on its back, making Karasuma Fenghe jealous, "I hope Dratini can do better~"

On the open ground.

This kind of big and powerful skill release is the first time they have seen Karasuma Gaki use it, "Agaki is really a Pokémon."

"......How did Xiaojing come to this false conclusion?" Yukimura's cheek muscles trembled, and he did not condone this ridiculously wrong conclusion and denied it.

"Haha~" Atobe put his hands on his waist and turned sideways at a 45-degree angle, glancing at Yukimura, and smiled maliciously, "Of course I used my smart brain, um~"

"If I take advantage of Agaki's fatigue period in the battle and throw a Poké Ball at him, can I subdue him?" Atobe continued to smile maliciously, glancing at Yukimura from the corner of his eye.

"He's mine." Yukimura took two steps forward, stood in front of Atobe, and reached out to stop Atobe.

"Ah~" Atobe's lips curled slightly, and he just uttered a sigh, without saying anything else to tease Yukimura.

"Ah~" Karasuma Fuwa said a slightly smiling interjection, without any other extra words.

Yukimura turned around and nodded respectfully to him.

Karasuma Fuwa smiled back at him.

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